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DNA segment, Chr 6, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 15
51 mapping experiments
Experiment Type Details Chromosome Reference
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS)
6 J:44483 Brady KP, et al., Genetic mapping of 262 loci derived from expressed sequences in a murine interspecific cross using single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis. Genome Res. 1997 Nov;7(11):1085-93
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
6 J:29509 Griff IC, et al., The genetic basis for specific anosmia to isovaleric acid in the mouse. Cell. 1995 Nov 3;83(3):407-14
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
6 J:29509 Griff IC, et al., The genetic basis for specific anosmia to isovaleric acid in the mouse. Cell. 1995 Nov 3;83(3):407-14
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX BSS + BSB
6 J:61717 Kemp CJ, et al., The murine gene Cdkn1b (p27(Kip1)) maps to distal chromosome 6 and is excluded as Pas1. Mamm Genome. 2000 May;11(5):402-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
6 J:1713 McAleer MA, et al., Linkage analysis of 84 microsatellite markers in intra- and interspecific backcrosses. Mamm Genome. 1992;3(8):457-60
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
6 J:28546 Suzuki S, et al., Two mouse hypervariable minisatellites: chromosomal location and simultaneous mutation. J Biochem. 1993 Aug;114(2):292-6
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS)
6 J:37929 Yen CH, et al., Mapping and characterization of three YAC clones containing TTAGGG arrays. Mamm Genome. 1997 Oct;8(10):775-7
6 J:1066 Dietrich W, et al., A genetic map of the mouse suitable for typing intraspecific crosses. Genetics. 1992 Jun;131(2):423-47
6 J:29509 Griff IC, et al., The genetic basis for specific anosmia to isovaleric acid in the mouse. Cell. 1995 Nov 3;83(3):407-14
6 J:138034 Misra V, et al., Mapping of MIT markers in the BXH RI panel. MGI Direct Data Submission. 2008;
6 J:36911 Naggert JK, et al., An additional 136 SSLP markers typed for the AXB and BXA recombinant inbred mouse strains. Mamm Genome. 1997 Mar;8(3):209-11
6 J:36911 Naggert JK, et al., An additional 136 SSLP markers typed for the AXB and BXA recombinant inbred mouse strains. Mamm Genome. 1997 Mar;8(3):209-11
6 J:39615 Panoutsakopoulou V, et al., Microsatellite typing of CXB recombinant inbred and parental mouse strains. Mamm Genome. 1997 May;8(5):357-61
6 J:76434 Sheehan S, BXD RI mapping. Personal Communication. 2002;
6 J:76434 Sheehan S, BXD RI mapping. Personal Communication. 2002;
6 J:31555 Stassen AP, et al., Genetic composition of the recombinant congenic strains. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jan;7(1):55-8
RI RI/RC Set: HcB(N3)
6 J:31555 Stassen AP, et al., Genetic composition of the recombinant congenic strains. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jan;7(1):55-8
RI RI/RC Set: HcB(N4)
6 J:31555 Stassen AP, et al., Genetic composition of the recombinant congenic strains. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jan;7(1):55-8
6 J:31555 Stassen AP, et al., Genetic composition of the recombinant congenic strains. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jan;7(1):55-8
6 J:30436 Svenson KL, et al., Strain distribution pattern for SSLP markers in the SWXJ recombinant inbred strain set: chromosomes 1 to 6. Mamm Genome. 1995 Dec;6(12):867-72
6 J:11923 Taylor BA, et al., Typing recombinant inbred mouse strains for microsatellite markers. Mamm Genome. 1993;4(5):239-42
TEXT 6 J:22175 Cheah YC, et al., New murine polymorphisms detected by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR and mapped by use of recombinant inbred strains. Mamm Genome. 1994 Dec;5(12):762-7
TEXT 6 J:45215 McCarthy LC, et al., A first-generation whole genome-radiation hybrid map spanning the mouse genome. Genome Res. 1997 Dec;7(12):1153-61
TEXT 6 J:11923 Taylor BA, et al., Typing recombinant inbred mouse strains for microsatellite markers. Mamm Genome. 1993;4(5):239-42
TEXT-Congenic 6 J:28947 Mcaleer MA, et al., Crosses of NOD mice with the related NON strain: A polygenic model for IDDM. Diabetes. 1995 OCT;44(10):1186-1195
TEXT-Congenic 6 J:116166 Morin J, et al., Mapping of the murine type 1 diabetes locus Idd20 by genetic interaction. Mamm Genome. 2006 Nov;17(11):1105-12
