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DNA segment, Chr 1, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 17
64 mapping experiments
Experiment Type Details Chromosome Reference
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
1 J:27729 Barbosa MD, et al., Genetic mapping of the choroideremia-like, rab escort protein-2 gene on mouse chromosome 1. Mamm Genome. 1995 Jul;6(7):488-9
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS)
1 J:44483 Brady KP, et al., Genetic mapping of 262 loci derived from expressed sequences in a murine interspecific cross using single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis. Genome Res. 1997 Nov;7(11):1085-93
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
1 J:56089 Danciger JS, et al., Genetic and physical maps of the mouse rd3 locus; exclusion of the ortholog of USH2A. Mamm Genome. 1999 Jul;10(7):657-61
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
1 J:56089 Danciger JS, et al., Genetic and physical maps of the mouse rd3 locus; exclusion of the ortholog of USH2A. Mamm Genome. 1999 Jul;10(7):657-61
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
1 J:56089 Danciger JS, et al., Genetic and physical maps of the mouse rd3 locus; exclusion of the ortholog of USH2A. Mamm Genome. 1999 Jul;10(7):657-61
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX (BSB)
1 J:33162 Elango R, et al., Generation and mapping of Mus spretus strain-specific markers for rapid genomic scanning. Mamm Genome. 1996 May;7(5):340-3
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: EUCIB
1 J:17854 European Backcross Collaborative Group, Towards high resolution maps of the mouse and human genomes--a facility for ordering markers to 0.1 cM resolution. Hum Mol Genet. 1994 Apr;3(4):621-7
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS)
1 J:51600 Fowler KJ, et al., Mouse centromere protein F (Cenpf) gene maps to the distal region of chromosome 1 by interspecific backcross analysis. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1998;82(3-4):180-1
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS)
1 J:66475 Guay-Woodford LM, et al., Quantitative trait loci modulate renal cystic disease severity in the mouse bpk model. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2000 Jul;11(7):1253-60
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS)
1 J:16732 Kern MJ, et al., Genomic organization and chromosome localization of the murine homeobox gene Pmx. Genomics. 1994 Jan 15;19(2):334-40
CROSS Cross Type: Unspecified
1 J:42382 Kuster JE, et al., IAP insertion in the murine LamB3 gene results in junctional epidermolysis bullosa. Mamm Genome. 1997 Sep;8(9):673-81
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
1 J:25243 Mullick A, et al., High-resolution linkage map in the vicinity of the Lp locus. Genomics. 1995 Apr 10;26(3):479-88
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
1 J:25243 Mullick A, et al., High-resolution linkage map in the vicinity of the Lp locus. Genomics. 1995 Apr 10;26(3):479-88
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
1 J:24885 Okuizumi H, et al., Genetic mapping of restriction landmark genomic scanning loci in the mouse. Electrophoresis. 1995 Feb;16(2):233-40
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
1 J:38300 Perou CM, et al., Comparative mapping in the beige-satin region of mouse chromosome 13. Genomics. 1997 Jan 15;39(2):136-46
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
1 J:44148 Pieke-Dahl S, et al., Hearing loss in the RBF/DnJ mouse, a proposed animal model of Usher syndrome type IIa. Hear Res. 1997 Oct;112(1-2):1-12
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS)
1 J:18140 Rowe LB, et al., Maps from two interspecific backcross DNA panels available as a community genetic mapping resource [published erratum appears in Mamm Genome 1994 Jul;5(7):463]. Mamm Genome. 1994 May;5(5):253-74
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX (BSB)
1 J:18140 Rowe LB, et al., Maps from two interspecific backcross DNA panels available as a community genetic mapping resource [published erratum appears in Mamm Genome 1994 Jul;5(7):463]. Mamm Genome. 1994 May;5(5):253-74
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX (BSB)
1 J:61532 Sebastiani G, et al., Cloning and characterization of the murine toll-like receptor 5 (Tlr5) gene: sequence and mRNA expression studies in Salmonella-susceptible MOLF/Ei mice. Genomics. 2000 Mar 15;64(3):230-40
