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insulin dependent diabetes susceptibility 3
20 mapping experiments
Experiment Type Details Chromosome Reference
TEXT 3 J:39376 Denny P, et al., Mapping of the IDDM locus Idd3 to a 0.35-cM interval containing the interleukin-2 gene. Diabetes. 1997 Apr;46(4):695-700
TEXT 3 J:39376 Denny P, et al., Mapping of the IDDM locus Idd3 to a 0.35-cM interval containing the interleukin-2 gene. Diabetes. 1997 Apr;46(4):695-700
TEXT 3 J:63571 Haddad R, et al., Restriction landmark genomic scanning of mouse liver tumors for gene amplification: overexpression of cyclin A2. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2000 Jul 21;274(1):188-96
TEXT 3 J:92678 Koarada S, et al., Genetic control of autoimmunity: protection from diabetes, but spontaneous autoimmune biliary disease in a nonobese diabetic congenic strain. J Immunol. 2004 Aug 15;173(4):2315-23
TEXT 3 J:28719 Lord CJ, et al., Mapping the diabetes polygene Idd3 on mouse chromosome 3 by use of novel congenic strains. Mamm Genome. 1995 Sep;6(9):563-70
TEXT 3 J:85823 Matsuki N, et al., Genetic dissection of V alpha 14J alpha 18 natural T cell number and function in autoimmune-prone mice. J Immunol. 2003 Jun 1;170(11):5429-37
TEXT 3 J:21140 Wicker LS, et al., Resistance alleles at two non-major histocompatibility complex-linked insulin-dependent diabetes loci on chromosome 3, Idd3 and Idd10, protect nonobese diabetic mice from diabetes. J Exp Med. 1994 Nov 1;180(5):1705-13
TEXT 3 J:33172 Yui MA, et al., Production of congenic mouse strains carrying NOD-derived diabetogenic genetic intervals: an approach for the genetic dissection of complex traits. Mamm Genome. 1996 May;7(5):331-4
TEXT-Congenic 3 J:17906 Cornall RJ, Genetics of a multifactorial disease: autoimmune type 1 diabetes mellitus. Clin Sci (Colch). 1993 Mar;84(3):257-62
TEXT-Congenic 3 J:28947 Mcaleer MA, et al., Crosses of NOD mice with the related NON strain: A polygenic model for IDDM. Diabetes. 1995 OCT;44(10):1186-1195
TEXT-Congenic 3 J:3351 Todd JA, et al., Genetic analysis of autoimmune type 1 diabetes mellitus in mice [see comments]. Nature. 1991 Jun 13;351(6327):542-7
TEXT-Genetic Cross 3 J:39376 Denny P, et al., Mapping of the IDDM locus Idd3 to a 0.35-cM interval containing the interleukin-2 gene. Diabetes. 1997 Apr;46(4):695-700
TEXT-Physical Mapping 3 J:39376 Denny P, et al., Mapping of the IDDM locus Idd3 to a 0.35-cM interval containing the interleukin-2 gene. Diabetes. 1997 Apr;46(4):695-700
TEXT-QTL 3 J:52572 Encinas JA, et al., QTL influencing autoimmune diabetes and encephalomyelitis map to a 0.15-cM region containing Il2. Nat Genet. 1999 Feb;21(2):158-60
TEXT-QTL 3 J:13557 Ghosh S, et al., Polygenic control of autoimmune diabetes in nonobese diabetic mice. Nat Genet. 1993 Aug;4(4):404-9
TEXT-QTL 3 J:99466 Ikegami H, et al., Genetic dissection of type 1 diabetes susceptibility gene, Idd3, by ancestral haplotype congenic mapping. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2002 Apr;958:325-8
TEXT-QTL 3 J:106844 Lundholm M, et al., Defective induction of CTLA-4 in the NOD mouse is controlled by the NOD allele of Idd3/IL-2 and a novel locus (Ctex) telomeric on chromosome 1. Diabetes. 2006 Feb;55(2):538-44
TEXT-QTL 3 J:61763 Lyons PA, et al., Congenic mapping of the type 1 diabetes locus, Idd3, to a 780-kb region of mouse chromosome 3: identification of a candidate segment of ancestral DNA by haplotype mapping. Genome Res. 2000 Apr;10(4):446-53
TEXT-QTL 3 J:108210 Podolin PL, et al., Differential glycosylation of interleukin 2, the molecular basis for the NOD Idd3 type 1 diabetes gene?. Cytokine. 2000 May;12(5):477-82
TEXT-QTL-Candidate Genes 3 J:86885 Ikegami H, et al., Congenic mapping and candidate sequencing of susceptibility genes for Type 1 diabetes in the NOD mouse. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2003 Nov;1005:196-204

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