Symbol Name ID Chromosome |
malic enzyme 1, NADP(+)-dependent, cytosolic MGI:97043 9 |
Experiment Type | Details | Chromosome | Reference |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:6893 Antonucci TK, et al., Linkage of the structural gene for uroporphyrinogen I synthase to markers on mouse chromosome 9 in a cross between feral and inbred mice. Biochem Genet. 1982 Aug;20(7-8):703-10 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:7478 Antonucci TK, et al., Conserved linkage within a 4-cM region of mouse chromosome 9 and human chromosome 11. Genetics. 1984 Jul;107(3):463-75 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:7478 Antonucci TK, et al., Conserved linkage within a 4-cM region of mouse chromosome 9 and human chromosome 11. Genetics. 1984 Jul;107(3):463-75 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:10489 Bessis A, et al., Chromosomal localization of the mouse genes coding for alpha 2, alpha 3, alpha 4 and beta 2 subunits of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. FEBS Lett. 1990 May 7;264(1):48-52 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:5313 Blankenhorn EP, et al., Location of the gene for Theta antigen in the mouse. J Hered. 1972 Sep-Oct;63(5):259-63 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:5313 Blankenhorn EP, et al., Location of the gene for Theta antigen in the mouse. J Hered. 1972 Sep-Oct;63(5):259-63 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:5313 Blankenhorn EP, et al., Location of the gene for Theta antigen in the mouse. J Hered. 1972 Sep-Oct;63(5):259-63 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:5313 Blankenhorn EP, et al., Location of the gene for Theta antigen in the mouse. J Hered. 1972 Sep-Oct;63(5):259-63 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:5313 Blankenhorn EP, et al., Location of the gene for Theta antigen in the mouse. J Hered. 1972 Sep-Oct;63(5):259-63 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:12006 Bonhomme F, et al., [Genetic analysis of interspecific crosses Mus musculus L. x Mus spretus Lataste: linkage of Adh-1 with Amy-1 on chromosome 3 and Es-14 with Mod-1 on chromosome 9]. C R Seances Acad Sci D. 1979 Oct 1;289(6):545-8 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:1789 Cobb RR, et al., A malic enzyme probe detects cross-hybridizing sequences closely linked to loci encoding other metabolic enzymes. Genomics. 1992 Feb;12(2):405-8 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:1789 Cobb RR, et al., A malic enzyme probe detects cross-hybridizing sequences closely linked to loci encoding other metabolic enzymes. Genomics. 1992 Feb;12(2):405-8 |
Cross Type: Intercross |
9 | J:11886 D'Eustachio P, et al., Resolution of the staggerer (sg) mutation from the neural cell adhesion molecule locus (Ncam) on mouse chromosome 9. Mamm Genome. 1993;4(5):278-80 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:6212 Douglas TC, et al., Location of the gene for theta antigen in the mouse. III. The position of Thy-1 relative to Lap-1 and Mpi-1. J Hered. 1979 Jul-Aug;70(4):250-4 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:6212 Douglas TC, et al., Location of the gene for theta antigen in the mouse. III. The position of Thy-1 relative to Lap-1 and Mpi-1. J Hered. 1979 Jul-Aug;70(4):250-4 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:6077 Douglas TC, et al., Location of the gene for theta antigen in the mouse. II. Three-point crosses place Thy-1 in proximal region of chromosome 9. J Hered. 1978 Jul-Aug;69(4):224-8 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:6328 Eicher EM, et al., A serum protein polymorphism determinant on chromosome 9 of Mus musculus. Mol Gen Genet. 1980;177(4):571-6 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:6328 Eicher EM, et al., A serum protein polymorphism determinant on chromosome 9 of Mus musculus. Mol Gen Genet. 1980;177(4):571-6 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:6328 Eicher EM, et al., A serum protein polymorphism determinant on chromosome 9 of Mus musculus. Mol Gen Genet. 1980;177(4):571-6 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:30730 Elliott RW, et al., Use of high resolution two dimensional electrophoresis of liver cytosol proteins in the discovery and mapping of a new mouse variant, in Electrophoresis '78. 1978:261-74. |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:25177 Guenet JL, et al., The genes coding for alpha and beta catenin (Catna1 and Catnb) and plakoglobin (Jup) map to mouse chromosomes 18, 9, and 11, respectively. Mamm Genome. 