Symbol Name ID Chromosome |
hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1 MGI:96217 X |
Experiment Type | Details | Chromosome | Reference |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:8194 Amar LC, et al., Mapping of the mouse X chromosome using random genomic probes and an interspecific mouse cross. EMBO J. 1985 Dec 30;4(13B):3695-700 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:30607 Aruga J, et al., The mouse zic gene family. Homologues of the Drosophila pair-rule gene odd-paired. J Biol Chem. 1996 Jan 12;271(2):1043-7 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:8649 Avner P, et al., Detailed ordering of markers localizing to the Xq26-Xqter region of the human X chromosome by the use of an interspecific Mus spretus mouse cross. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1987 Mar;84(6):1629-33 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:31799 Battinelli EM, et al., Characterization and mapping of the mouse NDP (Norrie disease) locus (Ndp). Mamm Genome. 1996 Feb;7(2):93-7 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: Kozak FvC58 + FvSpr |
X | J:22393 Bergsagel PL, et al., Sequence and expression of murine cDNAs encoding Xlr3a and Xlr3b, defining a new X-linked lymphocyte-regulated Xlr gene subfamily. Gene. 1994 Dec 15;150(2):345-50 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:16763 Blair HJ, et al., New insights into the man-mouse comparative map of the X chromosome. Genomics. 1994 Jan 15;19(2):212-20 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:21019 Blair PJ, et al., The mouse scurfy (sf) mutation is tightly linked to Gata1 and Tfe3 on the proximal X chromosome. Mamm Genome. 1994 Oct;5(10):652-4 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:11179 Borsani G, et al., Characterization of a murine gene expressed from the inactive X chromosome. Nature. 1991 May 23;351(6324):325-9 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:23686 Buckle VJ, et al., Chromosomal localization of GABAA receptor subunit genes: relationship to human genetic disease. Neuron. 1989 Nov;3(5):647-54 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:11266 Cattanach BM, et al., Genetic and molecular evidence of an X-chromosome deletion spanning the tabby (Ta) and testicular feminization (Tfm) loci in the mouse. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1991;56(3-4):137-43 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:16931 Ceci JD, et al., Interspecific backcrosses provide an important new tool for centromere mapping of mouse chromosomes. Genomics. 1994 Feb;19(3):515-24 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:16931 Ceci JD, et al., Interspecific backcrosses provide an important new tool for centromere mapping of mouse chromosomes. Genomics. 1994 Feb;19(3):515-24 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:8903 Chamberlain JS, et al., Regional localization of the murine Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene on the mouse X chromosome. Somat Cell Mol Genet. 1987 Nov;13(6):671-8 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:7062 Chapman VM, et al., Electrophoretic variation for X chromosome-linked hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) in wild-derived mice. Genetics. 1983 Apr;103(4):785-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:7062 Chapman VM, et al., Electrophoretic variation for X chromosome-linked hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) in wild-derived mice. Genetics. 1983 Apr;103(4):785-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:7062 Chapman VM, et al., Electrophoretic variation for X chromosome-linked hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) in wild-derived mice. Genetics. 1983 Apr;103(4):785-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:7062 Chapman VM, et al., Electrophoretic variation for X chromosome-linked hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) in wild-derived mice. Genetics. 1983 Apr;103(4):785-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:7062 Chapman VM, et al., Electrophoretic variation for X chromosome-linked hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) in wild-derived mice. Genetics. 1983 Apr;103(4):785-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:7062 Chapman VM, et al., Electrophoretic variation for X chromosome-linked hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) in wild-derived mice. Genetics. 1983 Apr;103(4):785-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:7062 Chapman VM, et al., Electrophoretic variation for X chromosome-linked hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) in wild-derived mice. Genetics. 1983 Apr;103(4):785-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:7062 Chapman VM, et al., Electrophoretic variation for X chromosome-linked hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) in wild-derived mice. Genetics. 1983 Apr;103(4):785-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:7062 Chapman VM, et al., Electrophoretic variation for X chromosome-linked hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) in wild-derived mice. Genetics. 1983 Apr;103(4):785-95 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:9638 Chapman VM, et al., Recovery of induced mutations for X chromosome-linked muscular dystrophy in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1989 Feb;86(4):1292-6 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS) |
