Symbol Name ID Chromosome |
DNA segment, Chr 17, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 16 MGI:90801 17 |
Experiment Type | Details | Chromosome | Reference |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS) |
17 | J:44483 Brady KP, et al., Genetic mapping of 262 loci derived from expressed sequences in a murine interspecific cross using single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis. Genome Res. 1997 Nov;7(11):1085-93 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
17 | J:19177 Dosik JK, et al., An Nramp-related sequence maps to mouse chromosome 17. Mamm Genome. 1994 Jul;5(7):458-60 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: JAX (BSB) |
17 | J:33162 Elango R, et al., Generation and mapping of Mus spretus strain-specific markers for rapid genomic scanning. Mamm Genome. 1996 May;7(5):340-3 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
17 | J:13241 Himmelbauer H, et al., High-resolution comparative mapping of mouse chromosome 17. Genomics. 1993 Jul;17(1):110-20 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
17 | J:20546 Huppi K, et al., Molecular cloning, sequencing, chromosomal localization and expression of mouse p21 (Waf1). Oncogene. 1994 Oct;9(10):3017-20 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS) |
17 | J:55085 Jacquemin P, et al., Genomic structure and chromosomal mapping of the mouse transcription factor TEF-5 (Tead3) gene. Mamm Genome. 1999 Jun;10(6):632-4 |
Cross Type: Intercross |
17 | J:24382 Kershaw EE, et al., Localization of a (CA)n repeat in glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor gene (Glp1r) to proximal mouse chromosome 17 and its linkage to other markers. Mamm Genome. 1995 Apr;6(4):301-3 |
Cross Type: Intercross |
17 | J:24382 Kershaw EE, et al., Localization of a (CA)n repeat in glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor gene (Glp1r) to proximal mouse chromosome 17 and its linkage to other markers. Mamm Genome. 1995 Apr;6(4):301-3 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS) |
17 | J:56746 Liu Z, et al., The mouse Rhl1 and Rhag genes: sequence, organization, expression, and chromosomal mapping. Biochem Genet. 1999 Apr;37(3-4):119-38 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS) |
17 | J:57243 Pasteris NG, et al., Isolation, characterization, and mapping of the mouse and human Fgd2 genes, faciogenital dysplasia (FGD1; Aarskog syndrome) gene homologues. Genomics. 1999 Aug 15;60(1):57-66 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS) |
17 | J:37421 Rowe LB, et al., Genetic mapping of 18S ribosomal RNA-related loci to mouse chromosomes 5, 6, 9, 12, 17, 18, 19, and X. Mamm Genome. 1996 Dec;7(12):886-9 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS) |
17 | J:79792 Simckes AM, et al., Chromosomal localization of three vacuolar-H(+)-ATPase 16 kDa subunit (ATP6V0C) genes in the murine genome. Cytogenet Genome Res. 2002;97(1-2):111-5 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
17 | J:27718 Sutherland HF, et al., Mapping around the Fused locus on mouse chromosome 17. Mamm Genome. 1995 Jul;6(7):449-53 |
RI |
17 | J:17312 Cheah YC, et al., Strain distribution patterns for 50 SSLP markers in the murine AKXL recombinant inbred set. Mamm Genome. 1994 Mar;5(3):189-90 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXD |
17 | J:1066 Dietrich W, et al., A genetic map of the mouse suitable for typing intraspecific crosses. Genetics. 1992 Jun;131(2):423-47 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXH |
17 | J:138034 Misra V, et al., Mapping of MIT markers in the BXH RI panel. MGI Direct Data Submission. 2008; |
RI |
RI/RC Set: HcB(N4) |
17 | J:31555 Stassen AP, et al., Genetic composition of the recombinant congenic strains. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jan;7(1):55-8 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: HcB(N3) |
17 | J:31555 Stassen AP, et al., Genetic composition of the recombinant congenic strains. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jan;7(1):55-8 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: CcS |
17 | J:31555 Stassen AP, et al., Genetic composition of the recombinant congenic strains. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jan;7(1):55-8 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXD |
17 | J:49829 Taylor BA, et al., Genotyping new BXD recombinant inbred mouse strains and comparison of BXD and consensus maps. Mamm Genome. 1999 Apr;10(4):335-48 |
TEXT | 17 | J:48707 Heine D, et al., High-resolution mapping and recombination interval analysis of mouse chromosome 17. Mamm Genome. 1998 Jul;9(7):511-6 | |
TEXT | 17 | J:48707 Heine D, et al., High-resolution mapping and recombination interval analysis of mouse chromosome 17. Mamm Genome. 1998 Jul;9(7):511-6 | |
TEXT | 17 | J:48707 Heine D, et al., High-resolution mapping and recombination interval analysis of mouse chromosome 17. Mamm Genome. 1998 Jul;9(7):511-6 | |
TEXT | 17 | J:1705 Lai F, et al., Map positions of four dinucleotide repeats in the mouse t complex. Mamm Genome. 1992;3(8):476-7 | |
TEXT | 17 | J:45215 McCarthy LC, et al., A first-generation whole genome-radiation hybrid map spanning the mouse genome. Genome Res. 1997 Dec;7(12):1153-61 | |
TEXT-Congenic | 17 | J:135428 Koudande OD, et al., Biphasic survival analysis of trypanotolerance QTL in mice. Heredity. 2008 Apr;100(4):407-14 | |
TEXT-Congenic | 17 | J:97672 Koudande OD, et al., Marker-assisted introgression of trypanotolerance QTL in mice. Mamm Genome. 2005 Feb;16(2):112-9 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | 17 | J:41656 Brinkmeier ML, et al., Localization of somatostatin receptor genes on mouse chromosomes 2, 11, 12, 15, and 17: correlation with growth QTLs. Genomics. 1997 Jul 1;43(1):9-14 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | 17 | J:20144 Heine D, et al., Analysis of recombinational hot spots associated with the p haplotype of the mouse MHC. Genomics. 1994 Sep 1;23(1):168-77 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | 17 | J:20144 Heine D, et al., Analysis of recombinational hot spots associated with the p haplotype of the mouse MHC. Genomics. 1994 Sep 1;23(1):168-77 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | 17 | J:20144 Heine D, et al., Analysis of recombinational hot spots associated with the p haplotype of the mouse MHC. Genomics. 1994 Sep 1;23(1):168-77 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | 17 | J:20144 Heine D, et al., Analysis of recombinational hot spots associated with the p haplotype of the mouse MHC. Genomics. 1994 Sep 1;23(1):168-77 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | 17 | J:82238 JAX Neuroscience Mutagenesis Facility, Heritable mouse mutants from JAX NMF ENU Mutagenesis Program. MGI Direct Data Submission. 2003; | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | 17 | J:58026 Spearow JL, et al., Mapping genes that control hormone-induced ovulation rate in mice. Biol Reprod. 1999 Oct;61(4):857-72 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | 17 | J:27718 Sutherland HF, et al., Mapping around the Fused locus on mouse chromosome 17. Mamm Genome. 1995 Jul;6(7):449-53 | |
TEXT-Physical Mapping | 17 | J:89731 Abe K, et al., Gene content of the 750-kb critical region for mouse embryonic ectoderm lethal tcl-w5. Mamm Genome. 2004 Apr;15(4):265-76 | |
TEXT-Physical Mapping | 17 | J:106743 Mouse Genome Informatics and NCBI UniSTS, UniSTS load for MIT markers. Database Download. 2006; | |
TEXT-Physical Mapping | 17 | J:47872 Vernet C, et al., Genetic mapping of 10 microsatellites in the t complex region of mouse chromosome 17. Mamm Genome. 1998 Jun;9(6):472 | |
TEXT-Physical Mapping | 17 | J:23589 Vernet C, et al., Mapping of 12 markers in the proximal region of mouse chromosome 17 using recombinant t haplotypes. Mamm Genome. 1995 Mar;6(3):219-21 | |
TEXT-QTL | 17 | J:77545 Boulard O, et al., An interval tightly linked to but distinct from the H2 complex controls both overt diabetes (Idd16) and chronic experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (Ceat1) in nonobese diabetic mice. Diabetes. 2002 Jul;51(7):2141-7 | |
TEXT-QTL | 17 | J:62610 Cheverud JM, et al., Genetic architecture of adiposity in the cross of LG/J and SM/J inbred mice. Mamm Genome. 2001 Jan;12(1):3-12 | |
TEXT-QTL | 17 | J:66474 Clapcott SJ, et al., Evidence for genomic imprinting of the major QTL controlling susceptibility to trypanosomiasis in mice. Parasite Immunol. 2000 May;22(5):259-63 | |
TEXT-QTL | 17 | J:68838 Franken P, et al., The homeostatic regulation of sleep need is under genetic control. J Neurosci. 2001 Apr 15;21(8):2610-21 | |
TEXT-QTL | 17 | J:78423 Haston CK, et al., Bleomycin hydrolase and a genetic locus within the MHC affect risk for pulmonary fibrosis in mice. Hum Mol Genet. 2002 Aug 1;11(16):1855-63 | |
TEXT-QTL | 17 | J:81233 Haston CK, et al., Universal and radiation-specific loci influence murine susceptibility to radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis. Cancer Res. 2002 Jul 1;62(13):3782-8 | |
TEXT-QTL | 17 | J:49899 Ida A, et al., Multigenic control of lupus-associated antiphospholipid syndrome in a model of (NZW x BXSB) F1 mice. Eur J Immunol. 1998 Sep;28(9):2694-703 | |
TEXT-QTL | 17 | J:63779 Iraqi F, et al., Fine mapping of trypanosomiasis resistance loci in murine advanced intercross lines. Mamm Genome. 2000 Aug;11(8):645-8 | |
TEXT-QTL | 17 | J:109795 Kenney-Hunt JP, et al., Quantitative trait loci for body size components in mice. Mamm Genome. 2006 Jun;17(6):526-37 | |
TEXT-QTL | 17 | J:53484 Leamy LJ, et al., Quantitative trait loci for early- and late-developing skull characters in mice: a test of the genetic independence model of morphological integration. Am Naturalist. 1999;153(2):201-214 | |
TEXT-QTL | 17 | J:86633 Mathews CE, et al., Genetic analysis of resistance to Type-1 Diabetes in ALR/Lt mice, a NOD-related strain with defenses against autoimmune-mediated diabetogenic stress. Immunogenetics. 2003 Oct;55(7):491-6 | |
TEXT-QTL | 17 | J:98187 Pomerleau DP, et al., Major Histocompatibility Complex-Linked Diabetes Susceptibility in NOD/Lt Mice: Subcongenic Analysis Localizes a Component of Idd16 at the H2-D End of the Diabetogenic H2g7 Complex. Diabetes. 2005 May;54(5):1603-6 | |
TEXT-QTL | 17 | J:75277 Silveira PA, et al., Identification of the Gasa3 and Gasa4 autoimmune gastritis susceptibility genes using congenic mice and partitioned, segregative and interaction analyses. Immunogenetics. 2001 Dec;53(9):741-50 | |
TEXT-QTL | 17 | J:81234 Smith Richards BK, et al., QTL analysis of self-selected macronutrient diet intake: fat, carbohydrate, and total kilocalories. Physiol Genomics. 2002 Dec 3;11(3):205-17 | |
TEXT-QTL | 17 | J:67838 Taylor BA, et al., Multiple obesity QTLs identified in an intercross between the NZO (New Zealand obese) and the SM (small) mouse strains. Mamm Genome. 2001 Feb;12(2):95-103 | |
TEXT-QTL | 17 | J:83970 Wang M, et al., Fine mapping and identification of candidate pulmonary adenoma susceptibility 1 genes using advanced intercross lines. Cancer Res. 2003 Jun 15;63(12):3317-24 | |
TEXT-Radiation Hybrid | 17 | J:64341 Ding H, et al., The mouse pdgfc gene: dynamic expression in embryonic tissues during organogenesis. Mech Dev. 2000 Sep;96(2):209-13 | |
TEXT-Radiation Hybrid | 17 | J:50196 Schalkwyk LC, et al., Refined radiation hybrid map of mouse chromosome 17. Mamm Genome. 1998 Oct;9(10):807-11 | |
TEXT-Radiation Hybrid | 17 | J:68900 The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Radiation Hybrid Database, Mouse T31 Radiation Hybrid Data Load. Database Release. 2004; |
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last database update 12/17/2024 MGI 6.24 |
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