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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
VANGL planar cell polarity 2
155 phenotypes from 11 alleles in 29 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6 * SJL
abnormal auditory brainstem response J:201321
abnormal Deiters cell morphology J:201321
abnormal distortion product otoacoustic emission J:201321
abnormal orientation of inner hair cell stereociliary bundles J:201321
abnormal orientation of outer hair cell stereociliary bundles J:201321
abnormal pillar cell morphology J:201321
normal hearing/vestibular/ear phenotype J:201321
increased or absent threshold for auditory brainstem response J:201321
abnormal placenta morphology J:211773
abnormal retina morphology J:211773
decreased circulating phosphate level J:211773
microphthalmia J:211773
persistence of hyaloid vascular system J:211773
abnormal craniofacial morphology J:211773
abnormal head shape J:211773
abnormal placenta morphology J:211773
abnormal tail morphology J:211773
cleft palate J:211773
embryonic growth retardation J:211773
exencephaly J:211773
preweaning lethality, complete penetrance J:211773
abnormal tail morphology J:161923
normal behavior/neurological phenotype J:161923
curly tail J:161923
normal hearing/vestibular/ear phenotype J:161923
neonatal lethality, incomplete penetrance J:161923
preweaning lethality, incomplete penetrance J:161923
short tail J:161923
spina bifida J:161923
vagina atresia J:161923
short tail J:161923
involves: 101/Rl * C3H/Rl * C57BL/6J
curly tail J:68823
kinked tail J:68823
involves: 101/Rl * C3H/Rl * C57BL/6J
abnormal embryonic neuroepithelium morphology J:68823
abnormal forebrain development J:68823
abnormal otic vesicle development J:68823
craniorachischisis J:68823
decreased embryo size J:68823
decreased palatal shelf size J:223183
enlarged floor plate J:68823
open neural tube J:68823
short snout J:223183
curly tail J:216413
delayed neural tube closure J:216413
involves: 129 * LPT/LeJ
female infertility J:216288
vagina atresia J:216288
involves: A
abnormal brain ventricle morphology J:5061
abnormal corpus callosum morphology J:5061
abnormal dorsal striatum morphology J:5061
abnormal head movements J:13059, J:133042
abnormal hippocampus morphology J:5061
abnormal locomotor behavior J:133042
abnormal motor capabilities/coordination/movement J:133042
abnormal orientation of cochlear hair cell stereociliary bundles J:142392, J:214064
abnormal tail movements J:133042
abnormal xiphoid process morphology J:12147
normal behavior/neurological phenotype J:5888
craniorachischisis J:162640
curly tail J:13059, J:162640, J:201925
decreased vertical activity J:133042
enlarged lateral ventricles J:5061
female infertility J:162640
head shaking J:5061
normal hearing/vestibular/ear phenotype J:13059
impaired balance J:133042
normal nervous system phenotype J:5888
short tail J:162640
spina bifida J:158452
vagina atresia J:13059, J:162640
involves: C3H/HeH * C57BL/6 * LPT/Le * NMRI * SWR
craniorachischisis J:216413
involves: C57BL/6 * CBA/Ca * LPT/LeJ
abnormal neural tube closure J:20323
delayed neural tube closure J:20323
involves: C57BL/6 * LPT/LeJ
abnormal embryonic tissue morphology J:152701
curly tail J:152701
involves: CBA * LPT/Le
curly tail J:216413
delayed neural tube closure J:216413
abnormal brain ventricular system morphology J:5888
abnormal head movements J:5888
abnormal hippocampus morphology J:5888
abnormal lateral ventricle morphology J:5888
delayed neural tube closure J:108512
enlarged lateral ventricles J:5888
enlarged third ventricle J:5888
normal hearing/vestibular/ear phenotype J:100861
kinked tail J:108512
involves: 101/Rl * C3H/Rl * C57BL/6J * LPT/LeJ
craniorachischisis J:68823
open neural tube J:68823
male infertility J:185311
vagina atresia J:185311
open neural tube J:216413
either: (involves: CBA * LPT/Le) or (involves: LPT/Le * SWR)
craniorachischisis J:216413
involves: A
abnormal body wall morphology J:12992
abnormal brain development J:12992, J:133114
abnormal brain morphology J:133114
abnormal cerebral hemisphere morphology J:12992
abnormal cochlear inner hair cell morphology J:162640
abnormal cochlear outer hair cell morphology J:162640
abnormal costovertebral joint morphology J:12147
abnormal digestive system development J:12992
abnormal ear development J:133114
abnormal embryo turning J:12992
abnormal embryonic tissue morphology J:12992
abnormal forebrain morphology J:133114
abnormal hindbrain morphology J:5544
abnormal inner ear morphology J:114748
abnormal metencephalon morphology J:12992
abnormal midbrain development J:5550
abnormal midbrain morphology J:5544, J:133114
abnormal neural tube morphology J:12992
abnormal notochord morphology J:12992
abnormal otic pit morphology J:133113
abnormal primitive streak morphology J:12992
abnormal rib development J:12147
abnormal rib morphology J:12147
abnormal semicircular canal morphology J:114748
abnormal somite shape J:12992
abnormal somite size J:12992
abnormal sternebra morphology J:12147
abnormal sternocostal joint morphology J:12147
abnormal sternum morphology J:12147
abnormal sternum ossification J:12147
abnormal ventral body wall morphology J:13059
abnormal vertebrae morphology J:12147
abnormal vertebral arch development J:133114
abnormal vertebral arch morphology J:12147
abnormal vertebral body morphology J:12147
abnormal vertebral epiphyseal plate morphology J:12147
abnormal xiphoid process morphology J:12147
craniorachischisis J:5550, J:12992, J:13059
decreased embryo size J:12992, J:13059, J:133114
decreased rib number J:12147
dilated endolymphatic sac J:114748
fused somites J:12147
fusion of vertebral arches J:12147
hemorrhage J:12992, J:13059, J:133114
omphalocele J:13059
perinatal lethality, complete penetrance J:13059
rib bifurcation J:12147
rib fusion J:12147
short umbilical cord J:12992
vertebral fusion J:12147
involves: A * C3H/HeH
abnormal branching involved in lung morphogenesis J:159690
abnormal lung epithelium morphology J:159690
abnormal lung lobe morphology J:159690
abnormal lung morphology J:159690
abnormal lung saccule morphology J:159690
abnormal respiratory conducting tube morphology J:159690
craniorachischisis J:159690
dilated terminal bronchiole tube J:159690
impaired branching involved in terminal bronchiole morphogenesis J:159690
pulmonary hypoplasia J:159690
small lung J:159690
small lung lobe J:159690
thick lung-associated mesenchyme J:159690
involves: C57BL/6 * CBA/Ca * LPT/LeJ
craniorachischisis J:20323
involves: CBA/Ca * LPT/Le
abnormal embryonic neuroepithelium morphology J:47700
abnormal neural plate morphology J:47700
abnormal notochord morphology J:47700
abnormal somite development J:47700
abnormal somite shape J:47700
abnormal sternum morphology J:47700
abnormal vertebral arch development J:47700
craniorachischisis J:47700
normal embryo phenotype J:47700
open neural tube J:47700
rib fusion J:47700
involves: LPT/LeJ
abnormal notochord morphology J:194042
abnormal somite size J:194042
craniorachischisis J:194042
open neural tube J:194042
aberrant origin of the right subclavian artery J:132697
abnormal aortic arch morphology J:74156
abnormal cervical flexure morphology J:74156
abnormal cochlea morphology J:132697
abnormal embryo development J:108512
abnormal heart development J:106431
abnormal heart looping J:74156
abnormal left subclavian artery morphology J:74156
abnormal notochord morphology J:108512
abnormal organ of Corti morphology J:100861
abnormal orientation of inner hair cell stereociliary bundles J:132697
abnormal orientation of outer hair cell stereociliary bundles J:100861, J:132697
common truncal valve J:74156
craniorachischisis J:132697
double aortic arch J:74156
double outlet right ventricle J:74156
normal embryo phenotype J:74156
incomplete embryo turning J:74156
increased cochlear hair cell number J:100861
normal nervous system phenotype J:74156
right aortic arch J:74156
vascular ring J:74156
ventricular septal defect J:74156
involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * A/J * C57BL/6J
abnormal orientation of outer hair cell stereociliary bundles J:169664
craniorachischisis J:169664
failure of eyelid fusion J:169664
spina bifida J:169664
involves: 129S/Sv * C57BL/6 * FVB/N * LPT/LeJ * SJL
abnormal cochlear hair cell morphology J:185311
abnormal cochlear inner hair cell morphology J:185311
abnormal cochlear outer hair cell morphology J:185311
abnormal vestibular hair cell morphology J:185311
increased cochlear outer hair cell number J:185311
curly tail J:193593
either: C57BL/6J-Vangl2m1Yzcm or (involves: C3H/HeJ * C57BL/6J)
abnormal embryonic neuroepithelium morphology J:193593
abnormal neural tube morphology J:193593
decreased fetal size J:193593
enlarged floor plate J:193593
failure of eyelid fusion J:193593
fetal growth retardation J:193593
open neural tube J:193593
involves: C3H/HeJ * C57BL/6J
curly tail J:193593
normal skeleton phenotype J:193593
involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6J
curly tail J:169664
imperforate hymen J:169664
kinked tail J:169664
male infertility J:169664
spina bifida J:169664
normal vision/eye phenotype J:169664
involves: C57BL/6
curly tail J:89098
involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6 * SJL
lethality, complete penetrance J:185311
normal limbs/digits/tail phenotype J:185311
abnormal cochlear hair cell morphology J:185311
abnormal cochlear inner hair cell morphology J:185311
abnormal orientation of outer hair cell stereociliary bundles J:185311
abnormal vestibular hair cell morphology J:185311
craniorachischisis J:185311
eyelids open at birth J:185311
kinked tail J:185311
spina bifida J:185311
normal limbs/digits/tail phenotype J:185311
involves: C57BL/6 * CBA
abnormal cochlear inner hair cell morphology J:162640
abnormal cochlear outer hair cell morphology J:162640
craniorachischisis J:162640
involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6 * SJL
normal mortality/aging J:201321
involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6 * SJL
abnormal cochlea morphology J:201321
abnormal neural tube morphology J:201321
abnormal orientation of inner hair cell stereociliary bundles J:201321
abnormal orientation of outer hair cell stereociliary bundles J:201321
decreased cochlea coiling J:201321
inner ear hypoplasia J:201321
prenatal lethality, complete penetrance J:201321
short scala media J:201321

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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