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phosphoglucomutase 2
84 mapping experiments
Experiment Type Details Chromosome Reference
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:1673 Chin H, et al., The gene for the dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channel alpha 2 subunit (CCHL2A) maps to the proximal region of mouse chromosome 5. Genomics. 1992 Aug;13(4):1325-7
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:4961 Danciger M, et al., Genetic mapping of three GABAA receptor-subunit genes in the mouse. Genomics. 1993 May;16(2):361-5
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:4961 Danciger M, et al., Genetic mapping of three GABAA receptor-subunit genes in the mouse. Genomics. 1993 May;16(2):361-5
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:3979 Davisson MT, et al., Recombination suppression by heterozygous Robertsonian chromosomes in the mouse. Genetics. 1993 Mar;133(3):649-67
CROSS Cross Type: Other
5 J:3979 Davisson MT, et al., Recombination suppression by heterozygous Robertsonian chromosomes in the mouse. Genetics. 1993 Mar;133(3):649-67
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:10663 Eicher EM, et al., The NXSM recombinant inbred strains of mice: genetic profile for 58 loci including the Mtv proviral loci. Genetics. 1990 Jun;125(2):431-46
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:6374 Groves MG, et al., Host defenses in experimental scrub typhus: mapping the gene that controls natural resistance in mice. J Immunol. 1980 Sep;125(3):1395-9
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:6374 Groves MG, et al., Host defenses in experimental scrub typhus: mapping the gene that controls natural resistance in mice. J Immunol. 1980 Sep;125(3):1395-9
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:7108 Hartley JW, et al., A mouse gene on chromosome 5 that restricts infectivity of mink cell focus-forming recombinant murine leukemia viruses. J Exp Med. 1983 Jul 1;158(1):16-24
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:7108 Hartley JW, et al., A mouse gene on chromosome 5 that restricts infectivity of mink cell focus-forming recombinant murine leukemia viruses. J Exp Med. 1983 Jul 1;158(1):16-24
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:7108 Hartley JW, et al., A mouse gene on chromosome 5 that restricts infectivity of mink cell focus-forming recombinant murine leukemia viruses. J Exp Med. 1983 Jul 1;158(1):16-24
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:8882 Hayakawa J, et al., Two types of liver-specific F antigen are encoded by a locus located on chromosome 5 in mice. Immunogenetics. 1987;26(6):366-9
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:8882 Hayakawa J, et al., Two types of liver-specific F antigen are encoded by a locus located on chromosome 5 in mice. Immunogenetics. 1987;26(6):366-9
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:5164 Hutton JJ, et al., Linkage analyses using biochemical variants in mice. 3. Linkage relationships of eleven biochemical markers. Biochem Genet. 1970 Apr;4(2):339-50
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:5164 Hutton JJ, et al., Linkage analyses using biochemical variants in mice. 3. Linkage relationships of eleven biochemical markers. Biochem Genet. 1970 Apr;4(2):339-50
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:6117 Ihle JN, et al., Genetic linkage of C3H/HeJ and BALB/c endogenous ecotropic C-type viruses to phosphoglucomutase-1 on chromosome 5. Science. 1979 Apr 6;204(4388):71-3
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX Mouse Mutant Resource BCB
5 J:3226 Johnson KR, et al., Genetic mapping of the murine gene and 14 related sequences encoding chromosomal protein HMG-14. Mamm Genome. 1992;3(11):625-32
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: JAX Mouse Mutant Resource BCB
5 J:21510 Johnson KR, et al., Identification and genetic mapping of 151 dispersed members of 16 ribosomal protein multigene families in the mouse. Mamm Genome. 1994 Nov;5(11):670-87
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:14917 Konno R, et al., Linkage of the Dao-1 gene for D-amino-acid oxidase to the pgm-1 gene for phosphoglucomutase-1 on the mouse chromosome 5. Jpn J Genet. 1989 Oct;64(5):341-5
