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    TEXT-QTL-Candidate Genes
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    J:97424 Wittenburg H, et al., Association of a Lithogenic Abcg5/Abcg8 allele on Chromosome 17 (Lith9) with Cholesterol Gallstone Formation in PERA/EiJ mice. Mamm Genome. 2005;16(7):495-504
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GeneAlleleAssay TypeDescription
  • Experiment
    An initial genome scan was performed with 186 (PERA/EiJ x DBA/2J) F2 animals using 98 SSLP markers at a resolution of 17.1 cM. Parental strain PERA/EiJ is resistant to gallstone formation after 8 weeks on a high fat diet where as parental strain DBA/2J is susceptible. Animals were fed a high fat diet starting at 6-8 weeks of age. After candidate loci were identified an addition set of 93 F2 animals were genotyped at selected regions. This dataset was combined with a previous PERA/EiJ x I/LnJ dataset for additional analysis.

    The Chr 17 QTL, Lith9, did not exceed the threshold for suggestive QTL in the PERA/EiJ x DBA/2J cross but acheived a LOD score of 5.8 at 52cM in the combined data analysis.

    Abcg5 (54.5 cM)and Abcg8 (54.5 cM) on mouse Chromosome 17have been proposed as candidate genes for Lith9. Expression analysis showed higher levels of Abcg5 and Abcg8 mRNA in PERA/EiJ animals compared to DBA/2J and I/LnJ. As expected Abcg5 and Abcg8 mRNA levels didnot differ between DBA/2J and I/LnJ.

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