To determine QTLs effecting body weight C57BL/6J mice were mated to PWK/PhJ and the resulting F2 hybrids were used in mapping. A total of 479 F2 mice (235 female and 244 male) were bred from two types of reciprocal crosses: 236 and 243 F2 mice were obtained from (B6 female X PWK male) F1 Female X (B6 female X PWK male) F1 male crosses and (PWK female X B6 male) F1 female with (B6 female X PWK male) F1 male crosses respectively.
Four phenotypes were analyzed, these were body weight, lean weight,fat weight, and percent fat (fat weight/body weight X 100). C57BL/6J mice are heavier then PWK/PhJ mice.
The following new and existing QTLs were mapped
(following the QTL is the linked peak marker with cM locations):
Fatq1(D1Mit440 - 54 cM),
Pbwg1.1(D2Mit285 - 86 cM),
Adip22 (was identified as Adip10)(D2Mit293 -11cM),
Gnf5 (D2Mit285 - 86 cM),
Wt10q4 (was identified as Wt10q2) (D3Mit57 - 55 cM),
Btwq13 (D3Mit5 - 25cM),
Afw13 (was identified as Afw1) (D3Mit5 - 25 cM),
Afpq8 (was identified as Afpq1)(D3Mit256 - 66cM),
Bw6b (D3Mit17 - 32 cM),
Epb4.1 (D4Mit17 - 32 cM),
Adip23 (was identified as Adip11)Adip11 (D4Mit17 -32 cM),
Bwq8 (D5Mit123- 3cM),
Bwtq14 (was identified as Bw6d and Bwob) (rs3719351 - 49 cM),
Afw3 (D5Mit314 - 59 cM),
Bwtq7 (was identified as Bwtq10)(D6Mit198 - 67 cM),
Pfat5 (D6Mit284 - 38 cM),
Pbwg3(D7Mit223 - 72 cM),
Mtbcq9 (was identified as Mtbcq8) (D9Mit129 - 26 cM),
Adip21 (was identified as Adip5)(D9Mit123 - 42 cM),
Adip24 (was identified as Adip15)(D10Mit96 - 56 cM),
Bw4(D11Mit285 -48 cM),
Adip19 (D11Mit285 - 52 cM),
Fatpad3 ( D13Mit144 - 48 cM),
Bw40 (was identified as Bw10) (D13Mit144 - 48 cM),
Fatq1 (D16Mit107 - 3 cM)'
and Adip25 (was identified as Adip17) (D16Mit107 - 3 cM).
The new QTLs mapped in this study were:
Bwq13 (alias Bwq8),
Bwq9 (alias Pbwq1.1),
Bwq11 (alias Pbwq3),
Pfat5 (was identified as Pfat2),
Gnf5 (was identified as Gnf3)
and Adip19.
10.03.2014 Curator Note:
We had originally associated the abdominal fatweight QTL identified here mapping to (D3Mit5- 25 cM) on mouse Chr 3, as Afw1. Afw1 was originally mapped using an outbred cross of DU6 xDUK, in J:49578 in 1998. We consider the current mapping study a separate mapping experiment and have named the QTL identified here as Afw13.
01.07.2015 Curator Note:
We had originally associated the QTL identified here, mapping to D13Mit144 - 48 cM as Bw10. However, Bw10 was originally mapped using a different cross, an outbred cross of DU6 x DUK, in J:49578, in 1998. We consider the current mapping study a separate mapping experiment and have named the QTL identified here as Bw40.
01.23.2015 Curator Note:
Because Adip5 was origniallymapped in J:62610 in 2001 using an (LG/J x SM/J) intercross, which differs from the cross used here, we consider the current study a separate mapping experiment and have named this QTL Adip21.
Adip10, Adip11, Adip15 and Adip17 mentioned here were all originally mapped in J:103841 in 2006 using an (SM/J x NZB/BlNJ)F2 intercross, which also differs from the cross used here. For thesame reasons noted above we have named these markers Adip22, Adip23, Adip24 and Adip25 respectively.
03.11.2015 Curator Note:
Because Bwtq10 was originally mapped in J:103841 in 2006 using (SM/J x NZB/BlNJ)F2 intercross, which differs from the cross used here, we consider the current study a separate map experiment and have named this QTL Bwqt7, (D6Mit198- 67 cM).
04.2.2015 Curator Note:
Mtbcq8 was originally mapped in J:93070 in 2004 using an (NMRI8/Fbn x DBA/2OlaHsd)F2 intercross, which differs fromthe cross used here, we consider the current study a new map experiment and have named the QTL Mtbcq9 (D9Mit129 - 26cM).
04.14.2015 Curator Note:
Because the abdominal fat percent QTL 1, (Afpq1) was orginally mapped in J:49578 in 1998 using an an outbredcross of DU6 xDUK, which differs from the cross used here we consider the current mapping study a separate mapping experiment and have named the QTL Afpq8.
04.15.2015 Curator Note:
Because Wt10q2 was originally mapped in J:55483 in 1999 using an (MHxC57BL/6J)F2 intercross, which differs from the cross used here, we consider the current mapping study a separate mapping experiment and have named the QTL Wt10q4.
06.16.2015 Curator Note:
Pbwq1.1 was orginally mapped in J:121981 using B6.Cg congenic mice, which differ from the C57BL/6J X PWK/PhJ mice used here. We consider the current mapping study a separate mapping experiment and have named this QTL, mapping to Chr 2 with D2Mit285, Bwq9.
Pbwq3 was originally mapped in J:88536 using an (C57BL/6J x M. m. castaneus)F1 x M. m. castaneus backcross, which also differs from the cross used here. We have named this QTL, mapping to Chr 7 with D7Mit223, Bwq11.