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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase (Sanfilippo disease IIIB)
54 phenotypes from 1 allele in 3 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
either: (involves: 129S/SvEv * C57BL/6) or (involves: C57BL/6)
abnormal accessory olfactory bulb morphology J:58950
abnormal amygdala morphology J:58950
abnormal cerebellum deep nucleus morphology J:58950
abnormal cerebral cortex morphology J:58950
abnormal diencephalon morphology J:58950
abnormal hepatocyte morphology J:58950
abnormal Kupffer cell morphology J:58950
abnormal locomotor behavior J:58950
abnormal macrophage morphology J:58950
abnormal midbrain morphology J:58950
abnormal neuron morphology J:58950
abnormal olfactory bulb morphology J:58950
abnormal podocyte morphology J:58950
abnormal pons morphology J:58950
abnormal Purkinje cell morphology J:58950
abnormal renal tubule epithelium morphology J:58950
decreased fear-related response J:58950
disheveled coat J:58950
distended abdomen J:58950
increased anxiety-related response J:58950
ischuria J:58950
premature death J:58950
spontaneous skin ulceration J:58950
weight loss J:58950
involves: 129S/SvEv * C57BL/6
abnormal cerebral cortex morphology J:81974
involves: 129S/SvEv * C57BL/6J
abnormal circadian behavior J:129390
abnormal cochlea morphology J:129390
abnormal crista ampullaris morphology J:129390
abnormal eye electrophysiology J:129390
abnormal inner ear morphology J:129390
abnormal inner ear vestibule morphology J:129390
abnormal lysosome morphology J:129390
abnormal middle ear morphology J:129390
abnormal middle ear ossicle morphology J:129390
abnormal organ of Corti morphology J:129390
abnormal Reissner membrane morphology J:129390
abnormal retina morphology J:129390
abnormal retina pigment epithelium morphology J:129390
abnormal rod electrophysiology J:129390
abnormal sclera morphology J:129390
abnormal spiral ligament morphology J:129390
abnormal spiral limbus morphology J:129390
abnormal stapes morphology J:129390
abnormal suprachiasmatic nucleus morphology J:129390
conductive hearing loss J:129390
decreased cochlear hair cell number J:129390
decreased Purkinje cell number J:129390
delayed circadian behavior phase J:129390
impaired coordination J:129390
increased or absent threshold for auditory brainstem response J:129390
increased susceptibility to otitis media J:129390
organ of Corti degeneration J:129390
premature death J:129390
Purkinje cell degeneration J:129390
short photoreceptor outer segment J:129390
thin retina outer nuclear layer J:129390

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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory