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C-C motif chemokine ligand 2
39 mapping experiments
Experiment Type Details Chromosome Reference
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: EUCIB (BSS)
11 J:31803 Baldacci PA, et al., A high-resolution map around the locus Om on mouse Chromosome 11. Mamm Genome. 1996 Feb;7(2):114-6
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
11 J:31803 Baldacci PA, et al., A high-resolution map around the locus Om on mouse Chromosome 11. Mamm Genome. 1996 Feb;7(2):114-6
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
11 J:4627 Baldacci PA, et al., The locus Om, responsible for the DDK syndrome, maps close to Sigje on mouse chromosome 11. Mamm Genome. 1992;2(2):100-5
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
11 J:15685 Berger MS, et al., The gene for C10, a member of the beta-chemokine family, is located on mouse chromosome 11 and contains a novel second exon not found in other chemokines. DNA Cell Biol. 1993 Nov;12(9):839-47
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
11 J:15685 Berger MS, et al., The gene for C10, a member of the beta-chemokine family, is located on mouse chromosome 11 and contains a novel second exon not found in other chemokines. DNA Cell Biol. 1993 Nov;12(9):839-47
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
11 J:4562 Byrd LG, Regional localization of the nu mutation on mouse chromosome 11. Immunogenetics. 1993;37(2):157-9
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
11 J:27721 Feil R, et al., Cbx-rs2 (M31), a mouse homolog of the Drosophila Heterochromatin protein 1 gene, maps to distal chromosome 11 and is nonallelic to Om. Mamm Genome. 1995 Jul;6(7):469-71
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
11 J:29875 Hara T, et al., Molecular cloning and functional characterization of a novel member of the C-C chemokine family. J Immunol. 1995 Dec 1;155(11):5352-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
11 J:29875 Hara T, et al., Molecular cloning and functional characterization of a novel member of the C-C chemokine family. J Immunol. 1995 Dec 1;155(11):5352-8
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: UCLA (BSB)
11 J:48338 Jiang Z, et al., Structure, organization, and chromosomal mapping of the gene encoding macrosialin, a macrophage-restricted protein. Genomics. 1998 Jun 1;50(2):199-205
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: UCLA (BSB)
11 J:36975 Klingenspor M, et al., Localization of ubiquitin gene family members to mouse chromosomes 5, 11, and 18. Mamm Genome. 1997 Oct;8(10):789-90
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: UCLA (BSB)
11 J:36972 Klingenspor M, et al., Localization of profilin-1 (Pfn1) and a related sequence (Pfn1-rs) to mouse Chromosomes 11 and 15 respectively. Mamm Genome. 1997 Jul;8(7):539-540
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Kozak Skive
11 J:22862 Kozak CA, et al., Localization of three genes expressed in retina on mouse chromosome 11. Mamm Genome. 1995 Feb;6(2):142-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
11 J:22862 Kozak CA, et al., Localization of three genes expressed in retina on mouse chromosome 11. Mamm Genome. 1995 Feb;6(2):142-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
11 J:19832 Kuramoto T, et al., The alymphoplasia (aly) mutation co-segregates with the intercellular adhesion molecule-2 (lcam-2) on mouse chromosome 11. Int Immunol. 1994 Jul;6(7):991-4
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
11 J:29684 Lane TF, et al., Expression of Brca1 is associated with terminal differentiation of ectodermally and mesodermally derived tissues in mice. Genes Dev. 1995 Nov 1;9(21):2712-22
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Kozak FvC58 + FvSpr
11 J:29684 Lane TF, et al., Expression of Brca1 is associated with terminal differentiation of ectodermally and mesodermally derived tissues in mice. Genes Dev. 1995 Nov 1;9(21):2712-22
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: UCLA (BSB)
11 J:19874 Mehrabian M, et al., Localization of murine macrophage inducible nitric oxide synthase to mouse chromosome 11. Genomics. 1994 Aug;22(3):646-7
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Kozak FvC58 + FvSpr
