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Transgene Detail
Symbol: Tg(TcrAND)53Hed
Name: transgene insertion 53, Stephen M Hedrick
MGI ID: MGI:3053044
Synonyms: AND, AND TCR, CC, TcrAND, Tg(TcrAND)
Transgene: Tg(TcrAND)53Hed  Location: unknown  
Alliance: Tg(TcrAND)53Hed page
Strain of Origin:  (C57BL/6 x SJL)F2
Transgene Type:    Transgenic (Inserted expressed sequence)
Mutation:    Insertion
Tg(TcrAND)53Hed expresses 2 genes
Mutation detailsRearranged TCR alpha and beta genes containing endogenous promoter and enhancer sequences were coinjected into the micronucleus of 1 cell embryos. Both constructs are specific for the carboxyterminal fragment of pigeon cytochrome c and the Ek molecule. The alpha-chain of this transgenic TCR differs by one amino acid (an alanine instead of a threonine at position 99) to the alpha chain of the transgenic TCR expressed in Tg(TcraTcrbAD10)1Hed transgenic mice. (J:85777)
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The transgenic TCR is expressed on virtually all T cells in mice expressing Ek. Transgenic mice on a background that involves C57BL/10, C57BL/6, and SJL show expression of a rearranged T-cell receptor specific for the carboxy-terminal fragment of pigeon cytochrome c and the Ek molecule, resulting in a major subpopulation of T cells restricted to class II MHC proteins. These mice have an abnormally high percentage of mature CD4+CD8- cells, a peripheral T-cell population is almost exclusively CD4+ and show no expression of I-Ek.
Original:  J:85777 Kaye J, et al., Selective development of CD4+ T cells in transgenic mice expressing a class II MHC-restricted antigen receptor. Nature. 1989 Oct 26;341(6244):746-9
All:  186 reference(s)

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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory