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oculocutaneous albinism II
145 mapping experiments
Experiment Type Details Chromosome Reference
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:5643 Archer JR, Inheritance of the macrophage alloantigenic marker (Mph-1) in inbred mice. Genet Res. 1975 Oct;26(2):213-9
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:4586 Bianchi AB, et al., Reassignment of the H-ras-1 gene to the Hbb-terminus region of mouse chromosome 7. Mamm Genome. 1993;4(4):220-2
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
7 J:12732 Bronson RT, et al., Hydrocephalus with hop gait (hyh): a new mutation on chromosome 7 in the mouse. Brain Res Dev Brain Res. 1990 Jun 1;54(1):131-6
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:15617 Brown SD, et al., Mapping the Hrc gene to proximal mouse chromosome 7: delineation of a conserved linkage group with human 19q. Genomics. 1993 Nov;18(2):459-61
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:83 Bunker LE Jr, Hepatic fusion, a new gene in linkage group I of the mouse. J Hered. 1959;50(1):40-44
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:83 Bunker LE Jr, Hepatic fusion, a new gene in linkage group I of the mouse. J Hered. 1959;50(1):40-44
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:87 Castle WE, et al., Variations of Linkage in Rats and Mice. Genetics. 1924 Jan;9(1):1-12
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:87 Castle WE, et al., Variations of Linkage in Rats and Mice. Genetics. 1924 Jan;9(1):1-12
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:10469 Cavanna JS, et al., Establishment of the mouse chromosome 7 region with homology to the myotonic dystrophy region of human chromosome 19q. Genomics. 1990 May;7(1):12-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:5216 Chapman VM, et al., Linkage of isozyyme loci in the mouse: phosphoglucomutase-2 (Pgm-2), mitochondrial NADP malate dehydrogenase (Mod-2), and dipeptidase-1 (Dip-1). Biochem Genet. 1971 Apr;5(2):101-10
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:5216 Chapman VM, et al., Linkage of isozyyme loci in the mouse: phosphoglucomutase-2 (Pgm-2), mitochondrial NADP malate dehydrogenase (Mod-2), and dipeptidase-1 (Dip-1). Biochem Genet. 1971 Apr;5(2):101-10
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:10264 Davis AP, et al., Complexity at the mouse minor histocompatibility locus H-4. Immunogenetics. 1990;31(1):7-12
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:88 Detlefsen JA, The Linkage of Dark-Eye and Color in Mice. Genetics. 1925 Jan;10(1):17-32
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:88 Detlefsen JA, The Linkage of Dark-Eye and Color in Mice. Genetics. 1925 Jan;10(1):17-32
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:88 Detlefsen JA, The Linkage of Dark-Eye and Color in Mice. Genetics. 1925 Jan;10(1):17-32
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:88 Detlefsen JA, The Linkage of Dark-Eye and Color in Mice. Genetics. 1925 Jan;10(1):17-32
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:89 Detlefsen JA, et al., Linkage of a Dilute Color Factor and Dark-Eye in Mice. Genetics. 1924 May;9(3):247-60
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:89 Detlefsen JA, et al., Linkage of a Dilute Color Factor and Dark-Eye in Mice. Genetics. 1924 May;9(3):247-60
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:89 Detlefsen JA, et al., Linkage of a Dilute Color Factor and Dark-Eye in Mice. Genetics. 1924 May;9(3):247-60
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:89 Detlefsen JA, et al., Linkage of a Dilute Color Factor and Dark-Eye in Mice. Genetics. 1924 May;9(3):247-60
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:91 Dunn LC, Linkage in Mice and Rats. Genetics. 1920 May;5(3):325-43
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:91 Dunn LC, Linkage in Mice and Rats. Genetics. 1920 May;5(3):325-43
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:91 Dunn LC, Linkage in Mice and Rats. Genetics. 1920 May;5(3):325-43
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:91 Dunn LC, Linkage in Mice and Rats. Genetics. 1920 May;5(3):325-43
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
7 J:91 Dunn LC, Linkage in Mice and Rats. Genetics. 1920 May;5(3):325-43
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:4428 Eicher EM, The Position of ru-2 and qv with Respect to the FLECKED Translocation in the Mouse. Genetics. 1970 Mar;64(3-4):495-510
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:4428 Eicher EM, The Position of ru-2 and qv with Respect to the FLECKED Translocation in the Mouse. Genetics. 1970 Mar;64(3-4):495-510
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:4428 Eicher EM, The Position of ru-2 and qv with Respect to the FLECKED Translocation in the Mouse. Genetics. 1970 Mar;64(3-4):495-510
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:92 Falconer DS, et al., Two new hair mutants, rough and frizzy in the house mouse. J Hered. 1952;43(1):53-57
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:92 Falconer DS, et al., Two new hair mutants, rough and frizzy in the house mouse. J Hered. 1952;43(1):53-57
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:92 Falconer DS, et al., Two new hair mutants, rough and frizzy in the house mouse. J Hered. 1952;43(1):53-57
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:92 Falconer DS, et al., Two new hair mutants, rough and frizzy in the house mouse. J Hered. 1952;43(1):53-57
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:93 Feldman HW, Linkage of Albino Allelomorphs in Rats and Mice. Genetics. 1924 Sep;9(5):487-92
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:93 Feldman HW, Linkage of Albino Allelomorphs in Rats and Mice. Genetics. 1924 Sep;9(5):487-92
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:93 Feldman HW, Linkage of Albino Allelomorphs in Rats and Mice. Genetics. 1924 Sep;9(5):487-92
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:93 Feldman HW, Linkage of Albino Allelomorphs in Rats and Mice. Genetics. 1924 Sep;9(5):487-92
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
7 J:251 Fielder JH, The taupe mouse. A new coat color mutation. J Hered. 1952;43(2):75-76
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Seldin
7 J:48091 Fitter S, et al., Characterisation of the mouse homologue of CD151 (PETA-3/SFA-1); genomic structure, chromosomal localisation and identification of 2 novel splice forms. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1998 May 29;1398(1):75-85
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:14303 Frankel WN, et al., Backcross data for endogenous Mpmv, Pmv, and Xmv proviruses. Mouse Genome. 1991;89:266-70
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:14303 Frankel WN, et al., Backcross data for endogenous Mpmv, Pmv, and Xmv proviruses. Mouse Genome. 1991;89:266-70
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:8965 Greenfield AJ, et al., Microdissection and microcloning from the proximal region of mouse chromosome 7: isolation of clones genetically linked to the pudgy locus. Genomics. 1987 Oct;1(2):153-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:97 Gruneberg H, A three-factor linkage experiment in the mouse. J Genet. 1935;31(2):157-62
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:98 Gruneberg H, Further linkage data on the albino chromosome of the house-mouse. J Genet. 1936;33(2):255-265
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:98 Gruneberg H, Further linkage data on the albino chromosome of the house-mouse. J Genet. 1936;33(2):255-265
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:98 Gruneberg H, Further linkage data on the albino chromosome of the house-mouse. J Genet. 1936;33(2):255-265
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:98 Gruneberg H, Further linkage data on the albino chromosome of the house-mouse. J Genet. 1936;33(2):255-265
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:61682 Hagiwara N, et al., Sox6 is a candidate gene for p100H myopathy, heart block, and sudden neonatal death. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Apr 11;97(8):4180-5
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
7 J:100 Haldane JBS, et al., Reduplication in mice. J Genet. 1915;5(2):133-135
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:1367 Handel MA, et al., Genetic approaches to analysis of LDH-C expression during spermatogenesis in the mouse. Isozyme Bulletin. 1992;25:36 (Abstr.)
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:10097 Johnson DK, et al., Molecular mapping within the mouse albino-deletion complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1989 Nov;86(22):8862-6
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:29904 Johnson DK, et al., Molecular analysis of 36 mutations at the mouse pink-eyed dilution (p) locus. Genetics. 1995 Dec;141(4):1563-71
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:34877 Kerscher S, et al., Two new cataract loci, Ccw and To3, and further mapping of the Npp and Opj cataracts in the mouse. Genomics. 1996 Aug 15;36(1):17-21
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
7 J:14274 Lane PW, Subtle gray (sut); small with kinky tail (skt). Mouse News Lett. 1988;80:165
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
7 J:39707 Lane PW, et al., Juvenile bare: a new hair loss mutation on chromosome 7 of the mouse. J Hered. 1998 May-Jun;89(3):254-7
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
7 J:39707 Lane PW, et al., Juvenile bare: a new hair loss mutation on chromosome 7 of the mouse. J Hered. 1998 May-Jun;89(3):254-7
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
7 J:3623 Leff SE, et al., Maternal imprinting of the mouse Snrpn gene and conserved linkage homology with the human Prader-Willi syndrome region. Nat Genet. 1992 Dec;2(4):259-64
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:23410 Lyon MF, et al., Further mapping data on extra-toes-spotting, Xs. Mouse Genome. 1990;86:231
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:5918 MacSwiney FJ, et al., Genetics of warfarin-resistance in house mice of three separate localities. J Hyg (Lond). 1978 Feb;80(1):69-75
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:5918 MacSwiney FJ, et al., Genetics of warfarin-resistance in house mice of three separate localities. J Hyg (Lond). 1978 Feb;80(1):69-75
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:5918 MacSwiney FJ, et al., Genetics of warfarin-resistance in house mice of three separate localities. J Hyg (Lond). 1978 Feb;80(1):69-75
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:5918 MacSwiney FJ, et al., Genetics of warfarin-resistance in house mice of three separate localities. J Hyg (Lond). 1978 Feb;80(1):69-75
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:5918 MacSwiney FJ, et al., Genetics of warfarin-resistance in house mice of three separate localities. J Hyg (Lond). 1978 Feb;80(1):69-75
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:4101 Nicholls RD, et al., Evaluation of potential models for imprinted and nonimprinted components of human chromosome 15q11-q13 syndromes by fine-structure homology mapping in the mouse. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1993 Mar 1;90(5):2050-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:146702 Paul EL, et al., The mouse frizzy mutation (fr) maps between D7Csu5 and D7Mit165. Exp Dermatol. 2008 Aug;17(8):640-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:146702 Paul EL, et al., The mouse frizzy mutation (fr) maps between D7Csu5 and D7Mit165. Exp Dermatol. 2008 Aug;17(8):640-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:107 POPP RA, Studies on the mouse hemoglobin loci. II. Position of the hemoglobin locus with respect to albinism and shaker-1 loci. J Hered. 1962 Mar-Apr;53:73-80
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:107 POPP RA, Studies on the mouse hemoglobin loci. II. Position of the hemoglobin locus with respect to albinism and shaker-1 loci. J Hered. 1962 Mar-Apr;53:73-80
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:110 Popp RA, et al., Studies on the mouse hemoglobin locus. I. Identification of hemoglobin types and linkage of hemoglobin with albinism. J Hered. 1960;51(3):141-144
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:110 Popp RA, et al., Studies on the mouse hemoglobin locus. I. Identification of hemoglobin types and linkage of hemoglobin with albinism. J Hered. 1960;51(3):141-144
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:9873 Pretsch W, Eight independent Ldh-1 mutations of the mouse recovered in mutagenicity experiments: biochemical characteristics and chromosomal localization. Genet Res. 1989 Apr;53(2):101-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:9873 Pretsch W, Eight independent Ldh-1 mutations of the mouse recovered in mutagenicity experiments: biochemical characteristics and chromosomal localization. Genet Res. 1989 Apr;53(2):101-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:9873 Pretsch W, Eight independent Ldh-1 mutations of the mouse recovered in mutagenicity experiments: biochemical characteristics and chromosomal localization. Genet Res. 1989 Apr;53(2):101-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:9873 Pretsch W, Eight independent Ldh-1 mutations of the mouse recovered in mutagenicity experiments: biochemical characteristics and chromosomal localization. Genet Res. 1989 Apr;53(2):101-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:9873 Pretsch W, Eight independent Ldh-1 mutations of the mouse recovered in mutagenicity experiments: biochemical characteristics and chromosomal localization. Genet Res. 1989 Apr;53(2):101-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:9873 Pretsch W, Eight independent Ldh-1 mutations of the mouse recovered in mutagenicity experiments: biochemical characteristics and chromosomal localization. Genet Res. 1989 Apr;53(2):101-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:9873 Pretsch W, Eight independent Ldh-1 mutations of the mouse recovered in mutagenicity experiments: biochemical characteristics and chromosomal localization. Genet Res. 1989 Apr;53(2):101-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:9873 Pretsch W, Eight independent Ldh-1 mutations of the mouse recovered in mutagenicity experiments: biochemical characteristics and chromosomal localization. Genet Res. 1989 Apr;53(2):101-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:10520 Pretsch W, et al., Glucose phosphate isomerase enzyme-activity mutants in Mus musculus: genetical and biochemical characterization. Biochem Genet. 1990 Feb;28(1-2):97-110
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:10520 Pretsch W, et al., Glucose phosphate isomerase enzyme-activity mutants in Mus musculus: genetical and biochemical characterization. Biochem Genet. 1990 Feb;28(1-2):97-110
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:3600 Rinchik EM, et al., A gene for the mouse pink-eyed dilution locus and for human type II oculocutaneous albinism. Nature. 1993 Jan 7;361(6407):72-6
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:6624 Skow LC, Genetic variation for prolidase (PEP-4) in the mouse maps near the gene for glucosephosphate isomerase (GPI-1) on chromosome 7. Biochem Genet. 1981 Aug;19(7-8):695-700
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:6624 Skow LC, Genetic variation for prolidase (PEP-4) in the mouse maps near the gene for glucosephosphate isomerase (GPI-1) on chromosome 7. Biochem Genet. 1981 Aug;19(7-8):695-700
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
7 J:7456 Smith MS, et al., Control of mouse hepatitis virus replication in macrophages by a recessive gene on chromosome 7. J Immunol. 1984 Jul;133(1):428-32
CROSS Cross Type: Other
7 J:7456 Smith MS, et al., Control of mouse hepatitis virus replication in macrophages by a recessive gene on chromosome 7. J Immunol. 1984 Jul;133(1):428-32
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:115 Snell GD, An Analysis of Translocations in the Mouse. Genetics. 1946 Mar;31(2):157-80
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:115 Snell GD, An Analysis of Translocations in the Mouse. Genetics. 1946 Mar;31(2):157-80
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:121 SNELL GD, et al., Histocompatibility genes of mice. III. H-1 and H-4, two histocompatibility loci in the first linkage group. Immunology. 1961 Oct;4:366-79
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:7560 Taylor BA, et al., Genes for serum amyloid A proteins map to Chromosome 7 in the mouse. Mol Gen Genet. 1984;195(3):491-9
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:5635 Wallace ME, et al., A major gene controlling warfarin-resistance in the house mouse. J Hyg (Lond). 1976 Apr;76(2):173-81
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:5635 Wallace ME, et al., A major gene controlling warfarin-resistance in the house mouse. J Hyg (Lond). 1976 Apr;76(2):173-81
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:6132 Wood AW, et al., Genetic regulation of coumarin hydroxylase activity in mice. Evidence for single locus control on chromosome. J Biol Chem. 1979 Jul 10;254(13):5647-51
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
7 J:6132 Wood AW, et al., Genetic regulation of coumarin hydroxylase activity in mice. Evidence for single locus control on chromosome. J Biol Chem. 1979 Jul 10;254(13):5647-51
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
7 J:167 Yoon CH, et al., Quivering, a new first Chromosome mutation in mice. J Hered. 1957;48(4):176-80
RI RI/RC Set: Not Specified
7 J:22175 Cheah YC, et al., New murine polymorphisms detected by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR and mapped by use of recombinant inbred strains. Mamm Genome. 1994 Dec;5(12):762-7
7 J:14870 Knobler RL, et al., Host genetic control of mouse hepatitis virus type-4 (JHM strain) replication. II. The gene locus for susceptibility is linked to the Svp-2 locus on mouse chromosome 7. Exp Clin Immunogenet. 1984;1(4):217-22
7 J:2286 Nakatsu Y, et al., The p locus is closely linked to the mouse homolog of a gene from the Prader-Willi chromosomal region. Mamm Genome. 1992;2(1):69-71
7 J:2286 Nakatsu Y, et al., The p locus is closely linked to the mouse homolog of a gene from the Prader-Willi chromosomal region. Mamm Genome. 1992;2(1):69-71
7 J:14250 Nicholls RD, A cDNA from proximal human Chromosome 15q maps near Mtv-1 on mouse Chromosome 7. Mouse News Lett. 1989;84:87-88
7 J:14250 Nicholls RD, A cDNA from proximal human Chromosome 15q maps near Mtv-1 on mouse Chromosome 7. Mouse News Lett. 1989;84:87-88
7 J:14250 Nicholls RD, A cDNA from proximal human Chromosome 15q maps near Mtv-1 on mouse Chromosome 7. Mouse News Lett. 1989;84:87-88
7 J:14250 Nicholls RD, A cDNA from proximal human Chromosome 15q maps near Mtv-1 on mouse Chromosome 7. Mouse News Lett. 1989;84:87-88
7 J:34480 Shultz KL, et al., Strain distribution pattern for SSLP markers in the SWXJ recombinant inbred strain set: chromosomes 7 to X. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jul;7(7):526-32
7 J:7560 Taylor BA, et al., Genes for serum amyloid A proteins map to Chromosome 7 in the mouse. Mol Gen Genet. 1984;195(3):491-9
7 J:7560 Taylor BA, et al., Genes for serum amyloid A proteins map to Chromosome 7 in the mouse. Mol Gen Genet. 1984;195(3):491-9
RI RI/RC Set: NX129
7 J:7560 Taylor BA, et al., Genes for serum amyloid A proteins map to Chromosome 7 in the mouse. Mol Gen Genet. 1984;195(3):491-9
TEXT 7 J:11138 Brilliant MH, et al., Direct molecular identification of the mouse pink-eyed unstable mutation by genome scanning. Science. 1991 Apr 26;252(5005):566-9
TEXT 7 J:41347 Cattanach BM, et al., A candidate model for Angelman syndrome in the mouse. Mamm Genome. 1997 Jul;8(7):472-8
TEXT 7 J:22175 Cheah YC, et al., New murine polymorphisms detected by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR and mapped by use of recombinant inbred strains. Mamm Genome. 1994 Dec;5(12):762-7
TEXT 7 J:6856 Crichton DN, et al., Genetic basis of susceptibility to splenic lipofuscinosis in mice. Genet Res. 1982 Jun;39(3):275-85
TEXT 7 J:12553 Culiat CT, et al., Concordance between isolated cleft palate in mice and alterations within a region including the gene encoding the beta 3 subunit of the type A gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1993 Jun 1;90(11):5105-9
TEXT 7 J:18805 Culiat CT, et al., Phenotypic consequences of deletion of the gamma 3, alpha 5, or beta 3 subunit of the type A gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1994 Mar 29;91(7):2815-8
TEXT 7 J:58776 Davisson MT, et al., The first spontaneous mutation in the mouse Herc2 gene. MGI Direct Data Submission. 1999;
TEXT 7 J:38906 Dhar MS, et al., A microsatellite map of the pink-eyed dilution (p) deletion complex in mouse chromosome 7. Mamm Genome. 1997 Feb;8(2):143-5
TEXT 7 J:20217 Eicher EM, The fd translocation and ruby-eye-2. Mouse News Lett. 1968;39:34
TEXT 7 J:20218 Eicher EM, Research news: determination of the p - ru-2 distance in linkage group I. Mouse News Lett. 1969;40:44-45
TEXT 7 J:61682 Hagiwara N, et al., Sox6 is a candidate gene for p100H myopathy, heart block, and sudden neonatal death. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Apr 11;97(8):4180-5
TEXT 7 J:1367 Handel MA, et al., Genetic approaches to analysis of LDH-C expression during spermatogenesis in the mouse. Isozyme Bulletin. 1992;25:36 (Abstr.)
