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TUB bipartite transcription factor
17 mapping experiments
Experiment Type Details Chromosome Reference
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
7 J:31841 Chung WK, et al., Molecular mapping of the tubby (tub) mutation on mouse chromosome 7. Genomics. 1996 Mar 1;32(2):210-7
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
7 J:31841 Chung WK, et al., Molecular mapping of the tubby (tub) mutation on mouse chromosome 7. Genomics. 1996 Mar 1;32(2):210-7
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:10872 Coleman DL, et al., Fat (fat) and tubby (tub): two autosomal recessive mutations causing obesity syndromes in the mouse. J Hered. 1990 Nov-Dec;81(6):424-7
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
7 J:2158 Jones JM, et al., Localization of insulin-2 (Ins-2) and the obesity mutant tubby (tub) to distinct regions of mouse chromosome 7. Genomics. 1992 Sep;14(1):197-9
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
7 J:32718 Kleyn PW, et al., Identification and characterization of the mouse obesity gene tubby: a member of a novel gene family. Cell. 1996 Apr 19;85(2):281-90
TEXT 7 J:31841 Chung WK, et al., Molecular mapping of the tubby (tub) mutation on mouse chromosome 7. Genomics. 1996 Mar 1;32(2):210-7
TEXT 7 J:71643 Cichutek A, et al., Comparative architectural aspects of regions of conserved synteny on human chromosome 11p15.3 and mouse chromosome 7 (including genes WEE1 and LMO1). Cytogenet Cell Genet. 2001;93(3-4):277-83
TEXT 7 J:13796 Eicher EM, et al., Tubby (tub) linked to Hbb. Mouse News Lett. 1979;60:51
TEXT-Genetic Cross 7 J:32718 Kleyn PW, et al., Identification and characterization of the mouse obesity gene tubby: a member of a novel gene family. Cell. 1996 Apr 19;85(2):281-90
TEXT-Genetic Cross 7 J:32415 Noben-Trauth K, et al., A candidate gene for the mouse mutation tubby. Nature. 1996 Apr 11;380(6574):534-8
TEXT-Physical Mapping 7 J:71644 Amid C, et al., Comparative genomic sequencing reveals a strikingly similar architecture of a conserved syntenic region on human chromosome 11p15.3 (including gene ST5) and mouse chromosome 7. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 2001;93(3-4):284-90
TEXT-Physical Mapping 7 J:32718 Kleyn PW, et al., Identification and characterization of the mouse obesity gene tubby: a member of a novel gene family. Cell. 1996 Apr 19;85(2):281-90
TEXT-Physical Mapping 7 J:32415 Noben-Trauth K, et al., A candidate gene for the mouse mutation tubby. Nature. 1996 Apr 11;380(6574):534-8
TEXT-QTL 7 J:88536 Ishikawa A, et al., Mapping major quantitative trait loci for postnatal growth in an intersubspecific backcross between C57BL/6J and Philippine wild mice by using principal component analysis. Genes Genet Syst. 2004 Feb;79(1):27-39
TEXT-QTL 7 J:103242 Rance KA, et al., A paternally imprinted QTL for mature body mass on mouse chromosome 8. Mamm Genome. 2005 Aug;16(8):567-77
TEXT-QTL 7 J:24238 Warden CH, et al., Identification of four chromosomal loci determining obesity in a multifactorial mouse model. J Clin Invest. 1995 Apr;95(4):1545-52
TEXT-Radiation Hybrid 7 J:68900 The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Radiation Hybrid Database, Mouse T31 Radiation Hybrid Data Load. Database Release. 2004;

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