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glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1 (soluble)
72 mapping experiments
Experiment Type Details Chromosome Reference
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
15 J:9282 Blankenhorn EP, et al., Chromosomal location of the regulator of mouse alpha-fetoprotein, Afr-1. Genetics. 1988 Jul;119(3):687-91
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
15 J:9282 Blankenhorn EP, et al., Chromosomal location of the regulator of mouse alpha-fetoprotein, Afr-1. Genetics. 1988 Jul;119(3):687-91
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
15 J:9282 Blankenhorn EP, et al., Chromosomal location of the regulator of mouse alpha-fetoprotein, Afr-1. Genetics. 1988 Jul;119(3):687-91
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
15 J:1670 Brannan CI, et al., An interspecific linkage map of mouse chromosome 15 positioned with respect to the centromere. Genomics. 1992 Aug;13(4):1075-81
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:11632 Cheah KSE, et al., The mouse Col2a-1 gene is highly conserved and is linked to Int-1 on chromosome 15. Mamm Genome. 1991;1(3):171-83
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:10942 Davisson MT, et al., The hairy ears (Eh) mutation is closely associated with a chromosomal rearrangement in mouse chromosome 15. Genet Res. 1990 Oct-Dec;56(2-3):167-78
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:10942 Davisson MT, et al., The hairy ears (Eh) mutation is closely associated with a chromosomal rearrangement in mouse chromosome 15. Genet Res. 1990 Oct-Dec;56(2-3):167-78
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:10942 Davisson MT, et al., The hairy ears (Eh) mutation is closely associated with a chromosomal rearrangement in mouse chromosome 15. Genet Res. 1990 Oct-Dec;56(2-3):167-78
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:10942 Davisson MT, et al., The hairy ears (Eh) mutation is closely associated with a chromosomal rearrangement in mouse chromosome 15. Genet Res. 1990 Oct-Dec;56(2-3):167-78
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:10942 Davisson MT, et al., The hairy ears (Eh) mutation is closely associated with a chromosomal rearrangement in mouse chromosome 15. Genet Res. 1990 Oct-Dec;56(2-3):167-78
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:10942 Davisson MT, et al., The hairy ears (Eh) mutation is closely associated with a chromosomal rearrangement in mouse chromosome 15. Genet Res. 1990 Oct-Dec;56(2-3):167-78
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:10942 Davisson MT, et al., The hairy ears (Eh) mutation is closely associated with a chromosomal rearrangement in mouse chromosome 15. Genet Res. 1990 Oct-Dec;56(2-3):167-78
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:10942 Davisson MT, et al., The hairy ears (Eh) mutation is closely associated with a chromosomal rearrangement in mouse chromosome 15. Genet Res. 1990 Oct-Dec;56(2-3):167-78
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:10942 Davisson MT, et al., The hairy ears (Eh) mutation is closely associated with a chromosomal rearrangement in mouse chromosome 15. Genet Res. 1990 Oct-Dec;56(2-3):167-78
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:10942 Davisson MT, et al., The hairy ears (Eh) mutation is closely associated with a chromosomal rearrangement in mouse chromosome 15. Genet Res. 1990 Oct-Dec;56(2-3):167-78
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:10942 Davisson MT, et al., The hairy ears (Eh) mutation is closely associated with a chromosomal rearrangement in mouse chromosome 15. Genet Res. 1990 Oct-Dec;56(2-3):167-78
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:10942 Davisson MT, et al., The hairy ears (Eh) mutation is closely associated with a chromosomal rearrangement in mouse chromosome 15. Genet Res. 1990 Oct-Dec;56(2-3):167-78
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:10942 Davisson MT, et al., The hairy ears (Eh) mutation is closely associated with a chromosomal rearrangement in mouse chromosome 15. Genet Res. 1990 Oct-Dec;56(2-3):167-78
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:10942 Davisson MT, et al., The hairy ears (Eh) mutation is closely associated with a chromosomal rearrangement in mouse chromosome 15. Genet Res. 1990 Oct-Dec;56(2-3):167-78
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:10942 Davisson MT, et al., The hairy ears (Eh) mutation is closely associated with a chromosomal rearrangement in mouse chromosome 15. Genet Res. 1990 Oct-Dec;56(2-3):167-78
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:10942 Davisson MT, et al., The hairy ears (Eh) mutation is closely associated with a chromosomal rearrangement in mouse chromosome 15. Genet Res. 1990 Oct-Dec;56(2-3):167-78
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
15 J:16895 DeGregori J, et al., A murine homolog of the yeast RNA1 gene is required for postimplantation development. Genes Dev. 1994 Feb 1;8(3):265-76
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:1546 Domalik LJ, et al., Different isozymes of mouse 11 beta-hydroxylase produce mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids. Mol Endocrinol. 1991 Dec;5(12):1853-61
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:457 Eicher EM, et al., Growth hormone receptor (Ghr) and hemoglobin alpha-chain pseudogene 3 (Hba-ps3) map proximal to the myelocytomatosis oncogene (Myc) on mouse chromosome 15. Mamm Genome. 1991;1(1):57-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:10663 Eicher EM, et al., The NXSM recombinant inbred strains of mice: genetic profile for 58 loci including the Mtv proviral loci. Genetics. 1990 Jun;125(2):431-46
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:10663 Eicher EM, et al., The NXSM recombinant inbred strains of mice: genetic profile for 58 loci including the Mtv proviral loci. Genetics. 1990 Jun;125(2):431-46
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:2660 Hameister H, et al., Gene order and genetic distance of 13 loci spanning murine chromosome 15. Genomics. 1992 Oct;14(2):417-22
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:14282 Harris B, et al., Dorsal dark stripe (dds). Mouse Genome. 1990;86:238
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:8138 Hayakawa J, et al., Assignment of the gene locus for the sixth component (C6) of complement in mice to chromosome 15. Immunogenetics. 1985;22(6):637-42
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:8601 Hogarth PM, et al., Mapping of the mouse Ly-6, Xp-14, and Gdc-1 loci to chromosome 15. Immunogenetics. 1987;25(1):21-7
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:8601 Hogarth PM, et al., Mapping of the mouse Ly-6, Xp-14, and Gdc-1 loci to chromosome 15. Immunogenetics. 1987;25(1):21-7
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:9025 Huppi K, et al., Myc-1 is centromeric to the linkage group Ly-6--Sis--Gdc-1 on mouse chromosome 15. Immunogenetics. 1988;27(3):215-9
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX Mouse Mutant Resource BCB
15 J:21510 Johnson KR, et al., Identification and genetic mapping of 151 dispersed members of 16 ribosomal protein multigene families in the mouse. Mamm Genome. 1994 Nov;5(11):670-87
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Seldin
15 J:13569 Kingsmore SF, et al., Genetic mapping of Pp11r, a thymocyte gene expressed during apoptosis, to mouse chromosome 15. Mamm Genome. 1993;4(8):459-60
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Seldin
15 J:13235 Lobach DF, et al., Nucleotide sequence, expression, and chromosomal mapping of Mrp and mapping of five related sequences. Genomics. 1993 Jul;17(1):194-204
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
15 J:27750 Marigo V, et al., Cloning, expression, and chromosomal location of SHH and IHH: two human homologues of the Drosophila segment polarity gene hedgehog. Genomics. 1995 Jul 1;28(1):44-51
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Seldin
15 J:17310 Seldin MF, et al., Mapping the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor to chromosome 15 in the mouse. Mamm Genome. 1994 Mar;5(3):193-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
15 J:17687 Swendeman SL, et al., Characterization of the genomic structure, chromosomal location, promoter, and development expression of the alpha-globin transcription factor CP2. J Biol Chem. 1994 Apr 15;269(15):11663-71
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Seldin
15 J:15814 Taketo M, et al., Mapping of the mouse Rar loci encoding retinoic acid receptors RAR alpha, RAR beta and RAR gamma. Jpn J Genet. 1993 Jun;68(3):175-84
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
15 J:19919 Walter L, et al., A novel, conserved gene of the rat that is developmentally regulated in the testis. Mamm Genome. 1994 Apr;5(4):216-21
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
15 J:11934 Watanabe T, et al., Mapping of the Hox-3.1 and Myc-1.2 genes on chromosome 15 of the mouse by restriction fragment length variations. Biochem Genet. 1990 Jun;28(5-6):257-66
IN SITU Band: F1-F3
15 J:10380 Adolph S, et al., Fine localization of genes on distal murine chromosome 15. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1989;52(3-4):177-9
IN SITU Band: F1-F3
15 J:14130 Adolph S, et al., Physical gene map of murine chromosome 15. Mouse News Lett. 1987;79:56
IN SITU Band: F1-F3
15 J:4570 Hameister H, et al., Physical and genetic linkage map of murine Chromosome 15. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1989;51:1010 (Abstr. 2606)
15 J:8753 Meruelo D, et al., Assignment of the Ly-6--Ril-1--Sis--H-30--Pol-5/Xmmv-72--Ins-3--Krt-1--Int-1 --Gdc-1 region to mouse chromosome 15. Immunogenetics. 1987;25(6):361-72
