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t-complex protein 10a
7 mapping experiments
Experiment Type Details Chromosome Reference
CROSS Cross Type: Backcross
17 J:558 Forejt J, et al., Genetic mapping of the t-complex region on mouse chromosome 17 including the Hybrid sterility-1 gene. Mamm Genome. 1991;1(2):84-91
TEXT 17 J:10415 Bullard DC, et al., Molecular cloning and genetic mapping of the t complex responder candidate gene family. Genetics. 1990 Apr;124(4):957-66
TEXT 17 J:8163 Herrmann B, et al., Genetic analysis of the proximal portion of the mouse t complex: evidence for a second inversion within t haplotypes. Cell. 1986 Feb 14;44(3):469-76
TEXT 17 J:8163 Herrmann B, et al., Genetic analysis of the proximal portion of the mouse t complex: evidence for a second inversion within t haplotypes. Cell. 1986 Feb 14;44(3):469-76
TEXT-Genetic Cross 17 J:33200 Ardlie KG, et al., Recent evolution of mouse t haplotypes at polymorphic microsatellites associated with the t complex responder (Tcr) locus. Genet Res. 1996 Feb;67(1):1-10
TEXT-Physical Mapping 17 J:847 Ebersole T, et al., New molecular markers for the distal end of the t-complex and their relationships to mutations affecting mouse development. Genetics. 1992 May;131(1):175-82
TEXT-Physical Mapping 17 J:91388 Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators, Obtaining and Loading Genome Assembly Coordinates from Ensembl Annotations. 2005;

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