Symbol Name ID Chromosome |
melanophilin MGI:2176380 1 |
Experiment Type | Details | Chromosome | Reference |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:14261 Agulnik SI, et al., Localization of insertions Is(HSR;1C5)1Icg and Is(HSR;1D)2Icg on the genetic map. Mouse News Lett. 1989;84:108-9 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:14261 Agulnik SI, et al., Localization of insertions Is(HSR;1C5)1Icg and Is(HSR;1D)2Icg on the genetic map. Mouse News Lett. 1989;84:108-9 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:10492 Borodin PM, et al., Double insertion of homogeneously staining regions in chromosome 1 of wild Mus musculus musculus: effects on chromosome pairing and recombination. J Hered. 1990 Mar-Apr;81(2):91-5 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:10492 Borodin PM, et al., Double insertion of homogeneously staining regions in chromosome 1 of wild Mus musculus musculus: effects on chromosome pairing and recombination. J Hered. 1990 Mar-Apr;81(2):91-5 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:10492 Borodin PM, et al., Double insertion of homogeneously staining regions in chromosome 1 of wild Mus musculus musculus: effects on chromosome pairing and recombination. J Hered. 1990 Mar-Apr;81(2):91-5 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:10492 Borodin PM, et al., Double insertion of homogeneously staining regions in chromosome 1 of wild Mus musculus musculus: effects on chromosome pairing and recombination. J Hered. 1990 Mar-Apr;81(2):91-5 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:8494 Buchberg AM, et al., Chromosomal localization of Emv-16 and Emv-17, two closely linked ecotropic proviruses of RF/J mice. J Virol. 1986 Dec;60(3):1175-8 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:34785 Christner PJ, et al., A high-resolution linkage map of the tight skin 2 (Tsk2) locus: a mouse model for scleroderma (SSc) and other cutaneous fibrotic diseases. Mamm Genome. 1996 Aug;7(8):610-2 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:3979 Davisson MT, et al., Recombination suppression by heterozygous Robertsonian chromosomes in the mouse. Genetics. 1993 Mar;133(3):649-67 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:3979 Davisson MT, et al., Recombination suppression by heterozygous Robertsonian chromosomes in the mouse. Genetics. 1993 Mar;133(3):649-67 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:3979 Davisson MT, et al., Recombination suppression by heterozygous Robertsonian chromosomes in the mouse. Genetics. 1993 Mar;133(3):649-67 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:3979 Davisson MT, et al., Recombination suppression by heterozygous Robertsonian chromosomes in the mouse. Genetics. 1993 Mar;133(3):649-67 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:3979 Davisson MT, et al., Recombination suppression by heterozygous Robertsonian chromosomes in the mouse. Genetics. 1993 Mar;133(3):649-67 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:3979 Davisson MT, et al., Recombination suppression by heterozygous Robertsonian chromosomes in the mouse. Genetics. 1993 Mar;133(3):649-67 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:3979 Davisson MT, et al., Recombination suppression by heterozygous Robertsonian chromosomes in the mouse. Genetics. 1993 Mar;133(3):649-67 |
Cross Type: Intercross |
1 | J:28461 Dickie MM, Vacuolated lens (vl). Mouse News Lett. 1969;40:29 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:90 DICKIE MM, et al., Fuzzy mice. J Hered. 1950 Jul;41(7):193-6 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:4538 Evans EP, et al., T(In1;5)44H, a complex mouse chromosomal rearrangement with a phenotypic effect. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1993;63(1):66-72 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:17606 Everett CA, et al., Mapping of six dominant cataract genes in the mouse. Genomics. 1994 Apr;20(3):429-34 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:17606 Everett CA, et al., Mapping of six dominant cataract genes in the mouse. Genomics. 1994 Apr;20(3):429-34 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:17606 Everett CA, et al., Mapping of six dominant cataract genes in the mouse. Genomics. 1994 Apr;20(3):429-34 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:17606 Everett CA, et al., Mapping of six dominant cataract genes in the mouse. Genomics. 1994 Apr;20(3):429-34 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:17606 Everett CA, et al., Mapping of six dominant cataract genes in the mouse. Genomics. 1994 Apr;20(3):429-34 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:17606 Everett CA, et al., Mapping of six dominant cataract genes in the mouse. Genomics. 1994 Apr;20(3):429-34 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS) |
