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Mapping Data
  • Experiment
  • Chromosome
  • Reference
    J:24436 Naggert JK, et al., Hyperproinsulinaemia in obese fat/fat mice associated with a carboxypeptidase E mutation which reduces enzyme activity. Nat Genet. 1995 Jun;10(2):135-42
  • ID
GeneAlleleAssay TypeDescription
D8Mit246 PCR amplified length variant MT2796
D8Mit69 PCR amplified length variant MPC1004
Cpe Cpefat direct sequencing Cpe genomic1 and visible
D8Mit131 PCR amplified length variant MT661
D8Mit29 PCR amplified length variant A696
Atp6v1b1 PCR amplified length variant F8, R10
D8Mit73 PCR amplified length variant MPC351
D8Mit78 PCR amplified length variant MPC427
D8Mit50 PCR amplified length variant B730
  • Reference
    Authors present evidence that the fat phenotype is encoded at the Cpe locus on Chromsome 8.
  • Experiment
    The fat locus arose on an HRS/J background and was backcrossed onto a C57BLKS/J strain, hence a congenic segment of Chromosome 8 in the region of fat is carried by C57BLKS/J-fat/+. The mice reported here are a sample of 42 from a total of 1,400 intercross progeny. These 42 mice exhibited recombination between D8Mit69 and D8Mit50. Typings here include only fat homozygous mice (HRS/J homozygous).
  • Type
  • Female Parent
    <b> <b> <b> <b> <b> <b> <b> <b> <b>/<h> <h> <h> <h> <h> <h> <h> <h> <h>
  • Strain
  • Male Parent
    <b> <b> <b> <b> <b> <b> <b> <b> <b>/<h> <h> <h> <h> <h> <h> <h> <h> <h>
  • Strain
  • Allele 1
    b from C57BLKS/J
  • Allele 2
    h from HRS/J
MC #mice D8Mit246 D8Mit69 Cpe D8Mit131 D8Mit29 Atp6v1b1 D8Mit73 D8Mit78 D8Mit50
1 h h h h h h h h h
3 h b h h h h h h h
1 h b h h h h h h b
17 b b h h h h h h h
6 h h h h h h h b b
1 b b h h h h h h b
1 b b h h h h h h h
1 h h h h h h h b b
1 b b h h h h h h h
1 b b h h h h h h b
1 b b h h h h h b b
1 h h h h b b b b b
1 h h h h b h b b b
1 h h h b b b b b b
1 h b h h b b h b b
3 h h h b b b b b b
1 b b h b b b b b b

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