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  • Experiment
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    J:65587 Whitney JB 3rd, et al., A single genetic determinant that prevents sex reversal in C57BL-YPOS congenic mice. Biochem Genet. 2000 Jun;38(5-6):119-37
  • ID
GeneAlleleAssay TypeDescription
Rsxr visible phenotype
  • Experiment
    C57BL/6J males consomic for a Poschiavinus-derived Y chromosome (YPOS) exhibit sex reversal by either developing as females or hermaphrodites. This indicates the presence of a C57BL/6J-derived gene that is incompatible with Poschiavinus testisdetermining factor SRY. A sex reversal resistant strain was constructed by introduction of 129S1/Sv genetic material. C57BL/6J-Hbath-J Chr YPOS animals were backcrossed to 129S1/Sv for 13 generations while selecting for Hbath-J Chr YPOS. Next, the YPos chromosome was repeatedly backcrossed to C57BL/6J for 13 generations while selecting for the most fully masculinized mice with Chr YPos. The resulting congenic line exhibits a female to male ratio of 58:42. Males of this line closely resemble C57BL/6J control males in physical appearance, the presence of testis, levels of major urinary protein (MUP), lack of visible nipples, and testosterone levels; however, some subtle differences may be present.

    Congenic strain B6.129-Chr YPOS animals are 99.99% identical to background strain C57BL/6J. It is theorized an autosomal dominant gene of 129S1/Sv origin confers resistance to sex reversal in C57BL/6J-Chr YPOS animals. The 129S1/Sv allele of this gene is sufficient to interact with a Poschiavinus-derived SRY gene, whereas the C57BL/6J allele is not. This yet unmapped autosomal dominant factor is named Rsxr (resistant to sex reversal).

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