1 | J:57156 Faulkner-Jones BE, et al., Cloning and expression of mouse Cadherin-7, a type-II cadherin isolated from the developing eye. Mol Cell Neurosci. 1999 Jul;14(1):1-16 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:2793 Higgins M, et al., Dominant hemimelia and En-1 on mouse chromosome 1 are not allelic. Genet Res. 1992 Aug;60(1):53-60 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:2793 Higgins M, et al., Dominant hemimelia and En-1 on mouse chromosome 1 are not allelic. Genet Res. 1992 Aug;60(1):53-60 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:5164 Hutton JJ, et al., Linkage analyses using biochemical variants in mice. 3. Linkage relationships of eleven biochemical markers. Biochem Genet. 1970 Apr;4(2):339-50 |
Cross Type: Intercross |
1 | J:178 Kelton DE, Three point test of ln, fz and dt. Mouse News Lett. 1965;32:60 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS) |
1 | J:50869 Ko MSH, et al., Genome-wide mapping of unselected transcripts from extraembryonic tissue of 7.5-day mouse embryos reveals enrichment in the t-complex and under-representation on the X chromosome. Hum Mol Genet. 1998 Nov;7(12):1967-78 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:7951 Kozak CA, Susceptibility of wild mouse cells to exogenous infection with xenotropic leukemia viruses: control by a single dominant locus on chromosome 1. J Virol. 1985 Sep;55(3):690-5 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:23111 Larsen MM, th-ln-Sp linkage experiment. Mouse News Lett. 1965;33:68-9 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:20146 Loster J, et al., Close linkage of the dominant cataract mutations (Cat-2) with Idh-1 and cryge on mouse chromosome 1. Genomics. 1994 Sep 1;23(1):240-2 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:104 Lyon MF, Linkage relations and some pleiotropic effects of the dreher mutant of the house mouse. Genet Res. 1961;2(1):92-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:104 Lyon MF, Linkage relations and some pleiotropic effects of the dreher mutant of the house mouse. Genet Res. 1961;2(1):92-95 |
Cross Type: Intercross |
1 | J:104 Lyon MF, Linkage relations and some pleiotropic effects of the dreher mutant of the house mouse. Genet Res. 1961;2(1):92-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:39106 Lyon MF, et al., Doublefoot: a new mouse mutant affecting development of limbs and head. Genet Res. 1996 Dec;68(3):221-31 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:39106 Lyon MF, et al., Doublefoot: a new mouse mutant affecting development of limbs and head. Genet Res. 1996 Dec;68(3):221-31 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:15383 Oda SI, et al., A new mutation, eye lens obsolescence, Elo, on Chromosome 1 in the mouse. Jpn J Genet. 1980;55:71-5 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:15383 Oda SI, et al., A new mutation, eye lens obsolescence, Elo, on Chromosome 1 in the mouse. Jpn J Genet. 1980;55:71-5 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:106 Parsons PA, A balanced four-point linkage experiment for linkage group XIII of the house mouse. Heredity. 1958;12(1):77-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:106 Parsons PA, A balanced four-point linkage experiment for linkage group XIII of the house mouse. Heredity. 1958;12(1):77-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:106 Parsons PA, A balanced four-point linkage experiment for linkage group XIII of the house mouse. Heredity. 1958;12(1):77-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:106 Parsons PA, A balanced four-point linkage experiment for linkage group XIII of the house mouse. Heredity. 1958;12(1):77-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:106 Parsons PA, A balanced four-point linkage experiment for linkage group XIII of the house mouse. Heredity. 1958;12(1):77-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:106 Parsons PA, A balanced four-point linkage experiment for linkage group XIII of the house mouse. Heredity. 1958;12(1):77-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:106 Parsons PA, A balanced four-point linkage experiment for linkage group XIII of the house mouse. Heredity. 1958;12(1):77-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:106 Parsons PA, A balanced four-point linkage experiment for linkage group XIII of the house mouse. Heredity. 1958;12(1):77-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:106 Parsons PA, A balanced four-point linkage experiment for linkage group XIII of the house mouse. Heredity. 1958;12(1):77-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:106 Parsons PA, A balanced four-point linkage experiment for linkage group XIII of the house mouse. Heredity. 1958;12(1):77-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:106 Parsons PA, A balanced four-point linkage experiment for linkage group XIII of the house mouse. Heredity. 1958;12(1):77-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:106 Parsons PA, A balanced four-point linkage experiment for linkage group XIII of the house mouse. Heredity. 1958;12(1):77-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:106 Parsons PA, A balanced four-point linkage experiment for linkage group XIII of the house mouse. Heredity. 1958;12(1):77-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:106 Parsons PA, A balanced four-point linkage experiment for linkage group XIII of the house mouse. Heredity. 1958;12(1):77-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:106 Parsons PA, A balanced four-point linkage experiment for linkage group XIII of the house mouse. Heredity. 1958;12(1):77-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:106 Parsons PA, A balanced four-point linkage experiment for linkage group XIII of the house mouse. Heredity. 1958;12(1):77-95 |
