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Mapping Data
  • Experiment
    TEXT-Meta Analysis
  • Chromosome
  • Reference
    J:112668 Wittenburg H, et al., QTL mapping for genetic determinants of lipoprotein cholesterol levels in combined crosses of inbred mouse strains. J Lipid Res. 2006 Aug;47(8):1780-90
  • ID
GeneAlleleAssay TypeDescription
Nhdlq8 visible phenotype
  • Experiment
    To identify loci that influence lipo-protein cholesterol levels QTL mapping was performed on PERA/EiJ x I/LnJ and PERA/EiJ x DBA/2J intercrosses and in a combined data set from both crosses. Parental strain PERA/EiJ exhibits increased HDL cholesterol compared to I/LnJ and DBA/2J after 8 weeks on the high fat diet, while parental strain I/LnJ exhibits increased non-HDL cholesterol compared to PERA/EiJ and DBA/2J.

    LOD scores for HDL cholesterol concentrations were considered significant when exceeding 2.9in each of the PERA intercrosses. A LOD score of 3.0 or better was the threshold for significance in the combined cross data when the cross was an additive covariate; 3.7 when the cross was an interactive covariate. The analysis of combined data from bothcrosses increased the detection power of the analysis.

    Analysis of the combined data from both crosses, using cross as an additive covariate, detected an additional significant QTL on Chromosome 5. Linkage to non-HDL cholesterol mapped to 64 cM in the combined cross data, (LOD=3.6), and is named Nhdlq8 (non-HDL QTL 8). The Nhdlq8 QTL interval spans 40cM - 80 cM.

    Nhdlq8 was mapped in each of the independent crosses but did not achieve significance in either [TABLE 3.]

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