15 J:9797 Bruisten SM, et al., Haplotype-specific interactions of non-H-2-linked genetic factors controlling the mouse C4 and Slp protein levels. Genetics. 1989 Apr;121(4):795-801
15 J:9797 Bruisten SM, et al., Haplotype-specific interactions of non-H-2-linked genetic factors controlling the mouse C4 and Slp protein levels. Genetics. 1989 Apr;121(4):795-801
15 J:10663 Eicher EM, et al., The NXSM recombinant inbred strains of mice: genetic profile for 58 loci including the Mtv proviral loci. Genetics. 1990 Jun;125(2):431-46
15 J:1883 Frankel WN, et al., Characterization of the endogenous nonecotropic murine leukemia viruses of NZB/B1NJ and SM/J inbred strains. Mamm Genome. 1992;2(2):110-22
15 J:9807 Johnston LA, et al., An ubiquitously expressed gene 3.5 kilobases upstream of the glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene in mice. Mol Cell Biol. 1989 Mar;9(3):935-45
15 J:21511 Kaushik N, et al., Intracisternal A-type particle elements as genetic markers: detection by repeat element viral element amplified locus-PCR. Mamm Genome. 1994 Nov;5(11):688-95
15 J:3252 King TR, et al., Mapping anti-mullerian hormone (Amh) and related sequences in the mouse: identification of a new region of homology between MMU10 and HSA19p. Genomics. 1991 Oct;11(2):273-83
15 J:7860 Kozak LP, Interacting genes control glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase expression in developing cerebellum of the mouse. Genetics. 1985 May;110(1):123-43
15 J:8650 LeClair KP, et al., Murine Ly-6 multigene family is located on chromosome 15. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1987 Mar;84(6):1638-43
15 J:8650 LeClair KP, et al., Murine Ly-6 multigene family is located on chromosome 15. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1987 Mar;84(6):1638-43
15 J:8753 Meruelo D, et al., Assignment of the Ly-6--Ril-1--Sis--H-30--Pol-5/Xmmv-72--Ins-3--Krt-1--Int-1 --Gdc-1 region to mouse chromosome 15. Immunogenetics. 1987;25(6):361-72
15 J:8753 Meruelo D, et al., Assignment of the Ly-6--Ril-1--Sis--H-30--Pol-5/Xmmv-72--Ins-3--Krt-1--Int-1 --Gdc-1 region to mouse chromosome 15. Immunogenetics. 1987;25(6):361-72
15 J:8753 Meruelo D, et al., Assignment of the Ly-6--Ril-1--Sis--H-30--Pol-5/Xmmv-72--Ins-3--Krt-1--Int-1 --Gdc-1 region to mouse chromosome 15. Immunogenetics. 1987;25(6):361-72
15 J:8753 Meruelo D, et al., Assignment of the Ly-6--Ril-1--Sis--H-30--Pol-5/Xmmv-72--Ins-3--Krt-1--Int-1 --Gdc-1 region to mouse chromosome 15. Immunogenetics. 1987;25(6):361-72
15 J:11622 Moen CJ, et al., The recombinant congenic strains--a novel genetic tool applied to the study of colon tumor development in the mouse. Mamm Genome. 1991;1(4):217-27
15 J:29847 Puliti A, et al., A high-resolution genetic map of mouse chromosome 15 encompassing the Dominant megacolon (Dom) locus. Mamm Genome. 1995 Nov;6(11):763-8
15 J:10995 Saffer JD, et al., Localization of the gene for the trans-acting transcription factor Sp1 to the distal end of mouse chromosome 15. Genomics. 1990 Nov;8(3):571-4
15 J:31555 Stassen AP, et al., Genetic composition of the recombinant congenic strains. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jan;7(1):55-8
TEXT 15 J:8601 Hogarth PM, et al., Mapping of the mouse Ly-6, Xp-14, and Gdc-1 loci to chromosome 15. Immunogenetics. 1987;25(1):21-7
TEXT 15 J:7078 Kozak LP, et al., Mouse sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase: molecular cloning and genetic mapping of a cDNA sequence. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1983 May;80(10):3020-4
TEXT 15 J:9667 Prochazka M, et al., A glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase null mutant in BALB/cHeA mice. J Biol Chem. 1989 Mar 15;264(8):4679-83
TEXT 15 J:10995 Saffer JD, et al., Localization of the gene for the trans-acting transcription factor Sp1 to the distal end of mouse chromosome 15. Genomics. 1990 Nov;8(3):571-4
TEXT-Physical Mapping 15 J:80000 The FANTOM Consortium and The RIKEN Genome Exploration Research Group Phase I & II Team, Analysis of the mouse transcriptome based on functional annotation of 60,770 full-length cDNAs. Nature. 2002;420:563-573
TEXT-QTL 15 J:9344 Blankenhorn EP, et al., Genetic map location of Afr-1: results from four genetic crosses. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 1988;137:264-7
TEXT-QTL 15 J:9292 Duncan R, et al., Genes that modify expression of major urinary proteins in mice. Mol Cell Biol. 1988 Jul;8(7):2705-12
TEXT-QTL 15 J:7860 Kozak LP, Interacting genes control glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase expression in developing cerebellum of the mouse. Genetics. 1985 May;110(1):123-43
TEXT-Radiation Hybrid 15 J:68900 The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Radiation Hybrid Database, Mouse T31 Radiation Hybrid Data Load. Database Release. 2004;

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