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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
distal-less homeobox 5
172 phenotypes from 5 alleles in 7 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
Not Specified
abnormal alisphenoid bone morphology J:80696
abnormal basicranium morphology J:80696
abnormal basisphenoid bone morphology J:80696
abnormal brain development J:80696
abnormal craniofacial bone morphology J:80696
abnormal craniofacial development J:77244
abnormal digit morphology J:77244
abnormal first pharyngeal arch morphology J:77244
abnormal frontal bone morphology J:80696
abnormal hindlimb morphology J:77244
abnormal hyoid bone morphology J:80696
abnormal interparietal bone morphology J:80696
abnormal jaw morphology J:80696
abnormal mandibular angle morphology J:80696
abnormal mandibular condyloid process morphology J:80696
abnormal mandibular coronoid process morphology J:80696
abnormal mandibular prominence morphology J:80696
abnormal maxilla morphology J:80696
abnormal metatarsal bone morphology J:77244
abnormal middle ear ossicle morphology J:80696
abnormal mouth morphology J:80696
abnormal nasal bone morphology J:80696
abnormal nasal capsule morphology J:80696
abnormal neurocranium morphology J:80696
abnormal palate morphology J:80696
abnormal parietal bone morphology J:80696
abnormal phalanx morphology J:77244
abnormal pharyngeal arch morphology J:80696
abnormal premaxilla morphology J:80696
abnormal pterygoid process morphology J:80696
abnormal snout morphology J:80696
abnormal stylohyoid ligament morphology J:80696
abnormal temporal bone squamous part morphology J:80696
abnormal thyroid cartilage morphology J:80696
abnormal vibrissa morphology J:80696
abnormal viscerocranium morphology J:80696
abnormal zygomatic bone morphology J:80696
absent Meckel's cartilage J:80696
anencephaly J:80696
brachydactyly J:77244
ectrodactyly J:77244, J:135784
exencephaly J:80696
fused pharyngeal arches J:80696
lower jaw to upper jaw transformation J:80696
open neural tube J:80696
perinatal lethality J:80696
perinatal lethality, complete penetrance J:77244
small presphenoid bone J:80696
syndactyly J:77244
no abnormal phenotype detected J:151755
involves: C57BL/6 * SJL
no abnormal phenotype detected J:151755
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * DBA/2
postnatal lethality, complete penetrance J:56557
involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6J
abnormal sexual interaction J:56559
exencephaly J:56559
abnormal craniofacial development J:81736
abnormal frontonasal prominence morphology J:81736
abnormal GABAergic neuron morphology J:81736
abnormal mitral cell morphology J:81736
abnormal nasal pit morphology J:81736
abnormal olfactory bulb granule cell morphology J:81736
abnormal olfactory bulb morphology J:81736
abnormal olfactory bulb periglomerular cell morphology J:81736
abnormal olfactory epithelium morphology J:81736
abnormal olfactory nerve morphology J:81736
abnormal olfactory neuron innervation pattern J:81736
abnormal rostral migratory stream morphology J:81736
absent olfactory epithelium J:81736
small olfactory bulb J:81736
small vomeronasal organ J:81736
involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6J
abnormal alisphenoid bone morphology J:56559
abnormal axon extension J:56559
abnormal cochlea morphology J:56559
abnormal cranium morphology J:56559
abnormal epitympanic recess morphology J:56559
abnormal external auditory canal morphology J:56559
abnormal incisor morphology J:56559
abnormal intrinsic tongue muscle morphology J:56559
abnormal lacrimal bone morphology J:56559
abnormal larynx morphology J:56559
abnormal lateral nasal prominence morphology J:56559
abnormal malleus morphology J:56559
abnormal mandible morphology J:56559
abnormal mandibular angle morphology J:56559
abnormal mandibular condyloid process morphology J:56559
abnormal mandibular coronoid process morphology J:56559
abnormal maxilla morphology J:56559
abnormal Meckel's cartilage morphology J:56559
abnormal middle ear morphology J:56559
abnormal molar crown morphology J:56559
abnormal molar morphology J:56559
abnormal mylohyoid muscle morphology J:56559
abnormal nasal bone morphology J:56559
abnormal nasal capsule morphology J:56559
abnormal nasal mucosa morphology J:56559
abnormal neurocranium morphology J:56559
abnormal occipital bone morphology J:56559
abnormal outer ear cartilage morphology J:56559
abnormal outer ear morphology J:56559