1995 May;6(5):363-6 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:34473 Heine D, et al., Effect of the mouse scid mutation on meiotic recombination. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jul;7(7):497-500 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:34473 Heine D, et al., Effect of the mouse scid mutation on meiotic recombination. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jul;7(7):497-500 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:34473 Heine D, et al., Effect of the mouse scid mutation on meiotic recombination. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jul;7(7):497-500 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:34473 Heine D, et al., Effect of the mouse scid mutation on meiotic recombination. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jul;7(7):497-500 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:5164 Hutton JJ, et al., Linkage analyses using biochemical variants in mice. 3. Linkage relationships of eleven biochemical markers. Biochem Genet. 1970 Apr;4(2):339-50 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:5164 Hutton JJ, et al., Linkage analyses using biochemical variants in mice. 3. Linkage relationships of eleven biochemical markers. Biochem Genet. 1970 Apr;4(2):339-50 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:15208 Imai K, et al., The genetic map around the tail kinks (tk) locus on mouse chromosome 9. Mamm Genome. 1993;4(10):560-4 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:5270 Itakura K, et al., Genetic linkage relationships of loci specifying differentiation alloantigens in the mouse. Transplantation. 1972 Mar;13(3):239-43 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:6623 Johnson FM, et al., A null mutation at the mouse Phosphoglucomutase-1 locus and a new locus Pgm-3. Biochem Genet. 1981 Jun;19(5-6):599-615 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:6623 Johnson FM, et al., A null mutation at the mouse Phosphoglucomutase-1 locus and a new locus Pgm-3. Biochem Genet. 1981 Jun;19(5-6):599-615 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: JAX Mouse Mutant Resource BCB |
9 | J:21510 Johnson KR, et al., Identification and genetic mapping of 151 dispersed members of 16 ribosomal protein multigene families in the mouse. Mamm Genome. 1994 Nov;5(11):670-87 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:3702 Kelman Z, et al., The murine vik gene (chromosome 9) encodes a putative receptor with unique protein kinase motifs. Oncogene. 1993 Jan;8(1):37-44 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS) |
9 | J:60984 Ko MS, et al., Large-scale cDNA analysis reveals phased gene expression patterns during preimplantation mouse development. Development. 2000 Apr;127(8):1737-49 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:6689 Kozak CA, et al., Genetic mapping of ecotropic murine leukemia virus-inducing loci in six inbred strains. J Exp Med. 1982 Feb 1;155(2):524-34 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:6689 Kozak CA, et al., Genetic mapping of ecotropic murine leukemia virus-inducing loci in six inbred strains. J Exp Med. 1982 Feb 1;155(2):524-34 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:4452 Kozak LP, et al., Unlinked structural genes for the developmentally regulated isozymes of sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in mice. Dev Genet. 1982;3(1):1-6 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:4452 Kozak LP, et al., Unlinked structural genes for the developmentally regulated isozymes of sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in mice. Dev Genet. 1982;3(1):1-6 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:4458 Lane PW, et al., Ashen, a new color mutation on chromosome 9 of the mouse. J Hered. 1979;70(2):133-135 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:4458 Lane PW, et al., Ashen, a new color mutation on chromosome 9 of the mouse. J Hered. 1979;70(2):133-135 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:8672 Nadeau JH, A chromosomal segment conserved since divergence of lineages leading to man and mouse: the gene order of aminoacylase-1, transferrin, and beta-galactosidase on mouse chromosome 9 [published erratum appears in Genet Res 1987 Aug;50(1):77]. Genet Res. 1986 Dec;48(3):175-8 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:8672 Nadeau JH, A chromosomal segment conserved since divergence of lineages leading to man and mouse: the gene order of aminoacylase-1, transferrin, and beta-galactosidase on mouse chromosome 9 [published erratum appears in Genet Res 1987 Aug;50(1):77]. Genet Res. 1986 Dec;48(3):175-8 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:12629 Nass SJ, et al., Mapping of the Mod-1 locus on mouse chromosome 9. Mamm Genome. 