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:14917 Konno R, et al., Linkage of the Dao-1 gene for D-amino-acid oxidase to the pgm-1 gene for phosphoglucomutase-1 on the mouse chromosome 5. Jpn J Genet. 1989 Oct;64(5):341-5
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:6116 Kozak CA, et al., Genetic mapping of the ecotropic murine leukemia virus-inducing locus of BALB/c mouse to chromosome 5. Science. 1979 Apr 6;204(4388):69-71
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:6689 Kozak CA, et al., Genetic mapping of ecotropic murine leukemia virus-inducing loci in six inbred strains. J Exp Med. 1982 Feb 1;155(2):524-34
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:6716 McCubrey J, et al., Allelism and linkage studies of murine leukemia virus activation genes in low leukemic strains of mice. J Exp Med. 1982 Apr 1;155(4):1233-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:6716 McCubrey J, et al., Allelism and linkage studies of murine leukemia virus activation genes in low leukemic strains of mice. J Exp Med. 1982 Apr 1;155(4):1233-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:29686 Nagle DL, et al., Physical mapping of the Tec and Gabrb1 loci reveals that the Wsh mutation on mouse chromosome 5 is associated with an inversion. Hum Mol Genet. 1995 Nov;4(11):2073-9
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Kozak FvC58 + FvSpr
5 J:29686 Nagle DL, et al., Physical mapping of the Tec and Gabrb1 loci reveals that the Wsh mutation on mouse chromosome 5 is associated with an inversion. Hum Mol Genet. 1995 Nov;4(11):2073-9
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:5603 Nichols EA, et al., Linkage of the locus for serum albumin in the house mouse, Mus musculus. Biochem Genet. 1975 Oct;13(9-10):551-5
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:5603 Nichols EA, et al., Linkage of the locus for serum albumin in the house mouse, Mus musculus. Biochem Genet. 1975 Oct;13(9-10):551-5
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:5603 Nichols EA, et al., Linkage of the locus for serum albumin in the house mouse, Mus musculus. Biochem Genet. 1975 Oct;13(9-10):551-5
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:5603 Nichols EA, et al., Linkage of the locus for serum albumin in the house mouse, Mus musculus. Biochem Genet. 1975 Oct;13(9-10):551-5
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:9747 Robert B, et al., Hox-7, a mouse homeobox gene with a novel pattern of expression during embryogenesis. EMBO J. 1989 Jan;8(1):91-100
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:9747 Robert B, et al., Hox-7, a mouse homeobox gene with a novel pattern of expression during embryogenesis. EMBO J. 1989 Jan;8(1):91-100
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:15968 Sangster MY, et al., Mapping the Flv locus controlling resistance to flaviviruses on mouse chromosome 5. J Virol. 1994 Jan;68(1):448-52
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:27414 Sommers CL, et al., Murine txk: a protein tyrosine kinase gene regulated by T cell activation. Oncogene. 1995 Jul 20;11(2):245-51
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:18646 Stephenson DA, et al., Mouse rump-white mutation associated with an inversion of chromosome 5. Mamm Genome. 1994 Jun;5(6):342-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:18646 Stephenson DA, et al., Mouse rump-white mutation associated with an inversion of chromosome 5. Mamm Genome. 1994 Jun;5(6):342-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:10034 Taylor BA, et al., A mouse linkage testing stock possessing multiple copies of the endogenous ecotropic murine leukemia virus genome. Genomics. 1989 Aug;5(2):221-32
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:27719 Urosevic N, et al., Low resolution mapping around the flavivirus resistance locus (Flv) on mouse chromosome 5. Mamm Genome. 1995 Jul;6(7):454-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:21465 Warden CH, et al., Mouse cellular nucleic acid binding proteins: a highly conserved family identified by genetic mapping and sequencing. Genomics. 1994 Nov 1;24(1):14-9
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:5602 Womack JE, et al., Mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (Mor-1) in the mouse: linkage to chromosome 5 markers. Biochem Genet. 1975 Oct;13(9-10):519-25
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:5602 Womack JE, et al., Mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (Mor-1) in the mouse: linkage to chromosome 5 markers. Biochem Genet. 1975 Oct;13(9-10):519-25
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Kozak Skive
5 J:22331 Yamanaka S, et al., The mouse gene encoding the GM2 activator protein (Gm2a): cDNA sequence, expression, and chromosome mapping. Genomics. 1994 Dec;24(3):601-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
5 J:14916 Yamazaki K, et al., Location of gracile axonal dystrophy (gad) on Chromosome 5 of the mouse. Jpn J Genet. 1987;62:479-84
HYBRID 5 J:5872 Francke U, et al., Gene mapping in Mus musculus by interspecific cell hybridization: assignment of the genes for tripeptidase-1 to chromosome 10, dipeptidase-2 to chromosome 18, acid phosphatase-1 to chromosome 12, and adenylate kinase-1 to chromosome 2. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1977;19(2-3):57-84
HYBRID 5 J:6116 Kozak CA, et al., Genetic mapping of the ecotropic murine leukemia virus-inducing locus of BALB/c mouse to chromosome 5. Science. 1979 Apr 6;204(4388):69-71
HYBRID 5 J:6116 Kozak CA, et al., Genetic mapping of the ecotropic murine leukemia virus-inducing locus of BALB/c mouse to chromosome 5. Science. 1979 Apr 6;204(4388):69-71
5 J:9764 Cheng SV, et al., Synteny on mouse chromosome 5 of homologs for human DNA loci linked to the Huntington disease gene. Genomics. 1989 Apr;4(3):419-26
5 J:9764 Cheng SV, et al., Synteny on mouse chromosome 5 of homologs for human DNA loci linked to the Huntington disease gene. Genomics. 1989 Apr;4(3):419-26
5 J:9764 Cheng SV, et al., Synteny on mouse chromosome 5 of homologs for human DNA loci linked to the Huntington disease gene. Genomics. 1989 Apr;4(3):419-26
5 J:9764 Cheng SV, et al., Synteny on mouse chromosome 5 of homologs for human DNA loci linked to the Huntington disease gene. Genomics. 1989 Apr;4(3):419-26
5 J:6836 Datta SK, et al., Analysis of recombinant inbred lines derived from autoimmune (NZB) and high leukemia (C58) strains: independent multigenic systems control B cell hyperactivity, retrovirus expression, and autoimmunity. J Immunol. 1982 Oct;129(4):1539-44
5 J:10663 Eicher EM, et al., The NXSM recombinant inbred strains of mice: genetic profile for 58 loci including the Mtv proviral loci. Genetics. 1990 Jun;125(2):431-46
5 J:1883 Frankel WN, et al., Characterization of the endogenous nonecotropic murine leukemia viruses of NZB/B1NJ and SM/J inbred strains. Mamm Genome. 1992;2(2):110-22
5 J:6374 Groves MG, et al., Host defenses in experimental scrub typhus: mapping the gene that controls natural resistance in mice. J Immunol. 1980 Sep;125(3):1395-9
5 J:6374 Groves MG, et al., Host defenses in experimental scrub typhus: mapping the gene that controls natural resistance in mice. J Immunol. 1980 Sep;125(3):1395-9
5 J:6374 Groves MG, et al., Host defenses in experimental scrub typhus: mapping the gene that controls natural resistance in mice. J Immunol. 1980 Sep;125(3):1395-9
5 J:7108 Hartley JW, et al., A mouse gene on chromosome 5 that restricts infectivity of mink cell focus-forming recombinant murine leukemia viruses. J Exp Med. 1983 Jul 1;158(1):16-24
5 J:8016 Hilgers J, et al., A series of recombinant inbred strains between the BALB/cHeA and STS/A mouse strains. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 1985;122:31-7
5 J:8645 Jeffreys AJ, et al., Mouse DNA 'fingerprints': analysis of chromosome localization and germ-line stability of hypervariable loci in recombinant inbred strains. Nucleic Acids Res. 1987 Apr 10;15(7):2823-36
5 J:18024 Jenkins NA, et al., Ecotropic murine leukemia virus DNA content of normal and lymphomatous tissues of BXH-2 recombinant inbred mice. J Virol. 1982 May;42(2):379-88
5 J:21511 Kaushik N, et al., Intracisternal A-type particle elements as genetic markers: detection by repeat element viral element amplified locus-PCR. Mamm Genome. 1994 Nov;5(11):688-95
5 J:7150 Meruelo D, et al., Association of endogenous viral loci with genes encoding murine histocompatibility and lymphocyte differentiation antigens. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1983 Aug;80(16):5032-6
5 J:11622 Moen CJ, et al., The recombinant congenic strains--a novel genetic tool applied to the study of colon tumor development in the mouse. Mamm Genome. 1991;1(4):217-27
5 J:9889 Patarca R, et al., Structural and functional studies of the early T lymphocyte activation 1 (Eta-1) gene. Definition of a novel T cell-dependent response associated with genetic resistance to bacterial infection. J Exp Med. 1989 Jul 1;170(1):145-61
5 J:9889 Patarca R, et al., Structural and functional studies of the early T lymphocyte activation 1 (Eta-1) gene. Definition of a novel T cell-dependent response associated with genetic resistance to bacterial infection. J Exp Med. 1989 Jul 1;170(1):145-61
5 J:10669 Ramagli LS, et al., Genetic analysis of nonhistone chromosomal protein inheritance in recombinant inbred mouse strains using two-dimensional electrophoresis. Biochem Genet. 1990 Apr;28(3-4):123-36
5 J:31555 Stassen AP, et al., Genetic composition of the recombinant congenic strains. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jan;7(1):55-8
5 J:31555 Stassen AP, et al., Genetic composition of the recombinant congenic strains. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jan;7(1):55-8
5 J:49829 Taylor BA, et al., Genotyping new BXD recombinant inbred mouse strains and comparison of BXD and consensus maps. Mamm Genome. 1999 Apr;10(4):335-48
5 J:17755 ten Berg R, SD patterns of a series of OXA recombinant inbred strains. Mouse News Lett. 1989;84:102-104
5 J:11506 van Zutphen LF, et al., Segregation of genes from donor strain during the production of recombinant congenic strains. Lab Anim. 1991 Jul;25(3):193-7
5 J:6701 Vekemans M, et al., The susceptibility to cortisone-induced cleft palate of recombinant inbred strains of mice: lack of association with the H-2 haplotype. Genet Res. 1981 Dec;38(3):327-31
5 J:61054 White RA, et al., The gene encoding TBC1D1 with homology to the tre-2/USP6 oncogene, BUB2, and cdc16 maps to mouse chromosome 5 and human chromosome 4. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 2000;89(3-4):272-5
5 J:61054 White RA, et al., The gene encoding TBC1D1 with homology to the tre-2/USP6 oncogene, BUB2, and cdc16 maps to mouse chromosome 5 and human chromosome 4. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 2000;89(3-4):272-5
TEXT 5 J:9889 Patarca R, et al., Structural and functional studies of the early T lymphocyte activation 1 (Eta-1) gene. Definition of a novel T cell-dependent response associated with genetic resistance to bacterial infection. J Exp Med. 1989 Jul 1;170(1):145-61
TEXT 5 J:6835 Schlagel CJ, et al., Evidence for genetic control of microwave-induced augmentation of complement receptor-bearing B lymphocytes. J Immunol. 1982 Oct;129(4):1530-3
TEXT-Genetic Cross 5 J:11083 Bach I, et al., Cloning of human hepatic nuclear factor 1 (HNF1) and chromosomal localization of its gene in man and mouse. Genomics. 1990 Sep;8(1):155-64
TEXT-Genetic Cross 5 J:3881 Johnson KR, et al., Identification and genetic mapping of the murine gene and 20 related sequences encoding chromosomal protein HMG-17. Mamm Genome. 1993;4(2):83-9
TEXT-Genetic Cross 5 J:10483 Kozak CA, et al., Genetic mapping of a cloned sequence responsible for susceptibility to ecotropic murine leukemia viruses. J Virol. 1990 Jun;64(6):3119-21
TEXT-Genetic Cross 5 J:9372 Lacombe C, et al., The murine erythropoietin gene is localized on chromosome 5 [letter]. Blood. 1988 Oct;72(4):1440-2
TEXT-Genetic Cross 5 J:4958 Taylor BA, et al., The MEV mouse linkage testing stock: mapping 30 novel proviral insertions and establishment of an improved stock. Genomics. 1993 May;16(2):380-94
TEXT-Physical Mapping 5 J:78475 Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators, Chromosome assignment of mouse genes using the Mouse Genome Sequencing Consortium (MGSC) assembly and the ENSEMBL Database. 2002;
TEXT-Physical Mapping 5 J:80000 The FANTOM Consortium and The RIKEN Genome Exploration Research Group Phase I & II Team, Analysis of the mouse transcriptome based on functional annotation of 60,770 full-length cDNAs. Nature. 2002;420:563-573
TEXT-QTL 5 J:8914 Berk RS, et al., Genetic studies on resistant and susceptibility genes controlling the mouse cornea to infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Antibiot Chemother. 1987;39:83-91

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