abnormal premaxilla morphology J:56559
abnormal pterygoid bone morphology J:56559
abnormal pterygoid muscle morphology J:56559
abnormal rib morphology J:56559
abnormal scala vestibuli morphology J:56559
abnormal stapedial artery morphology J:56559
abnormal superior horn of thyroid cartilage morphology J:56559
abnormal tegmen tympani morphology J:56559
abnormal temporal bone squamous part morphology J:56559
abnormal tongue muscle morphology J:56559
abnormal tooth mineralization J:56559
abnormal vomer bone morphology J:56559
absent endolymphatic duct J:56559
absent gastric milk in neonates J:56559
absent posterior semicircular canal J:56559
absent superior semicircular canal J:56559
absent vomeronasal organ J:56559
cleft primary palate J:56559
cleft secondary palate J:56559
decreased body size J:56559
decreased bone mineralization J:56559
decreased cochlea coiling J:56559
decreased lateral semicircular canal size J:56559
decreased tympanic ring size J:56559
deviated nasal septum J:56559
ectopic cranial bone J:56559
exencephaly J:56559
frontonasal prominence hypoplasia J:56559
micrognathia J:56559
open neural tube J:56559
otic capsule hypoplasia J:56559
perinatal lethality, complete penetrance J:56559
prenatal lethality, incomplete penetrance J:56559
short lower incisors J:56559
short Meckel's cartilage J:56559
short nasal septum J:56559
short premaxilla J:56559
short upper incisors J:56559
small interparietal bone J:56559
small lacrimal bone J:56559
small malleus processus brevis J:56559
small maxilla J:56559
small nasal bone J:56559
small parietal bone J:56559
small supraoccipital bone J:56559
small trigeminal ganglion J:56559
small vomer bone J:56559
turbinate hypoplasia J:56559
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * DBA/2
no abnormal phenotype detected J:56557
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd
abnormal cochlea morphology J:78406
abnormal crista ampullaris morphology J:78406
abnormal semicircular canal morphology J:78406
abnormal utricular macula morphology J:78406
abnormal vestibular saccular macula morphology J:78406
abnormal vestibular saccule morphology J:78406
absent semicircular canals J:78406
decreased cochlea coiling J:78406
decreased lateral semicircular canal size J:78406
enlarged utricle J:78406
otic vesicle hypoplasia J:78406
short endolymphatic duct J:78406
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * DBA/2
abnormal alisphenoid bone morphology J:56557
abnormal basioccipital bone morphology J:56557
abnormal bone ossification J:56557
abnormal cell proliferation J:56557
abnormal craniofacial development J:56557
abnormal cranium morphology J:56557
abnormal crista ampullaris morphology J:56557
abnormal crista ampullaris neuroepithelium morphology J:56557
abnormal gonial bone morphology J:56557
abnormal head development J:56557
abnormal hyoid bone greater horn morphology J:56557
abnormal hyoid bone lesser horn morphology J:56557
abnormal hyoid bone morphology J:56557
abnormal inner ear vestibule morphology J:56557
abnormal Meckel's cartilage morphology J:56557
abnormal neurocranium morphology J:56557
abnormal osteoblast differentiation J:56557
abnormal otic capsule morphology J:56557
abnormal pterygoid bone morphology J:56557
abnormal semicircular canal morphology J:56557
abnormal styloid process morphology J:56557
abnormal suckling behavior J:56557
abnormal superior horn of thyroid cartilage morphology J:56557
absent gastric milk in neonates J:56557
absent mandibular coronoid process J:56557
absent palatine bone horizontal plate J:56557
absent posterior semicircular canal J:56557
absent stapes J:56557
absent superior semicircular canal J:56557
cleft secondary palate J:56557
decreased lateral semicircular canal size J:56557
decreased locomotor activity J:56557
decreased maxillary shelf size J:56557
decreased tympanic ring size J:56557
delayed bone ossification J:56557
delayed cranial suture closure J:56557
distended abdomen J:56557
ectopic cartilage J:56557
ectopic cranial bone J:56557
exencephaly J:56557
large anterior fontanelle J:56557
meteorism J:56557
neonatal lethality, complete penetrance J:56557
respiratory distress J:56557
short mandible J:56557
short maxilla J:56557
short Meckel's cartilage J:56557
short nasal bone J:56557
short snout J:56557
short styloid process J:56557
small nasal bone J:56557
wide cranial sutures J:56557
Wormian bones J:56557

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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