1993;4(6):333-7 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:5334 Nichols EA, et al., Polymorphism and linkage for mannosephosphate isomerase in Mus musculus. Biochem Genet. 1973 Jan;8(1):47-53 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:5334 Nichols EA, et al., Polymorphism and linkage for mannosephosphate isomerase in Mus musculus. Biochem Genet. 1973 Jan;8(1):47-53 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:5334 Nichols EA, et al., Polymorphism and linkage for mannosephosphate isomerase in Mus musculus. Biochem Genet. 1973 Jan;8(1):47-53 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:5334 Nichols EA, et al., Polymorphism and linkage for mannosephosphate isomerase in Mus musculus. Biochem Genet. 1973 Jan;8(1):47-53 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:5334 Nichols EA, et al., Polymorphism and linkage for mannosephosphate isomerase in Mus musculus. Biochem Genet. 1973 Jan;8(1):47-53 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:7041 Otto J, et al., Esterase-17 (ES-17): characterization and genetic location on chromosome 9 of a bis-p-nitrophenyl phosphate-resistant esterase of the house mouse (Mus musculus). Biochem Genet. 1983 Feb;21(1-2):37-48 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:5756 Paigen K, et al., Genetic determination of the beta-galactosidase developmental program in mouse liver. Cell. 1976 Dec;9(4):533-9 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:5756 Paigen K, et al., Genetic determination of the beta-galactosidase developmental program in mouse liver. Cell. 1976 Dec;9(4):533-9 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS) |
9 | J:46257 Pearsall RS, et al., The Rasgrf1-repeat sequence (D9Ncvs53) maps between Mod1 and Rbp1 on mouse chromosome 9 and may define a putative imprinted region. Mamm Genome. 1998 Mar;9(3):261-2 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:7770 Peters J, et al., The Pk-3 gene determines both the heart, M1, and the kidney, M2, pyruvate kinase isozymes in the mouse; and a simple electrophoretic method for separating phosphoglucomutase-3. Biochem Genet. 1984 Dec;22(11-12):1047-63 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:7770 Peters J, et al., The Pk-3 gene determines both the heart, M1, and the kidney, M2, pyruvate kinase isozymes in the mouse; and a simple electrophoretic method for separating phosphoglucomutase-3. Biochem Genet. 1984 Dec;22(11-12):1047-63 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:6625 Peters J, et al., Polymorphism of kidney pyruvate kinase in the mouse is determined by a gene, Pk-3, on chromosome 9. Biochem Genet. 1981 Aug;19(7-8):757-69 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:6625 Peters J, et al., Polymorphism of kidney pyruvate kinase in the mouse is determined by a gene, Pk-3, on chromosome 9. Biochem Genet. 1981 Aug;19(7-8):757-69 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:8783 Prochazka M, et al., Three recessive loci required for insulin-dependent diabetes in nonobese diabetic mice [published erratum appears in Science 1988 Nov 11;242(4880):945]. Science. 1987 Jul 17;237(4812):286-9 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:29464 Prochazka M, et al., Genetic control of diabetogenesis in NOD/Lt mice. Development and analysis of congenic stocks. Diabetes. 1989 Nov;38(11):1446-55 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:13592 Schleef M, et al., Chromosomal localization and genomic cloning of the mouse alpha-tropomyosin gene Tpm-1. Genomics. 1993 Aug;17(2):519-21 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:12920 Simon-Chazottes D, et al., The serotonin 5-HT1B receptor subtype (Htr1b) gene maps to mouse chromosome 9. Mamm Genome. 1993;4(7):397-8 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:14217 Spencer CA, et al., Variable spotting (vs). Mouse News Lett. 1988;81:71 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:14217 Spencer CA, et al., Variable spotting (vs). Mouse News Lett. 1988;81:71 |
Cross Type: Other |
9 | J:14266 Sweet HO, et al., Rough fur (ruf). Mouse Genome. 1990;86:236-7 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:5601 Womack JE, et al., Genetic variation of an intestinal leucine arylaminopeptidase (Lap-1) in the mouse and its location on chromosome 9. Biochem Genet. 1975 Oct;13(9-10):511-8 |
Cross Type: Backcross |
9 | J:6125 Womack JE, et al., Esterase 13, a new mouse esterase locus with recessive expression and its genetic location on chromosome 9. Biochem Genet. 1978 Dec;16(11-12):1107-12 |
Cross Type: Backcross Mapping Panel: JAX (BSS) |
9 | J:49394 Yamazaki K, et al., Genetic mapping of mouse transient receptor potential (Trrp) genes responsible for capacitative calcium entry channels to chromosomes 3, 7, 9, and X. Genomics. 1998 Jul 15;51(2):303-5 |
HYBRID | 9 | J:5872 Francke U, et al., Gene mapping in Mus musculus by interspecific cell hybridization: assignment of the genes for tripeptidase-1 to chromosome 10, dipeptidase-2 to chromosome 18, acid phosphatase-1 to chromosome 12, and adenylate kinase-1 to chromosome 2. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1977;19(2-3):57-84 | |
HYBRID | 9 | J:5817 Kozak C, et al., Gene linkage analysis in the mouse by somatic cell hybridization: assignment of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase to chromosome 8 and alpha-galactosidase to the X chromosome. Somatic Cell Genet. 1975 Oct;1(4):371-82 | |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXD |
9 | J:1789 Cobb RR, et al., A malic enzyme probe detects cross-hybridizing sequences closely linked to loci encoding other metabolic enzymes. Genomics. 1992 Feb;12(2):405-8 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXD |
9 | J:1881 Coleman DL, et al., Genetic regulation of malic enzyme activity in the mouse. J Biol Chem. 1991 Nov 15;266(32):21997-2002 |
RI |
9 | J:10663 Eicher EM, et al., The NXSM recombinant inbred strains of mice: genetic profile for 58 loci including the Mtv proviral loci. Genetics. 1990 Jun;125(2):431-46 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXD |
9 | J:6328 Eicher EM, et al., A serum protein polymorphism determinant on chromosome 9 of Mus musculus. Mol Gen Genet. 1980;177(4):571-6 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXH |
9 | J:6328 Eicher EM, et al., A serum protein polymorphism determinant on chromosome 9 of Mus musculus. Mol Gen Genet. 1980;177(4):571-6 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: CXB |
9 | J:6328 Eicher EM, et al., A serum protein polymorphism determinant on chromosome 9 of Mus musculus. Mol Gen Genet. 1980;177(4):571-6 |
RI |
9 | J:6328 Eicher EM, et al., A serum protein polymorphism determinant on chromosome 9 of Mus musculus. Mol Gen Genet. 1980;177(4):571-6 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: CXB |
9 | J:6130 Elliott RW, Use of two-dimensional electrophoresis to identify and map new mouse genes. Genetics. 1979 Feb;91(2):295-308 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXD |
9 | J:30730 Elliott RW, et al., Use of high resolution two dimensional electrophoresis of liver cytosol proteins in the discovery and mapping of a new mouse variant, in Electrophoresis '78. 1978:261-74. |
RI |
RI/RC Set: CXB |
9 | J:30730 Elliott RW, et al., Use of high resolution two dimensional electrophoresis of liver cytosol proteins in the discovery and mapping of a new mouse variant, in Electrophoresis '78. 1978:261-74. |
RI |
9 | J:1883 Frankel WN, et al., Characterization of the endogenous nonecotropic murine leukemia viruses of NZB/B1NJ and SM/J inbred strains. Mamm Genome. 1992;2(2):110-22 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXD |
9 | J:10241 Friedman JM, et al., Level of expression and chromosome mapping of the mouse cholecystokinin gene: implications for murine models of genetic obesity. Genomics. 1989 Oct;5(3):463-9 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: CXS |
9 | J:8016 Hilgers J, et al., A series of recombinant inbred strains between the BALB/cHeA and STS/A mouse strains. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 1985;122:31-7 |
RI |
9 | J:10902 Hoatlin ME, et al., Activation of erythropoietin receptors by Friend viral gp55 and by erythropoietin and down-modulation by the murine Fv-2r resistance gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1990 Dec;87(24):9985-9 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXH |
9 | J:18585 Jenuth JP, et al., Assignment of a gene that determines erythrocytic guanosine-5'-triphosphate concentration (Gtpc) to mouse chromosome 9. Genome. 1994 Jun;37(3):399-404 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXD |
9 | J:11090 Kasahara M, et al., Mapping of class alpha glutathione S-transferase 2 (GST-2) genes to the vicinity of the d locus on mouse chromosome 9. Genomics. 1990 Sep;8(1):90-6 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: CXB |
9 | J:11090 Kasahara M, et al., Mapping of class alpha glutathione S-transferase 2 (GST-2) genes to the vicinity of the d locus on mouse chromosome 9. Genomics. 1990 Sep;8(1):90-6 |
RI |
9 | J:20787 Krzanowska H, et al., Strain distribution patterns for strains, KE, KP, and CBA/Kw. Mouse Genome. 1994;92(3):507 |
RI |
9 | J:20787 Krzanowska H, et al., Strain distribution patterns for strains, KE, KP, and CBA/Kw. Mouse Genome. 1994;92(3):507 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: Not Specified |
9 | J:24203 Lueders KK, Multilocus genomic mapping with intracisternal A-particle proviral oligonucleotide probes hybridized to mouse DNA in dried agarose gels. Electrophoresis. 1995 Feb;16(2):179-85 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: CXB |
9 | J:7017 Lusis AJ, et al., Genetic control of lipid transport in mice. II. Genes controlling structure of high density lipoproteins. J Biol Chem. 1983 Apr 25;258(8):5071-8 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXH |
9 | J:7017 Lusis AJ, et al., Genetic control of lipid transport in mice. II. Genes controlling structure of high density lipoproteins. J Biol Chem. 1983 Apr 25;258(8):5071-8 |
RI |
9 | J:16092 Malek TR, et al., The IL-2 receptor beta chain gene (Il-2rb) is closely linked to the Pdgfb locus on mouse chromosome 15. Immunogenetics. 1993;38(2):154-6 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXA |
9 | J:3516 Marshall JD, et al., The AXB and BXA set of recombinant inbred mouse strains. Mamm Genome. 1992;3(12):669-80 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: AXB |
9 | J:3516 Marshall JD, et al., The AXB and BXA set of recombinant inbred mouse strains. Mamm Genome. 1992;3(12):669-80 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXD |
9 | J:20251 Meisler MH, Effects of the Bgs locus on mouse beta-galactosidase. Biochem Genet. 1976 Dec;14(11-12):921-32 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: CcS |
9 | J:11622 Moen CJ, et al., The recombinant congenic strains--a novel genetic tool applied to the study of colon tumor development in the mouse. Mamm Genome. 1991;1(4):217-27 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: NX129 |
9 | J:6621 Nadeau JH, et al., Linkage of Pgm-3 in the house mouse and homologies of three phosphoglucomutase loci in mouse and man. Biochem Genet. 1981 Jun;19(5-6):465-74 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXD |
9 | J:6621 Nadeau JH, et al., Linkage of Pgm-3 in the house mouse and homologies of three phosphoglucomutase loci in mouse and man. Biochem Genet. 1981 Jun;19(5-6):465-74 |
RI |
9 | J:6621 Nadeau JH, et al., Linkage of Pgm-3 in the house mouse and homologies of three phosphoglucomutase loci in mouse and man. Biochem Genet. 1981 Jun;19(5-6):465-74 |
RI |
9 | J:12629 Nass SJ, et al., Mapping of the Mod-1 locus on mouse chromosome 9. Mamm Genome. 1993;4(6):333-7 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXH |
9 | J:12629 Nass SJ, et al., Mapping of the Mod-1 locus on mouse chromosome 9. Mamm Genome. 1993;4(6):333-7 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXD |
9 | J:12629 Nass SJ, et al., Mapping of the Mod-1 locus on mouse chromosome 9. Mamm Genome. 1993;4(6):333-7 |
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RI/RC Set: BXD |
9 | J:57881 Persons DA, et al., Fv2 encodes a truncated form of the Stk receptor tyrosine kinase [see comments]. Nat Genet. 1999 Oct;23(2):159-65 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: CXB |
9 | J:17820 Potter M, et al., Genetics of susceptibility to plasmacytoma induction. I. BALB/cAnN (C), C57BL/6N (B6), C57BL/Ka (BK), (C times B6)F1, (C times BK)F1, and C times B recombinant-inbred strains. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1975 Jun;54(6):1413-7 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: CXB |
9 | J:6511 Potter TA, et al., Ly-15: a new murine lymphocyte alloantigenic locus. Transplantation. 1981 May;31(5):339-42 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: B6NXC3N |
9 | J:10669 Ramagli LS, et al., Genetic analysis of nonhistone chromosomal protein inheritance in recombinant inbred mouse strains using two-dimensional electrophoresis. Biochem Genet. 1990 Apr;28(3-4):123-36 |
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RI/RC Set: CXB |
9 | J:8263 Rossomando A, et al., Viral sequences are associated with many histocompatibility genes. Immunogenetics. 1986;23(4):233-45 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXD |
9 | J:6705 Russell JH, et al., Genetic control of cross-reactive cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses to a BALB/c tumor. Immunogenetics. 1981;14(3-4):263-72 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXD |
9 | J:22180 Shibata H, et al., Genetic mapping and systematic screening of mouse endogenously imprinted loci detected with restriction landmark genome scanning method (RLGS). Mamm Genome. 1994 Dec;5(12):797-800 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXD |
9 | J:24883 Shibata H, et al., The use of restriction landmark genomic scanning to scan the mouse genome for endogenous loci with imprinted patterns of methylation. Electrophoresis. 1995 Feb;16(2):210-7 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: CcS |
9 | J:31555 Stassen AP, et al., Genetic composition of the recombinant congenic strains. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jan;7(1):55-8 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXH |
9 | J:15535 Taylor BA, Correction: Mod-1 strain distribution pattern. Mouse News Lett. 1984;71:32 |
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RI/RC Set: BXD |
9 | J:20642 Taylor BA, Corrections and additional typings to RI Strain Distribution patterns. Personal Communication. 1994-07-08; |
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RI/RC Set: BXD |
9 | J:49829 Taylor BA, et al., Genotyping new BXD recombinant inbred mouse strains and comparison of BXD and consensus maps. Mamm Genome. 1999 Apr;10(4):335-48 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: OXA |
9 | J:17755 ten Berg R, SD patterns of a series of OXA recombinant inbred strains. Mouse News Lett. 1989;84:102-104 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXD |
9 | J:6376 Varki A, et al., An autosomal dominant gene regulates the extent of 9-O-acetylation of murine erythrocyte sialic acids. A probable explanation for the variation in capacity to activate the human alternate complement pathway. J Exp Med. 1980 Sep 1;152(3):532-44 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXD |
9 | J:5601 Womack JE, et al., Genetic variation of an intestinal leucine arylaminopeptidase (Lap-1) in the mouse and its location on chromosome 9. Biochem Genet. 1975 Oct;13(9-10):511-8 |
RI |
9 | J:6125 Womack JE, et al., Esterase 13, a new mouse esterase locus with recessive expression and its genetic location on chromosome 9. Biochem Genet. 1978 Dec;16(11-12):1107-12 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXJ |
9 | J:6125 Womack JE, et al., Esterase 13, a new mouse esterase locus with recessive expression and its genetic location on chromosome 9. Biochem Genet. 1978 Dec;16(11-12):1107-12 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: AXB |
9 | J:10023 Youngblood GL, et al., The structural genes encoding P450scc and P450arom are closely linked on mouse chromosome 9. Endocrinology. 1989 Nov;125(5):2784-6 |
RI |
RI/RC Set: BXA |
9 | J:10023 Youngblood GL, et al., The structural genes encoding P450scc and P450arom are closely linked on mouse chromosome 9. Endocrinology. 1989 Nov;125(5):2784-6 |
TEXT | 9 | J:10405 Amiguet P, et al., Structure and chromosome assignment of the murine p36 (calpactin I heavy chain) gene. Biochemistry. 1990 Feb 6;29(5):1226-32 | |
TEXT | 9 | J:13916 Antonnuci TK, et al., Uroporphyrinogen I synthase (Ups). Mouse News Lett. 1982;66:70 | |
TEXT | 9 | J:20225 Bonhomme F, et al., Linkage data. Mouse News Lett. 1979;61:50 | |
TEXT | 9 | J:20221 Chapman V, et al., Genetics and linkage of electrophoretic variants of enzymes in mice. Mouse News Lett. 1973;48:44-45 | |
TEXT | 9 | J:13638 Chapman VM, Bgl-s. Mouse News Lett. 1973;49:46 | |
TEXT | 9 | J:20230 Chapman VM, et al., A locus determining the developmental pattern of mouse Beta-galactosidase. Genetics. 1973;74:S44 (Abstr.) | |
TEXT | 9 | J:20271 Chapman VM, et al., Gene order and map distances of Mod-1--4.6--Trf--7.7-Bgs. Mouse News Lett. 1975;53:61 | |
TEXT | 9 | J:13849 Chasalow F, et al., Pgm-3. Mouse News Lett. 1980;62:74 | |
TEXT | 9 | J:11886 D'Eustachio P, et al., Resolution of the staggerer (sg) mutation from the neural cell adhesion molecule locus (Ncam) on mouse chromosome 9. Mamm Genome. 1993;4(5):278-80 | |
TEXT | 9 | J:13489 Dickie MM, Lustrous (lt). Mouse News Lett. 1969;40:29 | |
TEXT | 9 | J:13800 Douglas TC, Chromosome 9. Mouse News Lett. 1979;60:58 | |
TEXT | 9 | J:13753 Eicher EM, et al., [Repeated epilation located on Chr 4.]. Mouse News Lett. 1978;58:50 | |
TEXT | 9 | J:30730 Elliott RW, et al., Use of high resolution two dimensional electrophoresis of liver cytosol proteins in the discovery and mapping of a new mouse variant, in Electrophoresis '78. 1978:261-74. | |
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