TEXT 7 J:29904 Johnson DK, et al., Molecular analysis of 36 mutations at the mouse pink-eyed dilution (p) locus. Genetics. 1995 Dec;141(4):1563-71
TEXT 7 J:20282 Lilly F, The genetic basis of susceptibility and resistance of mice to the Gross and Friend leukemia viruses. Mouse News Lett. 1966;34:14
TEXT 7 J:2108 Lyon MF, et al., Genetic and molecular analysis of recessive alleles at the pink-eyed dilution (p) locus of the mouse. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1992 Aug 1;89(15):6968-72
TEXT 7 J:13583 Nakatsu Y, et al., A cluster of three GABAA receptor subunit genes is deleted in a neurological mutant of the mouse p locus. Nature. 1993 Jul 29;364(6436):448-50
TEXT 7 J:4101 Nicholls RD, et al., Evaluation of potential models for imprinted and nonimprinted components of human chromosome 15q11-q13 syndromes by fine-structure homology mapping in the mouse. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1993 Mar 1;90(5):2050-4
TEXT 7 J:26849 Rinchik EM, et al., Pleiotropy in microdeletion syndromes: neurologic and spermatogenic abnormalities in mice homozygous for the p6H deletion are likely due to dysfunction of a single gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1995 Jul 3;92(14):6394-8
TEXT 7 J:29903 Russell LB, et al., Complementation analyses for 45 mutations encompassing the pink-eyed dilution (p) locus of the mouse. Genetics. 1995 Dec;141(4):1547-62
TEXT 7 J:14795 Seller MJ, et al., Tail short variable: characterization of a new mouse mutant, and its possible analogy to certain human vascular disruption defects. Teratology. 1993 Oct;48(4):383-91
TEXT 7 J:13881 Skow LC, Further characterization of salivary esteroproteases. Mouse News Lett. 1981;64:78
TEXT 7 J:195 St Amand W, et al., Linkage mapping of Ht and pu. Mouse News Lett. 1957;17:88
TEXT 7 J:20228 van Abeelen JH, et al., Inbred strains: BA and substrain Nmg. Mouse News Lett. 1970;42:34
TEXT 7 J:13468 Wallace ME, Neonatal intestinal lipidosis. Mouse News Lett. 1967;37:17
TEXT 7 J:83137 Wu M, et al., Cloning, functional study and comparative mapping of Luzp2 to mouse chromosome 7 and human chromosome 11p13-11p14. Mamm Genome. 2003 May;14(5):323-34
TEXT-Congenic 7 J:33173 Morel L, et al., Production of congenic mouse strains carrying genomic intervals containing SLE-susceptibility genes derived from the SLE-prone NZM2410 strain. Mamm Genome. 1996 May;7(5):335-9
TEXT-Genetic Cross 7 J:10264 Davis AP, et al., Complexity at the mouse minor histocompatibility locus H-4. Immunogenetics. 1990;31(1):7-12
TEXT-Genetic Cross 7 J:162 Falconer DS, Linkage of dark (da). Mouse News Lett. 1957;17:40
TEXT-Genetic Cross 7 J:13873 Lane PW, Twister (twt). Mouse News Lett. 1981;64:59
TEXT-Genetic Cross 7 J:74957 Mendoza LM, et al., Distinguishing self from nonself: immunogenicity of the murine H47 locus is determined by a single amino acid substitution in an unusual peptide. J Immunol. 2001 Apr 1;166(7):4438-45
TEXT-Genetic Cross 7 J:12182 Roopenian DC, et al., The genetic origin of minor histocompatibility antigens. Immunogenetics. 1993;38(2):131-40
TEXT-Genetic Cross 7 J:12182 Roopenian DC, et al., The genetic origin of minor histocompatibility antigens. Immunogenetics. 1993;38(2):131-40
TEXT-Genetic Cross 7 J:190 Russell LB, Recombination, tp - c. Mouse News Lett. 1963;29:73
TEXT-Genetic Cross 7 J:7560 Taylor BA, et al., Genes for serum amyloid A proteins map to Chromosome 7 in the mouse. Mol Gen Genet. 1984;195(3):491-9
TEXT-Genetic Cross 7 J:30484 Taylor BA, et al., Detailed mapping of serum amyloid A complex (Saa) on Chr 7. Mouse News Lett. 1984;71:31
TEXT-Genetic Cross 7 J:13679 Wallace ME, et al., Warfarin resistance and a new gene for obesity. Mouse News Lett. 1975;53:20
TEXT-Physical Mapping 7 J:95896 Dhar MS, et al., Physical mapping of the pink-eyed dilution complex in mouse chromosome 7 shows that Atp10c is the only transcript between Gabrb3 and Ube3a. DNA Seq. 2004 Aug;15(4):306-9
TEXT-Physical Mapping 7 J:80000 The FANTOM Consortium and The RIKEN Genome Exploration Research Group Phase I & II Team, Analysis of the mouse transcriptome based on functional annotation of 60,770 full-length cDNAs. Nature. 2002;420:563-573
TEXT-QTL 7 J:52863 Morel L, et al., Multiplex inheritance of component phenotypes in a murine model of lupus. Mamm Genome. 1999 Feb;10(2):176-81
TEXT-QTL 7 J:25006 Morel L, et al., Polygenic control of susceptibility to murine systemic lupus erythematosus. Immunity. 1994 Jun;1(3):219-29

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