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hephaestin-like 1
15 mapping experiments
Experiment Type Details Chromosome Reference
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
9 J:13648 Cattanach BM, et al., Order of cw and se relative to the centromere on Chr 9. Mouse News Lett. 1974;50:42
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
9 J:6077 Douglas TC, et al., Location of the gene for theta antigen in the mouse. II. Three-point crosses place Thy-1 in proximal region of chromosome 9. J Hered. 1978 Jul-Aug;69(4):224-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
9 J:6077 Douglas TC, et al., Location of the gene for theta antigen in the mouse. II. Three-point crosses place Thy-1 in proximal region of chromosome 9. J Hered. 1978 Jul-Aug;69(4):224-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
9 J:5006 Falconer DS, et al., Curly-whiskers and its linkage with tail-kinks in linkage group II of the mouse. Genet Res. 1966 Aug;8(1):111-3
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
9 J:5006 Falconer DS, et al., Curly-whiskers and its linkage with tail-kinks in linkage group II of the mouse. Genet Res. 1966 Aug;8(1):111-3
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
9 J:5006 Falconer DS, et al., Curly-whiskers and its linkage with tail-kinks in linkage group II of the mouse. Genet Res. 1966 Aug;8(1):111-3
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
9 J:5006 Falconer DS, et al., Curly-whiskers and its linkage with tail-kinks in linkage group II of the mouse. Genet Res. 1966 Aug;8(1):111-3
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
9 J:5006 Falconer DS, et al., Curly-whiskers and its linkage with tail-kinks in linkage group II of the mouse. Genet Res. 1966 Aug;8(1):111-3
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
9 J:5006 Falconer DS, et al., Curly-whiskers and its linkage with tail-kinks in linkage group II of the mouse. Genet Res. 1966 Aug;8(1):111-3
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
9 J:5006 Falconer DS, et al., Curly-whiskers and its linkage with tail-kinks in linkage group II of the mouse. Genet Res. 1966 Aug;8(1):111-3
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
9 J:5064 Lyon MF, et al., The positions of the centromeres in linkage groups II and IX of the mouse. Genet Res. 1968 Apr;11(2):193-9
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
9 J:5064 Lyon MF, et al., The positions of the centromeres in linkage groups II and IX of the mouse. Genet Res. 1968 Apr;11(2):193-9
TEXT 9 J:20214 Lyon MF, et al., Position of centromeres in linkage groups II & IX. Mouse News Lett. 1967;37:30
TEXT-Genetic Cross 9 J:163 Falconer DS, et al., Sombre (So) on L.G. XVIII. Mouse News Lett. 1962;27:30
TEXT-Physical Mapping 9 J:84900 Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators, Integrating Computational Gene Models into the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) Database. Database Download. 2003;

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The Jackson Laboratory