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DNA segment, Chr 13, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 31
12 mapping experiments
Experiment Type Details Chromosome Reference
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX (BSB)
13 J:50602 Crackower MA, et al., Assignment of mouse fibroblast growth factor 10 (Fgf10) gene to the telomeric region of chromosome 13. Genomics. 1998 Oct 15;53(2):247-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX (BSB)
13 J:4594 Eicher EM, et al., Molecular markers that define the distal ends of mouse autosomes 4, 13, and 19 and the sex chromosomes. Mamm Genome. 1993;4(4):226-9
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX (BSB)
13 J:33162 Elango R, et al., Generation and mapping of Mus spretus strain-specific markers for rapid genomic scanning. Mamm Genome. 1996 May;7(5):340-3
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
13 J:33560 Juriloff DM, et al., The lidgap-Gates (lgGa) mutation for open eyelids at birth maps to mouse chromosome 13. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jun;7(6):403-7
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
13 J:33560 Juriloff DM, et al., The lidgap-Gates (lgGa) mutation for open eyelids at birth maps to mouse chromosome 13. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jun;7(6):403-7
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX (BSB)
13 J:24385 Roller ML, et al., Localization of sequences related to the human RAD6 DNA repair gene on mouse chromosomes 11 and 13. Mamm Genome. 1995 Apr;6(4):305-6
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX (BSB)
13 J:18140 Rowe LB, et al., Maps from two interspecific backcross DNA panels available as a community genetic mapping resource [published erratum appears in Mamm Genome 1994 Jul;5(7):463]. Mamm Genome. 1994 May;5(5):253-74
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX (BSB)
13 J:37843 Yen CH, et al., Characterization of a Mus spretus YAC that maps to the pseudoautosomal region. Genomics. 1997 Jan 1;39(1):19-29
13 J:31555 Stassen AP, et al., Genetic composition of the recombinant congenic strains. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jan;7(1):55-8
TEXT 13 J:31190 Jiang PP, et al., Localization of the mouse gene releasing sex-limited expression of Slp. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1996 Jan 23;93(2):913-7
TEXT-Physical Mapping 13 J:106743 Mouse Genome Informatics and NCBI UniSTS, UniSTS load for MIT markers. Database Download. 2006;
TEXT-QTL 13 J:50472 Jirholt J, et al., Genetic linkage analysis of collagen-induced arthritis in the mouse. Eur J Immunol. 1998 Oct;28(10):3321-8

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