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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
EYA transcriptional coactivator and phosphatase 1
114 phenotypes from 5 alleles in 12 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
abnormal common crus morphology J:54408
absent organ of Corti J:54408
circling J:54408
deafness J:54408
decreased cochlea coiling J:54408
decreased lateral semicircular canal size J:54408
female infertility J:54408
head bobbing J:54408
increased blood urea nitrogen level J:54408
increased or absent threshold for auditory brainstem response J:54408
perinatal lethality, incomplete penetrance J:54408
renal hypoplasia J:54408
single kidney J:54408
involves: C3HeB/FeJ
abnormal cochlea morphology J:140027
abnormal orientation of cochlear hair cell stereociliary bundles J:140027
abnormal semicircular canal ampulla morphology J:140027
abnormal semicircular canal morphology J:140027
abnormal utricle morphology J:140027
abnormal vestibular saccule morphology J:140027
decreased cochlea coiling J:140027
decreased outer hair cell stereocilia number J:140027
decreased posterior semicircular canal size J:140027
decreased superior semicircular canal size J:140027
decreased vestibular hair cell number J:140027
increased cochlear inner hair cell number J:140027
increased cochlear outer hair cell number J:140027
short endolymphatic duct J:140027
involves: C3HeB/FeJ * C57BL/6J
abnormal cochlea morphology J:86371
abnormal cochlear ganglion morphology J:86371
circling J:86371
head bobbing J:86371
increased or absent threshold for auditory brainstem response J:86371
involves: 129 * C3HeB/FeJ
abnormal cochlea morphology J:140027
abnormal endolymphatic duct morphology J:140027
abnormal semicircular canal ampulla morphology J:140027
abnormal semicircular canal morphology J:140027
abnormal utricle morphology J:140027
abnormal vestibular saccule morphology J:140027
absent cochlea J:140027
absent endolymphatic duct J:140027
absent lateral semicircular canal J:140027
absent posterior semicircular canal J:140027
absent vestibular saccule J:140027
decreased vestibular hair cell number J:140027
decreased prepulse inhibition J:211773
preweaning lethality, incomplete penetrance J:211773
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ
no abnormal phenotype detected J:140027
either: (involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ) or (involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * BALB/c)
abnormal facial nerve morphology J:57313
abnormal middle ear ossicle morphology J:57313
abnormal stapes morphology J:57313
abnormal vestibular labyrinth morphology J:57313
abnormal vestibulocochlear nerve morphology J:57313
cochlear ganglion degeneration J:57313
conductive hearing loss J:57313
increased or absent threshold for auditory brainstem response J:57313
renal hypoplasia J:57313
involves: 129 * C3HeB/FeJ
abnormal cochlea morphology J:140027
abnormal orientation of cochlear hair cell stereociliary bundles J:140027
abnormal semicircular canal ampulla morphology J:140027
abnormal semicircular canal morphology J:140027
abnormal vestibular saccule morphology J:140027
decreased cochlea coiling J:140027
decreased outer hair cell stereocilia number J:140027
decreased posterior semicircular canal size J:140027
decreased superior semicircular canal size J:140027
decreased vestibular hair cell number J:140027
increased cochlear inner hair cell number J:140027
short endolymphatic duct J:140027
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6J
decreased cochlea coiling J:119574
short endolymphatic duct J:119574
single kidney J:57313
either: (involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ) or (involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * BALB/c) or (involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6)
abnormal basisphenoid bone morphology J:57313
abnormal cranium morphology J:57313
abnormal external auditory canal morphology J:57313
abnormal first pharyngeal pouch morphology J:57313
abnormal geniculate ganglion morphology J:57313
abnormal hyoid bone lesser horn morphology J:57313
abnormal hyoid bone morphology J:57313
abnormal incus morphology J:57313
abnormal ischium morphology J:57313
abnormal jaw morphology J:57313
abnormal middle ear ossicle morphology J:57313
abnormal otic vesicle development J:57313
abnormal palate development J:57313
abnormal pterygoid process morphology J:57313
abnormal pubis morphology J:57313
abnormal sternocostal joint morphology J:57313
abnormal thyroid cartilage morphology J:57313
abnormal tympanic membrane morphology J:57313
abnormal zygomatic bone morphology J:57313
absent auditory bulla J:57313
absent endolymphatic duct J:57313
absent external auditory canal J:57313
absent inner ear J:57313
absent kidney J:57313
absent malleus processus brevis J:57313
absent maxilla J:57313
absent outer ear J:57313
absent parathyroid glands J:57313
absent petrosal ganglion J:57313
absent premaxilla J:57313
absent stapes J:57313
absent thyroid gland isthmus J:79848
absent tympanic cavity J:57313
absent ureter J:57313
absent ureteric bud J:57313
absent vestibular ganglion J:57313
anotia J:57313
athymia J:57313, J:79848
cervical vertebral fusion J:57313
cleft secondary palate J:57313
decreased maxillary shelf size J:57313
decreased palatine bone horizontal plate size J:57313
decreased tympanic ring size J:57313
eyelids open at birth J:57313
fusion of middle ear ossicles J:57313
increased metanephric mesenchyme apoptosis J:57313
increased otic epithelial cell apoptosis J:57313
large nasal septum J:57313
mandible hypoplasia J:57313
microcephaly J:57313
neonatal lethality, complete penetrance J:57313
persistent ultimobranchial bodies J:79848
preauricular pit J:57313
rib fusion J:57313
small cranium J:57313
thyroid gland hypoplasia J:79848
involves: 129 * C3HeB/FeJ
absent inner ear J:140027
involves: 129 * C57BL/6 * CD-1 * SJL
abnormal cardiovascular development J:172023
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ
abnormal endolymphatic duct morphology J:119574
abnormal inner ear morphology J:119574
abnormal lateral semicircular canal morphology J:119574
abnormal otic vesicle development J:119574
abnormal posterior semicircular canal morphology J:119574
abnormal temporal bone morphology J:119574
absent cochlea J:119574
absent endolymphatic duct J:119574
absent inner ear vestibule J:119574
decreased otic epithelial cell proliferation J:119574
increased otic epithelial cell apoptosis J:119574
small otic vesicle J:119574
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6
abnormal aortic arch morphology J:172023
abnormal craniofacial development J:172023
abnormal skeletal muscle morphology J:172023
interrupted aortic arch, type b J:172023
retroesophageal right subclavian artery J:172023
vascular ring J:172023
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * FVB/N
abnormal cochlear hair cell morphology J:181471
decreased cochlear inner hair cell number J:181471
decreased cochlear outer hair cell number J:181471

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