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colony stimulating factor 2 receptor, alpha, low-affinity (granulocyte-macrophage)
9 mapping experiments
Experiment Type Details Chromosome Reference
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
19 J:1831 Disteche CM, et al., The human pseudoautosomal GM-CSF receptor alpha subunit gene is autosomal in mouse. Nat Genet. 1992 Aug;1(5):333-6
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
19 J:1831 Disteche CM, et al., The human pseudoautosomal GM-CSF receptor alpha subunit gene is autosomal in mouse. Nat Genet. 1992 Aug;1(5):333-6
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
19 J:26650 Tsuji K, et al., Mammalian antioxidant protein complements alkylhydroperoxide reductase (ahpC) mutation in Escherichia coli. Biochem J. 1995 Apr 15;307(Pt 2):377-81
IN SITU Band: D2
19 J:1831 Disteche CM, et al., The human pseudoautosomal GM-CSF receptor alpha subunit gene is autosomal in mouse. Nat Genet. 1992 Aug;1(5):333-6
TEXT-QTL 19 J:76127 Dansky HM, et al., A phenotype-sensitizing apoe-deficient genetic background reveals novel atherosclerosis predisposition Loci in the mouse. Genetics. 2002 Apr;160(4):1599-608
TEXT-QTL 19 J:76107 Kamogawa J, et al., Arthritis in MRL/lpr mice is under the control of multiple gene loci with an allelic combination derived from the original inbred strains. Arthritis Rheum. 2002 Apr;46(4):1067-74
TEXT-QTL 19 J:95917 Lipoldova M, et al., Novel loci controlling lymphocyte proliferative response to cytokines and their clustering with loci controlling autoimmune reactions, macrophage function and lung tumor susceptibility. Int J Cancer. 2005 Apr 10;114(3):394-9
TEXT-QTL 19 J:83619 Mitsos LM, et al., Susceptibility to tuberculosis: a locus on mouse chromosome 19 (Trl-4) regulates Mycobacterium tuberculosis replication in the lungs. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 May 27;100(11):6610-5
TEXT-QTL 19 J:75549 Ohno T, et al., Chromosomal mapping of host susceptibility loci to Angiostrongylus costaricensis nematode infection in mice. Immunogenetics. 2002 Feb;53(10-11):925-9

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