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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
myosin X
42 phenotypes from 5 alleles in 6 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
abnormal eye morphology J:214794
abnormal tail pigmentation J:214794
belly spot J:214794
cornea opacity J:214794
decreased body size J:214794
decreased tail pigmentation J:214794
fused phalanges J:214794
iris coloboma J:214794
persistence of hyaloid vascular system J:214794
syndactyly J:214794
white spotting J:214794
involves: C57BL/6J
abnormal brain morphology J:256438
abnormal lens development J:256438
absent liver J:256438
acrania J:256438
anophthalmia J:256438
normal behavior/neurological phenotype J:256438
belly spot J:256438
craniorachischisis J:256438
decreased body weight J:256438
decreased embryo size J:256438
decreased survivor rate J:256438
exencephaly J:256438
failure of eyelid fusion J:256438
hemorrhage J:256438
lethality during fetal growth through weaning, incomplete penetrance J:256438
microphthalmia J:256438
persistence of hyaloid vascular system J:256438
syndactyly J:256438
white spotting J:256438
involves: C57BL/6N
belly spot J:256438
decreased survivor rate J:256438
exencephaly J:256438
kinked tail J:256438
lethality during fetal growth through weaning, incomplete penetrance J:256438
persistence of hyaloid vascular system J:256438
syndactyly J:256438
white spotting J:256438
involves: C57BL/6 * C57BL/6N
no abnormal phenotype detected J:256438
involves: C57BL/6 * C57BL/6N * C57BL/6NJ
abnormal retina morphology J:256438
abnormal retina vasculature morphology J:256438
abnormal vascular branching morphogenesis J:256438
anophthalmia J:256438
normal behavior/neurological phenotype J:256438
belly spot J:256438
decreased body weight J:256438
decreased survivor rate J:256438
exencephaly J:256438
kinked tail J:256438
lethality during fetal growth through weaning, incomplete penetrance J:256438
microphthalmia J:256438
persistence of hyaloid vascular system J:256438
syndactyly J:256438
white spotting J:256438
abnormal coat/hair pigmentation J:211773
abnormal cornea morphology J:211773
abnormal digit morphology J:211773
abnormal iris morphology J:211773
abnormal lens morphology J:211773
abnormal response to new environment J:211773
abnormal retina morphology J:211773
abnormal tail morphology J:211773
cataract J:211773
cornea opacity J:211773
decreased circulating creatinine level J:211773
fused cornea and lens J:211773
fused phalanges J:211773
impaired pupillary reflex J:211773
persistence of hyaloid vascular system J:211773

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