11 J:34142 Ohshima T, et al., Molecular cloning and chromosomal mapping of the mouse gene encoding cyclin-dependent kinase 5 regulatory subunit p35. Genomics. 1996 Jul 15;35(2):372-5
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
11 J:45079 Puech A, et al., Comparative mapping of the human 22q11 chromosomal region and the orthologous region in mice reveals complex changes in gene organization. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997 Dec 23;94(26):14608-13
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: UCLA (BSB)
11 J:34178 Welch CL, et al., Genetic regulation of cholesterol homeostasis: chromosomal organization of candidate genes. J Lipid Res. 1996 Jul;37(7):1406-21
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
Mapping Panel: Copeland-Jenkins
11 J:28658 Youn BS, et al., A novel chemokine, macrophage inflammatory protein-related protein-2, inhibits colony formation of bone marrow myeloid progenitors. J Immunol. 1995 Sep 1;155(5):2661-7
HYBRID 11 J:10382 Smith A, et al., Sigje, a member of the small inducible gene family that includes platelet factor 4 and melanoma growth stimulatory activity, is on mouse chromosome 11. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1989;52(3-4):194-6
11 J:10423 Wilson SD, et al., Clustering of cytokine genes on mouse chromosome 11. J Exp Med. 1990 Apr 1;171(4):1301-14
TEXT 11 J:4627 Baldacci PA, et al., The locus Om, responsible for the DDK syndrome, maps close to Sigje on mouse chromosome 11. Mamm Genome. 1992;2(2):100-5
TEXT 11 J:10423 Wilson SD, et al., Clustering of cytokine genes on mouse chromosome 11. J Exp Med. 1990 Apr 1;171(4):1301-14
TEXT-Congenic 11 J:237458 Street VA, et al., Resistance to noise-induced hearing loss in 129S6 and MOLF mice: identification of independent, overlapping, and interacting chromosomal regions. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 2014 Oct;15(5):721-38
TEXT-Cytogenetic Localization 11 J:4100 Morris DJ, et al., Somatic cell hybrid mapping on mouse chromosome 11 (MMU11): assignment of markers relative to two breakpoints in band D. Genomics. 1993 Feb;15(2):323-31
TEXT-Cytogenetic Localization 11 J:33546 Morris-Rosendahl DJ, et al., Derivation and characterization of a somatic cell hybrid containing the portion of mouse chromosome 11 (MMU11) homologous to human chromosome 17q. J Hered. 1996 May-Jun;87(3):252-8
TEXT-Genetic Cross 11 J:33556 Chiang PW, et al., Linkage mapping of murine homolog of the yeast SPT6 gene to MMU11B1. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jun;7(6):459-60
TEXT-Genetic Cross 11 J:33556 Chiang PW, et al., Linkage mapping of murine homolog of the yeast SPT6 gene to MMU11B1. Mamm Genome. 1996 Jun;7(6):459-60
TEXT-Genetic Cross 11 J:62125 Pardo-Manuel De Villena F, et al., Heritability of the maternal meiotic drive system linked to Om and high-resolution mapping of the Responder locus in mouse. Genetics. 2000 May;155(1):283-9
TEXT-Physical Mapping 11 J:64704 Cohen-Tannoudji M, et al., A 2-Mb YAC/BAC-based physical map of the ovum mutant (Om) locus region on mouse chromosome 11. Genomics. 2000 Sep 15;68(3):273-82
TEXT-Physical Mapping 11 J:73268 Wagner K, et al., Identification of new regulatory sequences far upstream of the mouse monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 gene. Genomics. 2001 Dec;78(3):113-23
TEXT-QTL 11 J:25969 Gill BM, et al., Genetic linkage of thymic T-cell proliferative unresponsiveness to mouse chromosome 11 in NOD mice. A possible role for chemokine genes. Diabetes. 1995 Jun;44(6):614-9
TEXT-QTL 11 J:73763 Grattan M, et al., Congenic mapping of the diabetogenic locus Idd4 to a 5.2-cM region of chromosome 11 in NOD mice: identification of two potential candidate subloci. Diabetes. 2002 Jan;51(1):215-23
TEXT-QTL 11 J:40728 Krulova M, et al., IL-2-induced proliferative response is controlled by loci Cinda1 and Cinda2 on mouse chromosomes 11 and 12: a distinct control of the response induced by different IL-2 concentrations. Genomics. 1997 May 15;42(1):11-5
TEXT-QTL 11 J:15298 Roberts M, et al., Mapping of genes controlling Leishmania major infection in CXS recombinant inbred mice. Eur J Immunogenet. 1993 Oct;20(5):349-62
TEXT-Radiation Hybrid 11 J:68900 The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Radiation Hybrid Database, Mouse T31 Radiation Hybrid Data Load. Database Release. 2004;

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