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paired box 1
77 mapping experiments
Experiment Type Details Chromosome Reference
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
2 J:912 Avraham KB, et al., Murine chromosomal location of four hepatocyte-enriched transcription factors: HNF-3 alpha, HNF-3 beta, HNF-3 gamma, and HNF-4. Genomics. 1992 Jun;13(2):264-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:1078 Bastian H, et al., The murine even-skipped-like gene Evx-2 is closely linked to the Hox-4 complex, but is transcribed in the opposite direction. Mamm Genome. 1992;3(4):241-3
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
2 J:26515 Blanar MA, et al., Meso1, a basic-helix-loop-helix protein involved in mammalian presomitic mesoderm development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1995 Jun 20;92(13):5870-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:4326 Carlson GA, et al., Delimiting the location of the scrapie prion incubation time gene on chromosome 2 of the mouse. Genetics. 1993 Apr;133(4):979-88
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:4326 Carlson GA, et al., Delimiting the location of the scrapie prion incubation time gene on chromosome 2 of the mouse. Genetics. 1993 Apr;133(4):979-88
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
2 J:84 Carter TC, A new linkage in the house mouse: undulated and agouti. Heredity. 1947;1(3):367-372
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
2 J:84 Carter TC, A new linkage in the house mouse: undulated and agouti. Heredity. 1947;1(3):367-372
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
2 J:84 Carter TC, A new linkage in the house mouse: undulated and agouti. Heredity. 1947;1(3):367-372
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:84 Carter TC, A new linkage in the house mouse: undulated and agouti. Heredity. 1947;1(3):367-372
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:84 Carter TC, A new linkage in the house mouse: undulated and agouti. Heredity. 1947;1(3):367-372
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
2 J:18428 Chang NC, et al., Assignment of two alpha 2 adrenoceptor subtype genes to murine chromosomes. Neurosci Lett. 1994 Feb 14;167(1-2):105-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
2 J:1676 Copeland NG, et al., Regional localization of three convertases, PC1 (Nec-1), PC2 (Nec-2), and furin (Fur), on mouse chromosomes. Genomics. 1992 Aug;13(4):1356-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:12104 Dressler GR, et al., Murine genes with homology to Drosophila segmentation genes. Development. 1988;104 Suppl:181-6
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:247 FALCONER DS, Linkage in the mouse: the sex-linked genes and Rough. Z Indukt Abstamm Vererbungsl. 1954;86(2):263-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:247 FALCONER DS, Linkage in the mouse: the sex-linked genes and Rough. Z Indukt Abstamm Vererbungsl. 1954;86(2):263-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:247 FALCONER DS, Linkage in the mouse: the sex-linked genes and Rough. Z Indukt Abstamm Vererbungsl. 1954;86(2):263-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:94 Fisher RA, A preliminary linkage test with agouti and undulated mice. I. The fifth linkage-group. Heredity. 1949;3:229-241
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:11021 Graff RJ, et al., Additional mapping of mouse chromosome 2 genes. Immunogenetics. 1991;33(2):96-100
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:11021 Graff RJ, et al., Additional mapping of mouse chromosome 2 genes. Immunogenetics. 1991;33(2):96-100
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:8534 Hogan BL, et al., Small eyes (Sey): a homozygous lethal mutation on chromosome 2 which affects the differentiation of both lens and nasal placodes in the mouse. J Embryol Exp Morphol. 1986 Sep;97(1):95-110
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
2 J:2948 Jenkins NA, et al., Assignment of secretogranin I locus to mouse chromosome 2 by in situ hybridization and interspecific backcross analysis. Genomics. 1991 Oct;11(2):479-80
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:10040 Peters J, et al., Localization of Blvr, biliverdin reductase, on mouse chromosome 2. Genomics. 1989 Aug;5(2):270-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:10040 Peters J, et al., Localization of Blvr, biliverdin reductase, on mouse chromosome 2. Genomics. 1989 Aug;5(2):270-4
CROSS Cross Type: Intercross
2 J:10078 Roopenian DC, et al., Responses against antigens encoded by the H-3 histocompatibility locus: antigens stimulating class I MHC- and class II MHC-restricted T cells are encoded by separate genes. Immunogenetics. 1989;30(5):335-43
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:111 Runner MN, Linkage of brachypodism - A new member of linkage group V of the house mouse. J Hered. 1959;50(2):81-84
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:11464 Siracusa LD, et al., Interspecific backcross mice show sex-specific differences in allelic inheritance. Genetics. 1991 Aug;128(4):813-21
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:11464 Siracusa LD, et al., Interspecific backcross mice show sex-specific differences in allelic inheritance. Genetics. 1991 Aug;128(4):813-21
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:11464 Siracusa LD, et al., Interspecific backcross mice show sex-specific differences in allelic inheritance. Genetics. 1991 Aug;128(4):813-21
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
2 J:11120 Siracusa LD, et al., Identification and applications of repetitive probes for gene mapping in the mouse. Genetics. 1991 Jan;127(1):169-79
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
2 J:10439 Siracusa LD, et al., A molecular genetic linkage map of mouse chromosome 2. Genomics. 1990 Mar;6(3):491-504
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
2 J:17582 Storm EE, et al., Limb alterations in brachypodism mice due to mutations in a new member of the TGF beta-superfamily [see comments]. Nature. 1994 Apr 14;368(6472):639-43
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
2 J:53333 Valenzuela DM, et al., Angiopoietins 3 and 4: diverging gene counterparts in mice and humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Mar 2;96(5):1904-9
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:11577 Walther C, et al., Pax: a murine multigene family of paired box-containing genes. Genomics. 1991 Oct;11(2):424-34
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:8242 West JD, et al., Further experience of the mouse dominant cataract mutation test from an experiment with ethylnitrosourea. Mutat Res. 1986 Apr;164(2):127-36
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:14462 Zuberi AR, et al., High-resolution mapping of a minor histocompatibility antigen gene on mouse chromosome 2. Mamm Genome. 1993 Sep;4(9):516-22
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:14462 Zuberi AR, et al., High-resolution mapping of a minor histocompatibility antigen gene on mouse chromosome 2. Mamm Genome. 1993 Sep;4(9):516-22
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:14462 Zuberi AR, et al., High-resolution mapping of a minor histocompatibility antigen gene on mouse chromosome 2. Mamm Genome. 1993 Sep;4(9):516-22
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:14462 Zuberi AR, et al., High-resolution mapping of a minor histocompatibility antigen gene on mouse chromosome 2. Mamm Genome. 1993 Sep;4(9):516-22
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
2 J:14462 Zuberi AR, et al., High-resolution mapping of a minor histocompatibility antigen gene on mouse chromosome 2. Mamm Genome. 1993 Sep;4(9):516-22
2 J:9424 Balling R, et al., undulated, a mutation affecting the development of the mouse skeleton, has a point mutation in the paired box of Pax 1. Cell. 1988 Nov 4;55(3):531-5
2 J:9424 Balling R, et al., undulated, a mutation affecting the development of the mouse skeleton, has a point mutation in the paired box of Pax 1. Cell. 1988 Nov 4;55(3):531-5
2 J:9424 Balling R, et al., undulated, a mutation affecting the development of the mouse skeleton, has a point mutation in the paired box of Pax 1. Cell. 1988 Nov 4;55(3):531-5
TEXT 2 J:252 Fisher RA, et al., Sex differences of crossing-over in close linkage. Am Naturalist. 1953;87:116
TEXT 2 J:18840 Graff RJ, et al., Continued mapping of chromosome 2 genes. Immunogenetics. 1994;40(1):21-6
TEXT 2 J:11021 Graff RJ, et al., Additional mapping of mouse chromosome 2 genes. Immunogenetics. 1991;33(2):96-100
TEXT 2 J:1371 Hess EJ, et al., Spontaneous locomotor hyperactivity in a mouse mutant with a deletion including the Snap gene on chromosome 2. J Neurosci. 1992 Jul;12(7):2865-74
TEXT 2 J:85847 Kokubu C, et al., Undulated short-tail deletion mutation in the mouse ablates Pax1 and leads to ectopic activation of neighboring Nkx2-2 in domains that normally express Pax1. Genetics. 2003 Sep;165(1):299-307
TEXT 2 J:5657 Wallace ME, Mapping an invisible lethal in the mouse. Genet Res. 1976 Feb;27(1):3-10
TEXT 2 J:32426 Zuberi AR, et al., A genetic linkage map of mouse chromosome 2 extending from thrombospondin to paired box gene 1, including the H3 minor histocompatibility complex. Genomics. 1996 Apr 1;33(1):75-84
TEXT-Genetic Cross 2 J:100951 Adham IM, et al., The scoliosis (sco) mouse: a new allele of Pax1. Cytogenet Genome Res. 2005;111(1):16-26
TEXT-Genetic Cross 2 J:12182 Roopenian DC, et al., The genetic origin of minor histocompatibility antigens. Immunogenetics. 1993;38(2):131-40
TEXT-Genetic Cross 2 J:32426 Zuberi AR, et al., A genetic linkage map of mouse chromosome 2 extending from thrombospondin to paired box gene 1, including the H3 minor histocompatibility complex. Genomics. 1996 Apr 1;33(1):75-84
TEXT-QTL 2 J:109795 Kenney-Hunt JP, et al., Quantitative trait loci for body size components in mice. Mamm Genome. 2006 Jun;17(6):526-37
TEXT-QTL 2 J:237754 Maga AM, et al., Quantitative trait loci affecting the 3D skull shape and size in mouse and prioritization of candidate genes in-silico. Front Physiol. 2015;6:92
TEXT-QTL 2 J:90699 Warden CH, et al., Identification of a congenic mouse line with obesity and body length phenotypes. Mamm Genome. 2004 Jun;15(6):460-71
TEXT-Radiation Hybrid 2 J:68900 The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Radiation Hybrid Database, Mouse T31 Radiation Hybrid Data Load. Database Release. 2004;

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