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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
distal-less homeobox 6
54 phenotypes from 2 alleles in 1 genetic background
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
Not Specified
abnormal alisphenoid bone morphology J:80696
abnormal basicranium morphology J:80696
abnormal basisphenoid bone morphology J:80696
abnormal brain development J:80696
abnormal craniofacial bone morphology J:80696
abnormal craniofacial development J:77244
abnormal digit morphology J:77244
abnormal first pharyngeal arch morphology J:77244, J:80696
abnormal frontal bone morphology J:80696
abnormal hindlimb morphology J:77244
abnormal hyoid bone morphology J:80696
abnormal interparietal bone morphology J:80696
abnormal jaw morphology J:80696
abnormal mandibular angle morphology J:80696
abnormal mandibular condyloid process morphology J:80696
abnormal mandibular coronoid process morphology J:80696
abnormal mandibular prominence morphology J:80696
abnormal maxilla morphology J:80696
abnormal metatarsal bone morphology J:77244
abnormal middle ear ossicle morphology J:80696
abnormal mouth morphology J:80696
abnormal nasal bone morphology J:80696
abnormal nasal capsule morphology J:80696
abnormal neurocranium morphology J:80696
abnormal palate morphology J:80696
abnormal parietal bone morphology J:80696
abnormal phalanx morphology J:77244
abnormal premaxilla morphology J:80696
abnormal pterygoid process morphology J:80696
abnormal snout morphology J:80696
abnormal stylohyoid ligament morphology J:80696
abnormal temporal bone squamous part morphology J:80696
abnormal thyroid cartilage morphology J:80696
abnormal vibrissa morphology J:80696
abnormal viscerocranium morphology J:80696
abnormal zygomatic bone morphology J:80696
absent Meckel's cartilage J:80696
anencephaly J:80696
brachydactyly J:77244
ectrodactyly J:77244, J:135784
exencephaly J:80696
lower jaw to upper jaw transformation J:80696
open neural tube J:80696
perinatal lethality, complete penetrance J:77244, J:80696
small presphenoid bone J:80696
syndactyly J:77244
Not Specified
abnormal gonial bone morphology J:139700
absent mandibular coronoid process J:139700
aerophagia J:139700
normal craniofacial phenotype J:139700
decreased tympanic ring size J:139700
mandibular condyloid process hypoplasia J:139700
neonatal lethality, complete penetrance J:139700
small mandible J:139700

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory