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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
peroxisomal biogenesis factor 13
42 phenotypes from 2 alleles in 2 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
involves: 129T2/SvEms * C57BL/6J
abnormal adrenocortical cell morphology J:84795
abnormal cerebral cortex morphology J:84795
abnormal mitochondrial crista morphology J:84795
abnormal mitochondrial morphology J:84795
abnormal mitochondrial physiology J:167578
abnormal peroxisome morphology J:84795
abnormal peroxisome physiology J:84795
abnormal podocyte foot process morphology J:84795
abnormal renal glomerulus morphology J:84795
aphagia J:84795
bradykinesia J:84795
decreased body weight J:84795
hypotonia J:84795
macrovesicular hepatic steatosis J:84795
neonatal lethality, complete penetrance J:84795
neuron degeneration J:84795
oxidative stress J:167578
respiratory distress J:84795
thin cerebral cortex J:84795
involves: 129T2/SvEms * C57BL/6 * C57BL/6J * SJL
abnormal cerebellar granule cell migration J:167578
abnormal cerebellar Purkinje cell layer J:167578
abnormal cerebellum development J:167578
abnormal cerebellum external granule cell layer morphology J:167578
abnormal cerebellum fissure morphology J:167578
abnormal enzyme/coenzyme activity J:167578
abnormal fatty acids level J:167578
abnormal Purkinje cell dendrite morphology J:167578
abnormal Purkinje cell differentiation J:167578
abnormal Purkinje cell morphology J:167578
abnormal reflex J:167578
astrocytosis J:167578
decreased body weight J:167578
decreased brain plasmalogen level J:167578
gliosis J:167578
impaired coordination J:167578
increased plasmalogen level J:167578
kyphosis J:167578
limb grasping J:167578
postnatal growth retardation J:167578
premature death J:167578
reduced cerebellar foliation J:167578
thin cerebellar molecular layer J:167578
weight loss J:167578

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