TEXT-Genetic Cross 6 J:29218 Manenti G, et al., Different susceptibility to lung tumorigenesis in mice with an identical Kras2 intron 2. Genomics. 1995 Sep 20;29(2):438-44
TEXT-Genetic Cross 6 J:58026 Spearow JL, et al., Mapping genes that control hormone-induced ovulation rate in mice. Biol Reprod. 1999 Oct;61(4):857-72
TEXT-Genetic Cross 6 J:24193 Suda T, et al., Novel mouse microsatellites: primer sequences and chromosomal location. DNA Res. 1994;1(4):169-74
TEXT-Physical Mapping 6 J:106743 Mouse Genome Informatics and NCBI UniSTS, UniSTS load for MIT markers. Database Download. 2006;
TEXT-QTL 6 J:84296 Bergman ML, et al., Diabetes protection and restoration of thymocyte apoptosis in NOD Idd6 congenic strains. Diabetes. 2003 Jul;52(7):1677-82
TEXT-QTL 6 J:72360 Bergman ML, et al., Low rate of proliferation in immature thymocytes of the non-obese diabetic mouse maps to the Idd6 diabetes susceptibility region. Diabetologia. 2001 Aug;44(8):1054-61
TEXT-QTL 6 J:17972 Berrettini WH, et al., Quantitative trait loci mapping of three loci controlling morphine preference using inbred mouse strains [see comments]. Nat Genet. 1994 May;7(1):54-8
TEXT-QTL 6 J:32208 Cheverud JM, et al., Quantitative trait loci for murine growth. Genetics. 1996 Apr;142(4):1305-19
TEXT-QTL 6 J:134376 Cui Y, et al., Functional mapping imprinted quantitative trait loci underlying developmental characteristics. Theor Biol Med Model. 2008;5:6
TEXT-QTL 6 J:29509 Griff IC, et al., The genetic basis for specific anosmia to isovaleric acid in the mouse. Cell. 1995 Nov 3;83(3):407-14
TEXT-QTL 6 J:81233 Haston CK, et al., Universal and radiation-specific loci influence murine susceptibility to radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis. Cancer Res. 2002 Jul 1;62(13):3782-8
TEXT-QTL 6 J:115021 Hung MS, et al., Identification of the transcription factor ARNTL2 as a candidate gene for the type 1 diabetes locus Idd6. Hum Mol Genet. 2006 Sep 15;15(18):2732-42
TEXT-QTL 6 J:67526 Klingenberg C, et al., Genetic Architecture of Mandible Shape in Mice. Effects of quantitative trait loci analyzed by geometric morphometrics. Genetics. 2001 Feb;157(2):785-802
TEXT-QTL 6 J:110033 Lionikas A, et al., Genetic determinants of weight of fast- and slow-twitch skeletal muscles in old mice. Mamm Genome. 2006 Jun;17(6):615-28
TEXT-QTL 6 J:29218 Manenti G, et al., Different susceptibility to lung tumorigenesis in mice with an identical Kras2 intron 2. Genomics. 1995 Sep 20;29(2):438-44
TEXT-QTL 6 J:56444 Manenti G, et al., Linkage disequilibrium and physical mapping of Pas1 in mice. Genome Res. 1999 Jul;9(7):639-46
TEXT-QTL 6 J:77603 Myrick C, et al., Linkage analysis of variations in CD4:CD8 T cell subsets between C57BL/6 and DBA/2. Genes Immun. 2002 May;3(3):144-50
TEXT-QTL 6 J:59049 Nagase H, et al., A subset of skin tumor modifier loci determines survival time of tumor-bearing mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Dec 21;96(26):15032-7
TEXT-QTL 6 J:142667 Shao H, et al., Genetic architecture of complex traits: large phenotypic effects and pervasive epistasis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Dec 16;105(50):19910-4
TEXT-QTL 6 J:4933 Sudweeks JD, et al., Locus controlling Bordetella pertussis-induced histamine sensitization (Bphs), an autoimmune disease-susceptibility gene, maps distal to T-cell receptor beta-chain gene on mouse chromosome 6. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1993 Apr 15;90(8):3700-4
TEXT-QTL 6 J:66987 Sugiyama F, et al., Concordance of murine quantitative trait loci for salt-induced hypertension with rat and human loci. Genomics. 2001 Jan 1;71(1):70-7
TEXT-QTL 6 J:52017 Weis JJ, et al., Identification of quantitative trait loci governing arthritis severity and humoral responses in the murine model of Lyme disease. J Immunol. 1999 Jan 15;162(2):948-56
TEXT-QTL 6 J:88731 Welch CL, et al., Novel QTLs for HDL levels identified in mice by controlling for Apoa2 allelic effects: confirmation of a chromosome 6 locus in a congenic strain. Physiol Genomics. 2004 Mar 12;17(1):48-59
TEXT-QTL-Candidate Genes 6 J:85134 Nagase H, et al., Allele-specific Hras mutations and genetic alterations at tumor susceptibility loci in skin carcinomas from interspecific hybrid mice. Cancer Res. 2003 Aug 15;63(16):4849-53
TEXT-Radiation Hybrid 6 J:68900 The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Radiation Hybrid Database, Mouse T31 Radiation Hybrid Data Load. Database Release. 2004;

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