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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
interleukin 18
76 phenotypes from 6 alleles in 9 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd
polyphagia J:122588
abnormal gut flora balance J:173245
impaired neutrophil chemotaxis J:125285
increased susceptibility to bacterial infection J:125285
increased susceptibility to induced colitis J:173245
gastrointestinal hemorrhage J:120594
hyperchlorhydria J:120594
stomach inflammation J:120594
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd
abnormal macrophage physiology J:112400
abnormal T-helper 1 physiology J:46514
decreased circulating interferon-gamma level J:46514
decreased circulating interleukin-18 level J:46514, J:122588
decreased energy expenditure J:122588
decreased interferon-gamma secretion J:46514
decreased oxygen consumption J:122588
impaired natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity J:46514
increased percent body fat/body weight J:122588
increased susceptibility to age related obesity J:122588
increased susceptibility to bacterial infection J:112400
increased total fat pad weight J:122588
increased white adipose tissue amount J:122588
polyphagia J:122588
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
abnormal heart left ventricle morphology J:118183
abnormal microglial cell morphology J:122031
abnormal retina vasculature morphology J:92254
decreased cerebral infarct size J:124249
decreased heart left ventricle muscle contractility J:118183
retina hemorrhage J:92254
abnormal cytokine level J:138759
abnormal nitric oxide homeostasis J:138759
decreased circulating interferon-gamma level J:138759
decreased circulating interleukin-6 level J:138759
decreased circulating interleukin-18 level J:138759
decreased interferon-gamma secretion J:138759
decreased susceptibility to bacterial infection J:138759
decreased tumor necrosis factor secretion J:138759
increased dendritic cell number J:138759
increased macrophage cell number J:138759
increased NK cell number J:138759
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd
abnormal T cell morphology J:62263
decreased circulating interferon-gamma level J:62263
decreased circulating interleukin-18 level J:62263
decreased susceptibility to endotoxin shock J:62263
increased circulating tumor necrosis factor level J:62263
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * CD-1
abnormal interferon level J:86621
abnormal interleukin level J:86621
abnormal tumor necrosis factor level J:86621
increased susceptibility to bacterial infection J:86621
increased susceptibility to parasitic infection J:86621
sepsis J:86621
involves: 129 * C57BL/6
abnormal pulmonary alveolus morphology J:147547
increased interferon-gamma secretion J:147547
interstitial pneumonia J:147547
abnormal T cell physiology J:78602
acanthosis J:78602
decreased T cell number J:78602
dermatitis J:78602
excessive scratching J:78602
increased circulating histamine level J:78602
increased circulating interleukin-18 level J:78602
increased IgE level J:78602
increased IgG1 level J:78602
increased neutrophil cell number J:78602
skin lesions J:78602
abnormal cardiovascular system physiology J:147547
abnormal lung compliance J:147547
abnormal lung volume J:147547
abnormal pulmonary alveolus morphology J:147547
abnormal spleen morphology J:147547
decreased bone mineral density J:219136
decreased skeletal muscle weight J:219136
dilated heart right ventricle J:147547
emphysema J:147547
enlarged heart J:147547
enlarged spleen J:147547
heart right ventricle hypertrophy J:147547
impaired glucose tolerance J:219136
increased interferon-gamma secretion J:147547
increased interleukin-13 secretion J:147547
increased pulmonary alveolus wall thickness J:147547
increased right ventricle diastolic pressure J:147547
increased right ventricle systolic pressure J:147547
lung inflammation J:147547
overexpanded pulmonary alveolus J:147547
pulmonary hypertension J:147547
weight loss J:219136

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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory