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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
dedicator of cyto-kinesis 2
45 phenotypes from multigenic genotypes
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Annotated Term Reference
B6NHsd.Cg-Dock2m1Hsd Cmahtm1Avrk
abnormal B cell activation J:144035
abnormal cochlear sensory epithelium morphology J:122351
abnormal inner ear morphology J:122351
abnormal organ of Corti morphology J:122351
abnormal otolithic membrane morphology J:122351
abnormal semicircular canal morphology J:122351
abnormal sensorimotor gating J:122351
abnormal startle reflex J:122351
cochlear outer hair cell degeneration J:122351
decreased follicular B cell number J:144035
decreased marginal zone B cell number J:144035
impaired coordination J:122351
impaired hearing J:122351
impaired wound healing J:122351
increased vertical activity J:122351
B6NHsd.Cg-Siaetm1.2Avrk Dock2m1Hsd Cmahtm1Avrk
abnormal B cell activation J:144035
decreased follicular B cell number J:144035
decreased marginal zone B cell number J:144035
B6NHsd.Cg-Irf5tm1Ttg Dock2m1Hsd
abnormal B cell differentiation J:182658
abnormal response to infection J:182658
absent marginal zone B cells J:182658
decreased follicular B cell number J:182658
decreased interferon-alpha secretion J:182658
decreased plasmacytoid dendritic cell number J:182658
decreased splenocyte number J:182658
increased B cell number J:182658
increased immature B cell number J:182658
increased plasmacytoid dendritic cell number J:182658
B6NHsd.Cg-Siaetm1.2Avrk Dock2m1Hsd
abnormal B cell activation J:144035
abnormal immunoglobulin level J:144035
decreased B-1a cell number J:144035
decreased follicular B cell number J:144035
decreased marginal zone B cell number J:144035, J:231437
decreased T cell number J:144035
glomerulonephritis J:144035
increased anti-double stranded DNA antibody level J:144035
increased anti-histone antibody level J:144035
increased anti-single stranded DNA antibody level J:144035
increased B cell proliferation J:144035
increased B-1b cell number J:144035
increased CD4-positive, alpha-beta memory T cell number J:231437
increased IgE level J:144035
increased IgG1 level J:144035
increased IgG2a level J:144035
increased IgG2b level J:144035
increased IgG3 level J:144035
increased IgM level J:144035
renal glomerular immunoglobulin deposits J:144035
spleen hypoplasia J:144035
involves: C57BL/6
abnormal CD4-positive, alpha beta T cell morphology J:84581
abnormal T cell physiology J:84581
decreased double-positive T cell number J:84581

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