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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells 2, p49/p100
126 phenotypes from 10 alleles in 13 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
abnormal lymph node morphology J:154812
abnormal mesenteric lymph node morphology J:154812
abnormal spleen white pulp morphology J:154812
absent axillary lymph nodes J:154812
absent brachial lymph nodes J:154812
absent cervical lymph nodes J:154812
absent inguinal lymph nodes J:154812
absent Peyer's patches J:154812
decreased lymph node number J:154812
increased lymphocyte cell number J:154812
liver inflammation J:154812
lung inflammation J:154812
involves: BALB/c
abnormal B cell differentiation J:188560
involves: BALB/c
abnormal class switch recombination J:154812
abnormal lymph node morphology J:154812
abnormal osteoclast differentiation J:154812
abnormal peripheral lymph node morphology J:154812
abnormal plasma cell differentiation J:154812
abnormal spleen follicular dendritic cell network J:154812
abnormal spleen periarteriolar lymphoid sheath morphology J:154812
abnormal spleen primary B follicle morphology J:154812
abnormal spleen white pulp morphology J:154812
abnormal T cell differentiation J:154812
abnormal thymus cell ratio J:154812
abnormal thymus physiology J:154812
abnormal thymus size J:154812
abnormal trabecular bone morphology J:154812
absent axillary lymph nodes J:154812
absent brachial lymph nodes J:154812
absent cervical lymph nodes J:154812
absent inguinal lymph nodes J:154812
absent mesenteric lymph nodes J:154812
absent Peyer's patches J:154812
autoimmune response J:154812
decreased B cell proliferation J:154812
decreased follicular B cell number J:154812
decreased IgA level J:154812
decreased IgG1 level J:154812
decreased IgG2b level J:154812
decreased IgM level J:154812
decreased immunoglobulin level J:154812
decreased litter size J:154812
decreased lymph node number J:154812
decreased marginal zone B cell number J:154812
decreased mature B cell number J:154812
decreased transitional stage B cell number J:154812
enlarged spleen J:154812
extramedullary hematopoiesis J:154812
normal hematopoietic system phenotype J:154812
increased CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:154812
increased CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:154812
increased double-negative T cell number J:154812
increased double-positive T cell number J:154812
increased spleen red pulp amount J:154812
increased spleen weight J:154812
increased transitional stage B cell number J:154812
liver inflammation J:154812
lung inflammation J:154812
osteopetrosis J:154812
premature death J:154812
reduced fertility J:154812
increased B-1a cell number J:221493
abnormal B cell differentiation J:274960
abnormal CD4-positive T cell differentiation J:274960
abnormal CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation J:274960
abnormal T cell differentiation J:274960
decreased B cell number J:274960
decreased CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:274960
decreased effector memory CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:274960
decreased NK cell number J:274960
increased B-1 B cell number J:274960
increased CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:274960
increased CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:274960
increased CD8-positive, naive alpha-beta T cell number J:274960
increased T cell number J:274960
increased CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:274961
increased CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:274961
increased T cell number J:274961
increased B-1 B cell number J:274962
involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6
stomach epithelial hyperplasia J:43469
involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6
abnormal bone marrow morphology J:43469
abnormal cytokine secretion J:43469
abnormal definitive hematopoiesis J:43469
abnormal food intake J:43469
abnormal lymph node B cell domain morphology J:43469
abnormal lymph node cortex morphology J:43469
abnormal lymphocyte cell number J:43469
abnormal stomach cardiac region morphology J:43469
abnormal T cell number J:43469
abnormal T cell subpopulation ratio J:43469
abnormal thymus corticomedullary boundary morphology J:43469
anemia J:43469
decreased body size J:43469
decreased body weight J:43469
decreased double-positive T cell number J:43469
decreased spleen weight J:43469
disheveled coat J:43469
enlarged lymph nodes J:43469
hunched posture J:43469
increased B cell proliferation J:43469
increased granulocyte number J:43469
increased interleukin-2 secretion J:43469
increased interleukin-4 secretion J:43469
increased interleukin-10 secretion J:43469
increased T cell proliferation J:43469
increased tumor necrosis factor secretion J:43469
intermingled spleen red and white pulp J:43469
premature death J:43469
small stomach J:43469
spleen atrophy J:43469
spleen hypoplasia J:43469
stomach epithelial hyperplasia J:43469
thymus atrophy J:43469
weight loss J:43469
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd
abnormal myeloid dendritic cell morphology J:77049
abnormal Peyer's patch follicle morphology J:77049
abnormal Peyer's patch germinal center morphology J:77049
abnormal Peyer's patch morphology J:77049
abnormal Peyer's patch T cell area morphology J:77049
decreased B cell number J:77049
decreased dendritic cell number J:77049
decreased myeloid dendritic cell number J:77049
increased plasmacytoid dendritic cell number J:77049
small Peyer's patches J:77049
involves: 129S4/SvJae
decreased fibroblast cell migration J:159873
decreased fibroblast chemotaxis J:159873
involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6
abnormal class switch recombination J:45437
abnormal immunoglobulin level J:45437
abnormal lymphocyte cell number J:45437
abnormal metallophilic macrophage morphology J:45437
abnormal spleen B cell follicle morphology J:45437
abnormal spleen marginal zone macrophage morphology J:45437
abnormal spleen marginal zone morphology J:45437
abnormal spleen white pulp morphology J:45437
absent spleen germinal center J:45437
decreased B cell number J:45437
decreased IgA level J:45437
decreased IgG1 level J:45437
decreased IgG2a level J:45437
decreased IgG2b level J:45437
increased IgM level J:45437
increased susceptibility to induced morbidity/mortality J:45437
increased susceptibility to parasitic infection J:45437
increased T cell number J:45437
involves: 129S1/Sv
abnormal gamma-delta T cell morphology J:169863
decreased gamma-delta T cell number J:169863
involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6
abnormal lymph node morphology J:76380
abnormal metallophilic macrophage morphology J:76380
abnormal spleen morphology J:76380
absent lymph node germinal center J:76380
absent spleen germinal center J:76380
absent spleen marginal zone J:76380
decreased B cell number J:76380
decreased B cell proliferation J:76380
decreased IgA level J:76380
decreased IgG1 level J:76380
decreased IgG3 level J:76380
increased CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:76380
increased CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:76380
increased IgG2a level J:76380
increased IgM level J:76380
increased splenocyte apoptosis J:76380
abnormal metallophilic macrophage morphology J:79725
abnormal peripheral lymph node morphology J:79725
abnormal spleen follicular dendritic cell network J:79725
abnormal spleen morphology J:79725
abnormal spleen secondary B follicle morphology J:79725
decreased B-2 B cell number J:79725
decreased follicular B cell number J:79725
decreased marginal zone B cell number J:79725
decreased mature B cell number J:79725
decreased transitional stage T2 B cell number J:79725
normal hematopoietic system phenotype J:79725
increased B-1 B cell number J:79725
involves: C57BL/6JSfdAnu * C57BL/10Sg * C57BR/cd * NOD
decreased B cell number J:79725

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
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