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DNA segment, Chr 17, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 47
16 mapping experiments
Experiment Type Details Chromosome Reference
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
17 J:13241 Himmelbauer H, et al., High-resolution comparative mapping of mouse chromosome 17. Genomics. 1993 Jul;17(1):110-20
17 J:36911 Naggert JK, et al., An additional 136 SSLP markers typed for the AXB and BXA recombinant inbred mouse strains. Mamm Genome. 1997 Mar;8(3):209-11
17 J:36911 Naggert JK, et al., An additional 136 SSLP markers typed for the AXB and BXA recombinant inbred mouse strains. Mamm Genome. 1997 Mar;8(3):209-11
TEXT 17 J:48707 Heine D, et al., High-resolution mapping and recombination interval analysis of mouse chromosome 17. Mamm Genome. 1998 Jul;9(7):511-6
TEXT 17 J:48707 Heine D, et al., High-resolution mapping and recombination interval analysis of mouse chromosome 17. Mamm Genome. 1998 Jul;9(7):511-6
TEXT 17 J:48707 Heine D, et al., High-resolution mapping and recombination interval analysis of mouse chromosome 17. Mamm Genome. 1998 Jul;9(7):511-6
TEXT-Genetic Cross 17 J:20144 Heine D, et al., Analysis of recombinational hot spots associated with the p haplotype of the mouse MHC. Genomics. 1994 Sep 1;23(1):168-77
TEXT-Genetic Cross 17 J:20144 Heine D, et al., Analysis of recombinational hot spots associated with the p haplotype of the mouse MHC. Genomics. 1994 Sep 1;23(1):168-77
TEXT-Genetic Cross 17 J:20144 Heine D, et al., Analysis of recombinational hot spots associated with the p haplotype of the mouse MHC. Genomics. 1994 Sep 1;23(1):168-77
TEXT-Genetic Cross 17 J:20144 Heine D, et al., Analysis of recombinational hot spots associated with the p haplotype of the mouse MHC. Genomics. 1994 Sep 1;23(1):168-77
TEXT-Physical Mapping 17 J:45971 Arepalli SR, et al., Characterization of two class I genes from the H2-M region: evidence for a new subfamily. Immunogenetics. 1998;47(3):264-71
TEXT-Physical Mapping 17 J:106743 Mouse Genome Informatics and NCBI UniSTS, UniSTS load for MIT markers. Database Download. 2006;
TEXT-Physical Mapping 17 J:39182 Xiao H, et al., Fine mapping of 12 microsatellites and two new recombinants in the distal H2 complex on mouse chromosome 17. Immunogenetics. 1997;45(4):274-7
TEXT-QTL 17 J:48996 Lin L, et al., Additional evidence that the K-ras protooncogene is a candidate for the major mouse pulmonary adenoma susceptibility (Pas-1) gene. Exp Lung Res. 1998 Jul-Aug;24(4):481-97
TEXT-QTL 17 J:61416 Toth LA, et al., A quantitative genetic analysis of slow-wave sleep and rapid-eye movement sleep in CXB recombinant inbred mice. Behav Genet. 1999 Sep;29(5):329-37
TEXT-Radiation Hybrid 17 J:68900 The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Radiation Hybrid Database, Mouse T31 Radiation Hybrid Data Load. Database Release. 2004;

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