Cross Type: Intercross |
1 | J:6208 Plant J, et al., Locating salmonella resistance gene on mouse chromosome 1. Clin Exp Immunol. 1979 Jul;37(1):1-6 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:112 Searle AG, The genetics and morphology of two 'luxoid' mutants in the house mouse. Genet Res. 1964;5(2):171-197 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:112 Searle AG, The genetics and morphology of two 'luxoid' mutants in the house mouse. Genet Res. 1964;5(2):171-197 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:120 Snell GD, et al., Linkage of loop-tail, leaden, splotch and fuzzy in the mouse. Heredity. 1954;8(2):271-273 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:120 Snell GD, et al., Linkage of loop-tail, leaden, splotch and fuzzy in the mouse. Heredity. 1954;8(2):271-273 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:120 Snell GD, et al., Linkage of loop-tail, leaden, splotch and fuzzy in the mouse. Heredity. 1954;8(2):271-273 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:120 Snell GD, et al., Linkage of loop-tail, leaden, splotch and fuzzy in the mouse. Heredity. 1954;8(2):271-273 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
1 | J:5644 Taylor BA, et al., Mapping the adrenal lipid depletion gene of the AKR/J mouse strain. Genet Res. 1975 Dec;26(3):307-12 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
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RI |
RI/RC Set: LXB |
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RI |
RI/RC Set: 58NXL |
1 | J:6209 Bradley DJ, et al., Regulation of Leishmania populations within the host. III. Mapping of the locus controlling susceptibility to visceral leishmaniasis in the mouse. Clin Exp Immunol. 1979 Jul;37(1):7-14 |
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RI |
1 | J:16092 Malek TR, et al., The IL-2 receptor beta chain gene (Il-2rb) is closely linked to the Pdgfb locus on mouse chromosome 15. Immunogenetics. 1993;38(2):154-6 |
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1 | J:21913 Ogawa Y, et al., Molecular cloning and chromosomal assignment of the mouse C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) gene (Nppc): comparison with the human CNP gene (NPPC). Genomics. 1994 Nov 15;24(2):383-7 |
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1 | J:5644 Taylor BA, et al., Mapping the adrenal lipid depletion gene of the AKR/J mouse strain. Genet Res. 1975 Dec;26(3):307-12 |
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1 | J:6070 Wilson CM, et al., Location on chromosome 1 of Rnr, a gene that regulates renin in the submaxillary gland of the mouse. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1978 Nov;75(11):5623-6 |
RI |
1 | J:6070 Wilson CM, et al., Location on chromosome 1 of Rnr, a gene that regulates renin in the submaxillary gland of the mouse. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1978 Nov;75(11):5623-6 |
TEXT | 1 | J:71302 Matesic LE, et al., Mutations in Mlph, encoding a member of the Rab effector family, cause the melanosome transport defects observed in leaden mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Aug 28;98(18):10238-43 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | 1 | J:7951 Kozak CA, Susceptibility of wild mouse cells to exogenous infection with xenotropic leukemia viruses: control by a single dominant locus on chromosome 1. J Virol. 1985 Sep;55(3):690-5 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | 1 | J:15338 Southard JL, Linkage: fz, tb, Sp, ln and Lp in Chr 1. Mouse News Lett. 1971;44:30 | |
TEXT-Physical Mapping | 1 | J:71302 Matesic LE, et al., Mutations in Mlph, encoding a member of the Rab effector family, cause the melanosome transport defects observed in leaden mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Aug 28;98(18):10238-43 | |
TEXT-Physical Mapping | 1 | J:80000 The FANTOM Consortium and The RIKEN Genome Exploration Research Group Phase I & II Team, Analysis of the mouse transcriptome based on functional annotation of 60,770 full-length cDNAs. Nature. 2002;420:563-573 | |
TEXT-Radiation Hybrid | 1 | J:68900 The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Radiation Hybrid Database, Mouse T31 Radiation Hybrid Data Load. Database Release. 2004; |
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO) |
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last database update 12/17/2024 MGI 6.24 |
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