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DNA Segment, Chr 9, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 310
9 mapping experiments
Experiment Type Details Chromosome Reference
9 J:57881 Persons DA, et al., Fv2 encodes a truncated form of the Stk receptor tyrosine kinase [see comments]. Nat Genet. 1999 Oct;23(2):159-65
TEXT 9 J:87327 Cho KI, et al., Fine mapping of the circling (cir) gene on the distal portion of mouse chromosome 9. Comp Med. 2003 Dec;53(6):642-8
TEXT-Genetic Cross 9 J:70845 Barclay J, et al., Ducky mouse phenotype of epilepsy and ataxia is associated with mutations in the Cacna2d2 gene and decreased calcium channel current in cerebellar Purkinje cells. J Neurosci. 2001 Aug 15;21(16):6095-104
TEXT-Genetic Cross 9 J:61652 Formstone CJ, et al., Chromosomal localization of Celsr2 and Celsr3 in the mouse; Celsr3 is a candidate for the tippy (tip) lethal mutant on chromosome 9. Mamm Genome. 2000 May;11(5):392-4
TEXT-Genetic Cross 9 J:47266 Paulson RF, et al., A genetic linkage map of the mouse chromosome 9 region encompassing the Friend virus susceptibility gene 2. Mamm Genome. 1998 May;9(5):381-4
TEXT-Physical Mapping 9 J:70845 Barclay J, et al., Ducky mouse phenotype of epilepsy and ataxia is associated with mutations in the Cacna2d2 gene and decreased calcium channel current in cerebellar Purkinje cells. J Neurosci. 2001 Aug 15;21(16):6095-104
TEXT-Physical Mapping 9 J:106743 Mouse Genome Informatics and NCBI UniSTS, UniSTS load for MIT markers. Database Download. 2006;
TEXT-Radiation Hybrid 9 J:68900 The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Radiation Hybrid Database, Mouse T31 Radiation Hybrid Data Load. Database Release. 2004;
TEXT-Radiation Hybrid 9 J:71144 Yamasaki Y, et al., Mouse chromosome 19 and distal rat chromosome 1: a chromosome segment conserved in evolution. Hereditas. 2001;134(1):23-34

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