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ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, alpha 2 polypeptide
21 mapping experiments
Experiment Type Details Chromosome Reference
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
1 J:8782 Kent RB, et al., Genes encoding alpha and beta subunits of Na,K-ATPase are located on three different chromosomes in the mouse. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1987 Aug;84(15):5369-73
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Seldin
1 J:26856 Kingsmore SF, et al., Physical and genetic linkage of the genes encoding Ly-9 and CD48 on mouse and human chromosomes 1. Immunogenetics. 1995;42(1):59-62
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Seldin
1 J:10129 Kingsmore SF, et al., A 6000 kb segment of chromosome 1 is conserved in human and mouse. EMBO J. 1989 Dec 20;8(13):4073-80
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Seldin
1 J:10139 Moseley WS, et al., Definition of mouse chromosome 1 and 3 gene linkage groups that are conserved on human chromosome 1: evidence that a conserved linkage group spans the centromere of human chromosome 1. Genomics. 1989 Nov;5(4):899-905
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
1 J:52853 Underhill DA, et al., Physical delineation of a 700-kb region overlapping the Looptail mutation on mouse chromosome 1. Genomics. 1999 Jan 15;55(2):185-93
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Seldin
1 J:10552 Wong YW, et al., Structure, expression, and genetic linkage of the mouse BCM1 (OX45 or Blast-1) antigen. Evidence for genetic duplication giving rise to the BCM1 region on mouse chromosome 1 and the CD2/LFA3 region on mouse chromosome 3. J Exp Med. 1990 Jun 1;171(6):2115-30
FISH 1 J:52853 Underhill DA, et al., Physical delineation of a 700-kb region overlapping the Looptail mutation on mouse chromosome 1. Genomics. 1999 Jan 15;55(2):185-93
HYBRID 1 J:8782 Kent RB, et al., Genes encoding alpha and beta subunits of Na,K-ATPase are located on three different chromosomes in the mouse. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1987 Aug;84(15):5369-73
TEXT 1 J:52853 Underhill DA, et al., Physical delineation of a 700-kb region overlapping the Looptail mutation on mouse chromosome 1. Genomics. 1999 Jan 15;55(2):185-93
TEXT-Physical Mapping 1 J:68343 Doudney K, et al., Comparative physical and transcript maps of approximately 1 Mb around loop-tail, a gene for severe neural tube defects on distal mouse chromosome 1 and human chromosome 1q22-q23. Genomics. 2001 Mar 1;72(2):180-92
TEXT-Physical Mapping 1 J:52606 Eddleston J, et al., Physical and transcriptional map of a 3-Mb region of mouse chromosome 1 containing the gene for the neural tube defect mutant loop-tail (Lp). Genomics. 1999 Mar 1;56(2):149-59
TEXT-Physical Mapping 1 J:70272 Kibar Z, et al., Ltap, a mammalian homolog of Drosophila Strabismus/Van Gogh, is altered in the mouse neural tube mutant Loop-tail. Nat Genet. 2001 Jul;28(3):251-5
TEXT-Physical Mapping 1 J:10129 Kingsmore SF, et al., A 6000 kb segment of chromosome 1 is conserved in human and mouse. EMBO J. 1989 Dec 20;8(13):4073-80
TEXT-Physical Mapping 1 J:72911 Murdoch JN, et al., Severe neural tube defects in the loop-tail mouse result from mutation of Lpp1, a novel gene involved in floor plate specification. Hum Mol Genet. 2001 Oct 15;10(22):2593-601
TEXT-Physical Mapping 1 J:3288 Oakey RJ, et al., Construction of a physical map on mouse and human chromosome 1: comparison of 13 Mb of mouse and 11 Mb of human DNA. Hum Mol Genet. 1992 Nov;1(8):613-20
TEXT-Physical Mapping 1 J:58404 Underhill DA, et al., The Na,K-ATPase alpha4 gene (Atp1a4) encodes a ouabain-resistant alpha subunit and is tightly linked to the alpha2 gene (Atp1a2) on mouse chromosome 1. Biochemistry. 1999 Nov 9;38(45):14746-51
TEXT-Physical Mapping 1 J:63697 Underhill DA, et al., Transcription mapping and expression analysis of candidate genes in the vicinity of the mouse Loop-tail mutation. Mamm Genome. 2000 Aug;11(8):633-8
TEXT-Physical Mapping 1 J:10552 Wong YW, et al., Structure, expression, and genetic linkage of the mouse BCM1 (OX45 or Blast-1) antigen. Evidence for genetic duplication giving rise to the BCM1 region on mouse chromosome 1 and the CD2/LFA3 region on mouse chromosome 3. J Exp Med. 1990 Jun 1;171(6):2115-30
TEXT-QTL 1 J:125335 Nishihara E, et al., Quantitative trait loci associated with blood pressure of metabolic syndrome in the progeny of NZO/HILtJ x C3H/HeJ intercrosses. Mamm Genome. 2007 Aug;18(8):573-83
TEXT-QTL 1 J:237808 Shea CJ, et al., Variable impact of chronic stress on spatial learning and memory in BXD mice. Physiol Behav. 2015 Oct 15;150:69-77
TEXT-Radiation Hybrid 1 J:68900 The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Radiation Hybrid Database, Mouse T31 Radiation Hybrid Data Load. Database Release. 2004;

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