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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
CD36 molecule
109 phenotypes from 5 alleles in 9 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
abnormal bone structure J:211773
abnormal brain morphology J:211773
abnormal heart morphology J:211773
abnormal liver morphology J:211773
abnormal skin morphology J:211773
abnormal spleen morphology J:211773
abnormal vitreous body morphology J:211773
cataract J:211773
decreased brain size J:211773
decreased circulating triglyceride level J:211773
decreased fasting circulating glucose level J:211773
enlarged heart J:211773
enlarged liver J:211773
enlarged spleen J:211773
eye hemorrhage J:211773
increased heart weight J:211773
abnormal cell-mediated immunity J:96018
abnormal macrophage physiology J:96018
abnormal olfaction J:236910
endophthalmitis J:96018
increased susceptibility to bacterial infection J:96018
increased susceptibility to induced morbidity/mortality J:96018
ocular pterygium J:96018
abnormal kidney morphology J:100140
abnormal pericardium morphology J:100140
abnormal response to infection J:100140
decreased interleukin-6 secretion J:100140
decreased interleukin-12 secretion J:100140
decreased tumor necrosis factor secretion J:100140
impaired macrophage phagocytosis J:100140
increased susceptibility to bacterial infection induced morbidity/mortality J:100140
sepsis J:100140
involves: 129S4/SvJae
abnormal microglial cell physiology J:140907
involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6J
abnormal chemokine level J:80658
abnormal macrophage physiology J:80658
abnormal B cell morphology J:130897
abnormal choriocapillaris morphology J:281382
abnormal circulating lipid level J:87372
abnormal exocrine pancreas physiology J:102503
abnormal fatty acids level J:87372
abnormal food intake J:87372
abnormal food preference J:102503
abnormal gluconeogenesis J:87372
abnormal glucose homeostasis J:87372
abnormal lipid level J:87372
abnormal liver physiology J:135594
abnormal plasma cell differentiation J:130897
abnormal retina photoreceptor morphology J:281382
decreased body weight J:87372
decreased fatty acids level J:87372
decreased IgG1 level J:130897
decreased IgG2a level J:130897
decreased IgG2c level J:130897
decreased IgG level J:130897
decreased IgM level J:130897
decreased immunoglobulin level J:130897
decreased liver free fatty acids level J:135594
decreased liver triglyceride level J:135594
decreased susceptibility to induced thrombosis J:136325
disorganized photoreceptor outer segment J:281382
disorganized retina outer nuclear layer J:281382
increased circulating free fatty acids level J:87372
increased circulating ketone body level J:87372
increased circulating triglyceride level J:87372
increased fatty acids level J:87372
increased liver triglyceride level J:87372
increased transitional stage B cell number J:130897
thin retina outer nuclear layer J:281382
involves: 129S1/Sv
abnormal blood pressure regulation J:109739
abnormal brown adipose tissue physiology J:220343
abnormal macrophage chemotaxis J:89664
abnormal muscle physiology J:220343
abnormal myelination J:89664
abnormal peripheral nervous system regeneration J:89664
abnormal triglyceride level J:220343
decreased adipocyte glucose uptake J:220343
decreased brown adipose tissue amount J:220343
decreased circulating glucose level J:220343
decreased circulating triglyceride level J:220343
decreased skeletal muscle cell glucose uptake J:220343
decreased skeletal muscle glycogen level J:220343
normal homeostasis/metabolism phenotype J:220343
impaired adaptive thermogenesis J:220343
involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6
abnormal basal metabolism J:126461
abnormal cardiovascular system physiology J:83611, J:112746
abnormal cholesterol homeostasis J:56081
abnormal fat pad morphology J:126461
abnormal food intake J:126461
abnormal homeostasis J:123605
abnormal hormone level J:126461
abnormal intestinal absorption J:123605
abnormal intestinal lipid absorption J:123605
abnormal lipid homeostasis J:56081
abnormal response to cardiac infarction J:83611, J:112746
abnormal small intestine morphology J:123605
abnormal triglyceride level J:123605
cardiac hypertrophy J:83611
decreased body size J:123605, J:126461
decreased bone mass J:126461
decreased cardiac muscle glycogen level J:83611
decreased cardiac muscle triglyceride level J:83611
decreased circulating adiponectin level J:126461
decreased fasting circulating glucose level J:56081
decreased intestinal cholesterol absorption J:123605
decreased percent body fat/body weight J:126461
normal homeostasis/metabolism phenotype J:123605
increased cardiac muscle cell glucose uptake J:83611
increased circulating cholesterol level J:56081
increased circulating HDL cholesterol level J:56081
increased circulating ketone body level J:126461
increased circulating leptin level J:126461
increased circulating triglyceride level J:56081
increased circulating VLDL triglyceride level J:56081
increased fatty acids level J:56081
increased intestinal glucose absorption J:123605
slow postnatal weight gain J:126461
B6.Cg-Cd36tm2.1Mfe A1cfTg(Myh6-cre/Esr1*)1Jmk
abnormal glucose homeostasis J:225392
abnormal response to cardiac infarction J:225392
normal cardiovascular system phenotype J:225392
decreased cardiac muscle triglyceride level J:225392
decreased fatty acid oxidation J:225392
decreased fatty acids level J:225392

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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory