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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A, member 1
104 phenotypes from 10 alleles in 12 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S7/SvEvBrd
abnormal endometrial gland development J:145805
abnormal endometrial gland morphology J:145805
abnormal estrous cycle J:145805
abnormal ovarian follicle number J:91352, J:145805
abnormal ovary physiology J:145805
abnormal ovulation J:91352
abnormal seminiferous tubule morphology J:91352
abnormal testis cord formation J:91352
abnormal testis development J:91352
abnormal uterus morphology J:145805
absent corpus luteum J:91352, J:145805
absent estrous cycle J:145805
absent sexual maturation J:91352
arrest of spermatogenesis J:91352
cryptorchism J:91352
decreased circulating estradiol level J:145805
decreased circulating testosterone level J:91352
decreased endometrial gland number J:145805
decreased granulosa cell proliferation J:145805
decreased ovary weight J:145805
decreased primary ovarian follicle number J:145805
decreased primordial ovarian follicle number J:145805
decreased secondary ovarian follicle number J:145805
decreased superovulation rate J:145805
decreased tertiary ovarian follicle number J:145805
decreased uterus weight J:145805
female infertility J:91352, J:145805
impaired ovarian folliculogenesis J:145805
increased circulating follicle stimulating hormone level J:145805
internal male genitalia hypoplasia J:91352
male infertility J:91352
ovarian follicular cyst J:91352
ovary hemorrhage J:91352
ovary hypoplasia J:91352, J:145805
prolonged estrous cycle J:145805
short estrus J:145805
small adrenal glands J:91352
small testis J:91352
testis hypoplasia J:91352
thin myometrium J:145805
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6
abnormal adrenal gland zona glomerulosa morphology J:204614
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ
abnormal decidualization J:269597
abnormal endometrial gland development J:269597
abnormal endometrial gland morphology J:269597
abnormal endometrium morphology J:269597
abnormal uterus morphology J:269597
enlarged endometrial glands J:269597
enlarged uterine horn J:269597
female infertility J:269597
uterus cyst J:269597
uterus inflammation J:269597
involves: C57BL/6 * DBA/2
normal mortality/aging J:277036
normal reproductive system phenotype J:277036
small adrenal glands J:277036
small testis J:277036
involves: C57BL/6 * DBA/2
abnormal testis morphology J:277036
absent adrenal gland J:277036
postnatal lethality, complete penetrance J:277036
normal reproductive system phenotype J:277036
secondary sex reversal J:277036
small gonad J:277036
Not Specified
retention of the adrenal gland x-zone J:175843
Not Specified
abnormal aldosterone level J:175843
abnormal corticosterone level J:175843
abnormal progesterone level J:175843
abnormal testis development J:175843
abnormal testis morphology J:175843
abnormal testosterone level J:175843
decreased testis weight J:175843
female infertility J:175843
increased Leydig cell number J:175843
infertility J:175843
male infertility J:175843
normal mortality/aging J:175843
oligozoospermia J:175843
retention of the adrenal gland x-zone J:175843
seminiferous tubule degeneration J:175843
small adrenal glands J:175843
involves: 129S4/SvJae
abnormal hypothalamus morphology J:28971
abnormal pituitary gland morphology J:28971
abnormal primary sex determination J:28971
abnormal secondary sex determination J:28971
absent adrenal gland J:28971
absent ovary J:28971
absent testes J:28971
agonadal J:28971
decreased gonadotroph cell number J:28971
decreased ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus size J:28971
postnatal lethality, complete penetrance J:28971
secondary sex reversal J:28971
involves: 129X1/SvJ
abnormal primary sex determination J:35577
absent adrenal gland J:35577
absent ovary J:35577
absent testes J:35577
agonadal J:35577
postnatal lethality, complete penetrance J:35577
secondary sex reversal J:35577
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * DBA/2
abnormal gonadal ridge morphology J:35576
abnormal primary sex determination J:35576
absent adrenal gland J:35576
absent ovary J:35576
absent testes J:35576
agonadal J:35576
postnatal lethality, complete penetrance J:35576
postnatal lethality, incomplete penetrance J:28763
premature death J:28763
secondary sex reversal J:35576
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * FVB
abnormal innervation J:83384
abnormal neuron differentiation J:83384
abnormal ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus morphology J:83384
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd
decreased ovary weight J:145805
decreased superovulation rate J:145805
ovary hypoplasia J:145805
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
no abnormal phenotype detected J:193956
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd
absent adrenal gland J:66593
agonadal J:66593
perinatal lethality, complete penetrance J:66593
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6J * SJL
abnormal female reproductive system morphology J:66593
abnormal Leydig cell morphology J:66593
abnormal male reproductive system morphology J:66593
abnormal spermatid morphology J:66593
abnormal spermatogenesis J:66593
absent corpus luteum J:66593
absent mature ovarian follicles J:66593
absent sexual maturation J:66593
anovulation J:66593
cryptorchism J:66593
decreased circulating follicle stimulating hormone level J:66593
decreased circulating luteinizing hormone level J:66593
decreased follicle stimulating hormone level J:66593
decreased Leydig cell number J:66593
decreased luteinizing hormone level J:66593
decreased male germ cell number J:66593
delayed vaginal opening J:66593
external male genitalia hypoplasia J:66593
female infertility J:66593
internal male genitalia hypoplasia J:66593
male infertility J:66593
ovary hypoplasia J:66593
prostate gland hypoplasia J:66593
seminal vesicle hypoplasia J:66593
small gonad J:66593
testis hypoplasia J:66593
uterus hypoplasia J:66593
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd
no abnormal phenotype detected J:66593
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6J * SJL
abnormal sex gland morphology J:70412
abnormal sexual interaction J:70412
absent corpus luteum J:70412
absent mature ovarian follicles J:70412
absent sexual maturation J:70412
decreased circulating follicle stimulating hormone level J:70412
decreased circulating luteinizing hormone level J:70412
decreased Leydig cell number J:70412
decreased ovary weight J:70412
decreased testis weight J:70412
female infertility J:70412
impaired ovarian folliculogenesis J:70412
male infertility J:70412
prostate gland hypoplasia J:70412
seminal vesicle hypoplasia J:70412
small gonad J:70412
small ovary J:70412
small testis J:70412
uterus hypoplasia J:70412
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * DBA/2
abnormal reproductive system morphology J:28763
absent adrenal gland J:28763
absent ovary J:28763
absent testes J:28763
agonadal J:28763
decreased body weight J:28763
postnatal lethality, complete penetrance J:28763

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
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