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
1 J:61532 Sebastiani G, et al., Cloning and characterization of the murine toll-like receptor 5 (Tlr5) gene: sequence and mRNA expression studies in Salmonella-susceptible MOLF/Ei mice. Genomics. 2000 Mar 15;64(3):230-40
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
1 J:25244 Stanier P, et al., Genetic basis of neural tube defects: the mouse gene loop-tail maps to a region of chromosome 1 syntenic with human 1q21-q23. Genomics. 1995 Apr 10;26(3):473-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
1 J:37823 Tchernev VT, et al., Genetic mapping of 20 novel expressed sequence tags from midgestation mouse embryos suggests chromosomal clustering. Genomics. 1997 Feb 15;40(1):170-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
1 J:49064 Tomarev SI, et al., Characterization of the mouse Prox1 gene. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1998 Jul 30;248(3):684-9
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
1 J:49064 Tomarev SI, et al., Characterization of the mouse Prox1 gene. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1998 Jul 30;248(3):684-9
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: UCLA (BSB)
1 J:38541 Welch CL, et al., Localization of the mouse glucocorticoid receptor-interacting protein 1 gene (Grip1) to proximal chromosome 1 by linkage analysis. Mamm Genome. 1997 Aug;8(8):620-1
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: UCLA (BSB)
1 J:34178 Welch CL, et al., Genetic regulation of cholesterol homeostasis: chromosomal organization of candidate genes. J Lipid Res. 1996 Jul;37(7):1406-21
1 J:1066 Dietrich W, et al., A genetic map of the mouse suitable for typing intraspecific crosses. Genetics. 1992 Jun;131(2):423-47
1 J:19871 Lai F, et al., Molecular analysis of mouse Rab11b: a new type of mammalian YPT/Rab protein. Genomics. 1994 Aug;22(3):610-6
1 J:30437 Nishimura M, et al., The SMXA: a new set of recombinant inbred strain of mice consisting of 26 substrains and their genetic profile. Mamm Genome. 1995 Dec;6(12):850-7
1 J:43530 Sampson SB, et al., An additional 70 SSLP markers typed for the next NXSM recombinant inbred strain set. MGI Direct Data Submission. 1997;
1 J:31555 Stassen AP, et al., Genetic composition of the recombinant congenic strains. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jan;7(1):55-8
1 J:31555 Stassen AP, et al., Genetic composition of the recombinant congenic strains. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jan;7(1):55-8
1 J:30436 Svenson KL, et al., Strain distribution pattern for SSLP markers in the SWXJ recombinant inbred strain set: chromosomes 1 to 6. Mamm Genome. 1995 Dec;6(12):867-72
TEXT-Congenic 1 J:82717 Badalova J, et al., Separation and mapping of multiple genes that control IgE level in Leishmania major infected mice. Genes Immun. 2002 Jun;3(4):187-95
TEXT-Congenic 1 J:106114 Edderkaoui B, et al., Multiple genetic loci from CAST/EiJ chromosome 1 affect vBMD either positively or negatively in a C57BL/6J background. J Bone Miner Res. 2006 Jan;21(1):97-104
TEXT-Congenic 1 J:108764 Havelkova H, et al., Genetics of susceptibility to leishmaniasis in mice: four novel loci and functional heterogeneity of gene effects. Genes Immun. 2006 Apr;7(3):220-33
TEXT-Congenic 1 J:145597 Hofstetter JR, et al., Characterization of the quantitative trait locus for haloperidol-induced catalepsy on distal mouse chromosome 1. Genes Brain Behav. 2008 Mar;7(2):214-23
TEXT-Congenic 1 J:207449 Lindqvist AK, et al., Backcross and partial advanced intercross analysis of nonobese diabetic gene-mediated effects on collagen-induced arthritis reveals an interactive effect by two major loci. J Immunol. 2006 Sep 15;177(6):3952-9
TEXT-Congenic 1 J:33173 Morel L, et al., Production of congenic mouse strains carrying genomic intervals containing SLE-susceptibility genes derived from the SLE-prone NZM2410 strain. Mamm Genome. 1996 May;7(5):335-9
TEXT-Congenic 1 J:33173 Morel L, et al., Production of congenic mouse strains carrying genomic intervals containing SLE-susceptibility genes derived from the SLE-prone NZM2410 strain. Mamm Genome. 1996 May;7(5):335-9
TEXT-Congenic 1 J:86886 Turner CH, et al., Congenic mice reveal sex-specific genetic regulation of femoral structure and strength. Calcif Tissue Int. 2003 Sep;73(3):297-303
TEXT-Genetic Cross 1 J:24197 McCarthy L, et al., Efficient high-resolution genetic mapping of mouse interspersed repetitive sequence PCR products, toward integrated genetic and physical mapping of the mouse genome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1995 Jun 6;92(12):5302-6
TEXT-Genetic Cross 1 J:38063 Sowden JC, et al., The identification of novel sequences expressed in the mouse notochord. Mamm Genome. 1997 Jan;8(1):42-4
TEXT-Genetic Cross 1 J:58026 Spearow JL, et al., Mapping genes that control hormone-induced ovulation rate in mice. Biol Reprod. 1999 Oct;61(4):857-72
TEXT-Genetic Cross 1 J:24193 Suda T, et al., Novel mouse microsatellites: primer sequences and chromosomal location. DNA Res. 1994;1(4):169-74
TEXT-Genetic Cross 1 J:15567 Warden CH, et al., Linkage mapping of 40 randomly isolated liver cDNA clones in the mouse. Genomics. 1993 Nov;18(2):295-307
TEXT-Physical Mapping 1 J:106743 Mouse Genome Informatics and NCBI UniSTS, UniSTS load for MIT markers. Database Download. 2006;
TEXT-QTL 1 J:36714 Alexander RC, et al., Quantitative trait loci contributing to phencyclidine-induced and amphetamine-induced locomotor behavior in inbred mice. Neuropsychopharmacology. 1996 Nov;15(5):484-90
TEXT-QTL 1 J:58152 Beamer WG, et al., Quantitative trait loci for bone density in C57BL/6J and CAST/EiJ inbred mice. Mamm Genome. 1999 Nov;10(11):1043-9
TEXT-QTL 1 J:17972 Berrettini WH, et al., Quantitative trait loci mapping of three loci controlling morphine preference using inbred mouse strains [see comments]. Nat Genet. 1994 May;7(1):54-8
TEXT-QTL 1 J:91132 Bilger A, et al., A potent modifier of liver cancer risk on distal mouse chromosome 1: linkage analysis and characterization of congenic lines. Genetics. 2004 Jun;167(2):859-66
TEXT-QTL 1 J:93297 Bygrave AE, et al., Spontaneous autoimmunity in 129 and C57BL/6 mice-implications for autoimmunity described in gene-targeted mice. PLoS Biol. 2004 Sep;2(8):E243
TEXT-QTL 1 J:52903 Ewart-Toland A, et al., Effect of the genetic background on the reproduction of leptin-deficient obese mice. Endocrinology. 1999 Feb;140(2):732-8
TEXT-QTL 1 J:70295 Ferraro TN, et al., Quantitative genetic study of maximal electroshock seizure threshold in mice: evidence for a major seizure susceptibility locus on distal chromosome 1. Genomics. 2001 Jul;75(1-3):35-42
TEXT-QTL 1 J:69981 Johansson AC, et al., Genetic control of collagen-induced arthritis in a cross with NOD and C57BL/10 mice is dependent on gene regions encoding complement factor 5 and FcgammaRIIb and is not associated with loci controlling diabetes. Eur J Immunol. 2001 Jun;31(6):1847-56
TEXT-QTL 1 J:40771 Kemp SJ, et al., Localization of genes controlling resistance to trypanosomiasis in mice. Nat Genet. 1997 Jun;16(2):194-6
TEXT-QTL 1 J:117544 Kess D, et al., Identification of susceptibility loci for skin disease in a murine psoriasis model. J Immunol. 2006 Oct 1;177(7):4612-9
TEXT-QTL 1 J:71085 Le Roy-Duflos I, Possible causal relationships between cerebellar patterns of foliation and hindlimb coordination in laboratory mice: a quantitative trait locus analysis. Behav Genet. 2001 Jan;31(1):29-37
TEXT-QTL 1 J:67544 Morel L, et al., The major murine systemic lupus erythematosus susceptibility locus, Sle1, is a cluster of functionally related genes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Feb 13;98(4):1787-92
TEXT-QTL 1 J:32090 Muller-Sieburg CE, et al., Genetic control of the frequency of hematopoietic stem cells in mice: mapping of a candidate locus to chromosome 1. J Exp Med. 1996 Mar 1;183(3):1141-50
TEXT-QTL 1 J:84452 Tang Y, et al., Genetic modifiers interact with maternal determinants in vascular development of Tgfb1(-/-) mice. Hum Mol Genet. 2003 Jul 1;12(13):1579-89
TEXT-QTL 1 J:35434 Vyse TJ, et al., Backcross analysis of genes linked to autoantibody production in New Zealand White mice. J Immunol. 1996 Sep 15;157(6):2719-27
TEXT-Radiation Hybrid 1 J:56089 Danciger JS, et al., Genetic and physical maps of the mouse rd3 locus; exclusion of the ortholog of USH2A. Mamm Genome. 1999 Jul;10(7):657-61
TEXT-Radiation Hybrid 1 J:68900 The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Radiation Hybrid Database, Mouse T31 Radiation Hybrid Data Load. Database Release. 2004;

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