X | J:64703 Cocchia M, et al., PLAC1, an Xq26 gene with placenta-specific expression. Genomics. 2000 Sep 15;68(3):305-12 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:31475 Collignon J, et al., A comparison of the properties of Sox-3 with Sry and two related genes, Sox-1 and Sox-2. Development. 1996 Feb;122(2):509-20 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:2296 Derry JM, et al., Physical linkage of the A-raf-1, properdin, synapsin I, and TIMP genes on the human and mouse X chromosomes. Genomics. 1992 Apr;12(4):632-8 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins |
X | J:10440 Dickinson ME, et al., Chromosomal localization of seven members of the murine TGF-beta superfamily suggests close linkage to several morphogenetic mutant loci. Genomics. 1990 Mar;6(3):505-20 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:22214 DiSanto JP, et al., The murine interleukin-2 receptor gamma chain gene: organization, chromosomal localization and expression in the adult thymus. Eur J Immunol. 1994 Dec;24(12):3014-8 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:10029 Disteche CM, et al., Comparison of the physical and recombination maps of the mouse X chromosome. Genomics. 1989 Aug;5(2):177-84 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:896 Disteche CM, et al., Mapping and expression of the ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 (Ube1) gene in the mouse. Mamm Genome. 1992;3(3):156-61 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:896 Disteche CM, et al., Mapping and expression of the ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 (Ube1) gene in the mouse. Mamm Genome. 1992;3(3):156-61 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:50115 Ehrmann IE, et al., Characterization of genes encoding translation initiation factor eIF-2gamma in mouse and human: sex chromosome localization, escape from X-inactivation and evolution. Hum Mol Genet. 1998 Oct;7(11):1725-37 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:3787 Geng Y, et al., Mapping of a liver phosphorylase kinase alpha-subunit gene on the mouse X chromosome. Genomics. 1993 Jan;15(1):191-3 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:52809 Gormally E, et al., Faint lined (Fnl): a novel X-linked coat mutant in the mouse. Genet Res. 1998 Dec;72(3):211-6 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:11094 Grant SG, et al., Detailed genetic mapping of the A-raf proto-oncogene on the mouse X chromosome. Oncogene. 1991 Mar;6(3):397-402 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:10909 Grant SG, et al., Localization of the mouse Mcf-2 (Dbl) protooncogene within a conserved linkage group on the mouse X chromosome. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1990;54(3-4):175-81 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:10909 Grant SG, et al., Localization of the mouse Mcf-2 (Dbl) protooncogene within a conserved linkage group on the mouse X chromosome. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1990;54(3-4):175-81 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:8774 Heilig R, et al., Localization of the region homologous to the Duchenne muscular dystrophy locus on the mouse X chromosome. Nature. 1987 Jul 9-15;328(6126):168-70 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:11194 Herman GE, et al., Genetic mapping of the mouse X chromosome in the region homologous to human Xq27-Xq28. Genomics. 1991 Apr;9(4):670-7 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:11194 Herman GE, et al., Genetic mapping of the mouse X chromosome in the region homologous to human Xq27-Xq28. Genomics. 1991 Apr;9(4):670-7 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:10593 Herman GE, et al., Close linkage of the murine locus bare patches to the X-linked visual pigment gene: implications for mapping human X-linked dominant chondrodysplasia punctata. Genomics. 1990 Jul;7(3):307-12 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: Kozak FvC58 + FvSpr |
X | J:54010 Hunt CR, et al., Genetic mapping of mouse heat shock protein genes Hsc4a to chromosome 11 and Hsc74 to chromosome 18 and two Hsc74 pseudogenes to chromosomes X and 8. Genomics. 1999 Mar 15;56(3):358-60 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: JAX Mouse Mutant Resource BSS |
X | J:3226 Johnson KR, et al., Genetic mapping of the murine gene and 14 related sequences encoding chromosomal protein HMG-14. Mamm Genome. 1992;3(11):625-32 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: JAX Mouse Mutant Resource BCB |
X | J:3226 Johnson KR, et al., Genetic mapping of the murine gene and 14 related sequences encoding chromosomal protein HMG-14. Mamm Genome. 1992;3(11):625-32 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: JAX Mouse Mutant Resource BCB |
X | J:21510 Johnson KR, et al., Identification and genetic mapping of 151 dispersed members of 16 ribosomal protein multigene families in the mouse. Mamm Genome. 1994 Nov;5(11):670-87 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:11583 Kay G, et al., Determination of a molecular map position for Hyp using a new interspecific backcross produced by in vitro fertilization. Genomics. 1991 Nov;11(3):651-7 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:615 Kay GF, et al., A candidate spermatogenesis gene on the mouse Y chromosome is homologous to ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1. Nature. 1991 Dec 12;354(6353):486-9 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: Kozak FvC58 + FvSpr |
X | J:56825 Kozak CA, et al., Identification and genetic mapping of differentially expressed genes in mice differing at the If1 interferon regulatory locus. Mamm Genome. 1999 Sep;10(9):853-7 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:4249 Laval SH, et al., Novel sequences conserved on the human and mouse X chromosomes. Genomics. 1993 Mar;15(3):483-91 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:4249 Laval SH, et al., Novel sequences conserved on the human and mouse X chromosomes. Genomics. 1993 Mar;15(3):483-91 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:21485 Lin TP, et al., The Pem homeobox gene is X-linked and exclusively expressed in extraembryonic tissues during early murine development. Dev Biol. 1994 Nov;166(1):170-9 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins |
X | J:33558 Marine JC, et al., Chromosomal location of fifteen unique mouse KRAB-containing zinc finger loci. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jun;7(6):413-6 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:9627 Mullins LJ, et al., Multilocus molecular mapping of the mouse X chromosome. Genomics. 1988 Oct;3(3):187-94 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:9627 Mullins LJ, et al., Multilocus molecular mapping of the mouse X chromosome. Genomics. 1988 Oct;3(3):187-94 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:10474 Mullins LJ, et al., Efficient linkage of 10 loci in the proximal region of the mouse X chromosome. Genomics. 1990 May;7(1):19-30 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:10474 Mullins LJ, et al., Efficient linkage of 10 loci in the proximal region of the mouse X chromosome. Genomics. 1990 May;7(1):19-30 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:10474 Mullins LJ, et al., Efficient linkage of 10 loci in the proximal region of the mouse X chromosome. Genomics. 1990 May;7(1):19-30 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:10474 Mullins LJ, et al., Efficient linkage of 10 loci in the proximal region of the mouse X chromosome. Genomics. 1990 May;7(1):19-30 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins |
X | J:65138 Osawa M, et al., Characterization of the mouse interleukin-13 receptor alpha1 gene. Immunogenetics. 2000 Sep;51(11):974-81 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:9720 Peters J, et al., The localization of G6pd, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and mdx, muscular dystrophy in the mouse X chromosome. Genet Res. 1988 Dec;52(3):195-201 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:9720 Peters J, et al., The localization of G6pd, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and mdx, muscular dystrophy in the mouse X chromosome. Genet Res. 1988 Dec;52(3):195-201 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:17620 Reed V, et al., Mapping of loci and translocation breakpoints in Xq13: isolation of a conserved locus that maps close to CCG1 in human and mouse. Mamm Genome. 1994 Apr;5(4):237-40 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:9438 Ryder-Cook AS, et al., Localization of the mdx mutation within the mouse dystrophin gene. EMBO J. 1988 Oct;7(10):3017-21 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins |
X | J:11120 Siracusa LD, et al., Identification and applications of repetitive probes for gene mapping in the mouse. Genetics. 1991 Jan;127(1):169-79 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins |
X | J:11320 Siracusa LD, et al., Chromosomal location of the octamer transcription factors, Otf-1, Otf-2, and Otf-3, defines multiple Otf-3-related sequences dispersed in the mouse genome. Genomics. 1991 Jun;10(2):313-26 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins |
X | J:41070 Smallwood PM, et al., Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) homologous factors: new members of the FGF family implicated in nervous system development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1996 Sep 3;93(18):9850-7 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:42075 Sobek-Klocke I, et al., The human gene ZFP161 on 18p11.21-pter encodes a putative c-myc repressor and is homologous to murine Zfp161 (Chr 17) and Zfp161-rs1 (X Chr). Genomics. 1997 Jul 15;43(2):156-64 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:9340 Stephenson DA, et al., X-chromosome gene order in different Mus species crosses. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 1988;137:18-24 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
X | J:9340 Stephenson DA, et al., X-chromosome gene order in different Mus species crosses. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 1988;137:18-24 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins |
X | J:18214 Wilson JB, et al., Transgenic mouse model of X-linked cleft palate. Cell Growth Differ. 1993 Feb;4(2):67-76 |
HYBRID | X | J:5872 Francke U, et al., Gene mapping in Mus musculus by interspecific cell hybridization: assignment of the genes for tripeptidase-1 to chromosome 10, dipeptidase-2 to chromosome 18, acid phosphatase-1 to chromosome 12, and adenylate kinase-1 to chromosome 2. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1977;19(2-3):57-84 | |
HYBRID | X | J:6224 Francke U, et al., Assignment of the gene for cytoplasmic superoxide dismutase (Sod-1) to a region of chromosome 16 and of Hprt to a region of the X chromosome in the mouse. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1979 Oct;76(10):5230-3 | |
HYBRID | X | J:6384 Francke U, et al., Comparative gene mapping: order of loci on the X chromosome is different in mice and humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1980 Jun;77(6):3595-9 | |
HYBRID | X | J:5817 Kozak C, et al., Gene linkage analysis in the mouse by somatic cell hybridization: assignment of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase to chromosome 8 and alpha-galactosidase to the X chromosome. Somatic Cell Genet. 1975 Oct;1(4):371-82 | |
Band: A6 |
X | J:8663 Lyon MF, et al., Localization of the Hprt locus by in situ hybridization and distribution of loci on the mouse X-chromosome. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1987;44(2-3):163-6 |
TEXT | X | J:8788 Avner P, et al., A-raf oncogene localizes on mouse X chromosome to region some 10-17 centimorgans proximal to hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase gene. Somat Cell Mol Genet. 1987 May;13(3):267-72 | |
TEXT | X | J:5618 Chapman VM, et al., Somatic cell genetic evidence for X-chromosome linkage of three enzymes in the mouse. Nature. 1976 Feb 26;259(5545):665-7 | |
TEXT | X | J:11054 Chapman VM, et al., Linkage of the erythroid transcription factor gene (Gf-1) to the proximal region of the X chromosome of mice. Genomics. 1991 Feb;9(2):309-13 | |
TEXT | X | J:68683 Elliott RW, et al., Genetic analysis of testis weight and fertility in an interspecies hybrid congenic strain for Chromosome X. Mamm Genome. 2001 Jan;12(1):45-51 | |
TEXT | X | J:5261 Epstein CJ, Expression of the mammalian X chromosome before and after fertilization. Science. 1972 Mar 31;175(29):1467-8 | |
TEXT | X | J:71572 Liu X, et al., High-resolution quantitative trait locus mapping for body weight in mice by recombinant progeny testing. Genet Res. 2001 Apr;77(2):191-7 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | X | J:8649 Avner P, et al., Detailed ordering of markers localizing to the Xq26-Xqter region of the human X chromosome by the use of an interspecific Mus spretus mouse cross. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1987 Mar;84(6):1629-33 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | X | J:10625 Barnard PJ, et al., Mapping of the phosphorylase kinase alpha subunit gene on the mouse X chromosome. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1990;53(2-3):91-4 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | X | J:20134 Blair HJ, et al., Evaluation of human microdissection clones from the FRAXA region as tools for comparative mapping in the mouse: isolation of a conserved genomic clone close to FMR1. Mamm Genome. 1994 Sep;5(9):584-7 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | X | J:11234 Chapman VM, et al., Linkage of amelogenin (Amel) to the distal portion of the mouse X chromosome. Genomics. 1991 May;10(1):23-8 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | X | J:11078 Chapman VM, et al., Linkage of a gene for neural cell adhesion molecule, L1 (CamL1) to the Rsvp region of the mouse X chromosome. Genomics. 1990 Sep;8(1):113-8 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | X | J:11417 Derry JM, et al., Mapping of the glycine receptor alpha 2-subunit gene and the GABAA alpha 3-subunit gene on the mouse X chromosome. Genomics. 1991 Jul;10(3):593-7 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | X | J:52809 Gormally E, et al., Faint lined (Fnl): a novel X-linked coat mutant in the mouse. Genet Res. 1998 Dec;72(3):211-6 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | X | J:11488 Herman GE, et al., The construction of human somatic cell hybrids containing portions of the mouse X chromosome and their use to generate DNA probes via interspersed repetitive sequence polymerase chain reaction. Genomics. 1991 Aug;10(4):961-70 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | X | J:3881 Johnson KR, et al., Identification and genetic mapping of the murine gene and 20 related sequences encoding chromosomal protein HMG-17. Mamm Genome. 1993;4(2):83-9 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | X | J:1611 Laval SH, et al., Mapping of FMR1, the gene implicated in fragile X-linked mental retardation, on the mouse X chromosome. Genomics. 1992 Apr;12(4):818-21 | |
TEXT-Genetic Cross | X | J:9798 Mitchell M, et al., Localization of murine X and autosomal sequences homologous to the human Y located testis-determining region. Genetics. 1989 Apr;121(4):803-9 | |
TEXT-Physical Mapping | X | J:64703 Cocchia M, et al., PLAC1, an Xq26 gene with placenta-specific expression. Genomics. 2000 Sep 15;68(3):305-12 | |
TEXT-Physical Mapping | X | J:46661 Kushi A, et al., Generation of mutant mice with large chromosomal deletion by use of irradiated ES cells-- analysis of large deletion around hprt locus of ES cell. Mamm Genome. 1998 Apr;9(4):269-73 | |
TEXT-Physical Mapping | X | J:80000 The FANTOM Consortium and The RIKEN Genome Exploration Research Group Phase I & II Team, Analysis of the mouse transcriptome based on functional annotation of 60,770 full-length cDNAs. Nature. 2002;420:563-573 | |
TEXT-QTL | X | J:74459 Brodkin ES, et al., Identification of quantitative trait Loci that affect aggressive behavior in mice. J Neurosci. 2002 Feb 1;22(3):1165-70 | |
TEXT-QTL | X | J:94029 Elliott RW, et al., Loci affecting male fertility in hybrids between Mus macedonicus and C57BL/6. Mamm Genome. 2004 Sep;15(9):704-10 | |
TEXT-Radiation Hybrid | X | J:68900 The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Radiation Hybrid Database, Mouse T31 Radiation Hybrid Data Load. Database Release. 2004; |
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO) |
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last database update 12/17/2024 MGI 6.24 |
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