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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
myelin protein zero-like 3
89 phenotypes from 4 alleles in 5 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
abnormal blood vessel morphology J:93038
abnormal bone structure J:93038
abnormal coat appearance J:81166
abnormal dermis papillary layer morphology J:93038
abnormal dermis reticular layer morphology J:93038
abnormal hair follicle melanocyte morphology J:93038
abnormal hair follicle morphology J:93038
abnormal hair follicle regression J:81166
abnormal liver morphology J:210832
abnormal maternal nurturing J:93038
abnormal myocardial fiber morphology J:93038
abnormal skin morphology J:93038
abnormal spleen morphology J:93038
alopecia J:81166, J:93038
brittle hair J:81166
decreased bone mineral density J:210832
decreased bone mineral density of femur J:210832
decreased hair follicle number J:81166
decreased total body fat amount J:210832
dermatitis J:93038
dilated hair follicle J:93038
disheveled coat J:13444, J:81166
epidermal hyperplasia J:93038
greasy coat J:81166
hair follicle degeneration J:93038
increased bone marrow cell number J:93038
increased circulating calcium level J:93038
kyphosis J:210832
liver inflammation J:93038
myocardial fiber degeneration J:93038
pigment incontinence J:81166
postnatal growth retardation J:93038
rough coat J:81166
sebaceous gland hypertrophy J:93038
skin fibrosis J:81166
skin lesions J:93038
spontaneous skin ulceration J:93038
underdeveloped hair follicles J:93038
weight loss J:93038
C57BL/6-Tyrc-Brd Mpzl3rc/Mpzl3tm1(KOMP)Mbp
alopecia J:210832
disheveled coat J:210832
sebaceous gland hypertrophy J:210832
abnormal coat appearance J:14266
abnormal coat/ hair morphology J:14266
abnormal epidermis stratum corneum morphology J:14266
abnormal hair shaft morphology J:14266
abnormal hair texture J:14266
abnormal sebaceous gland morphology J:69953
abnormal sebaceous gland physiology J:69953
abnormal sebaceous lipid secretion J:69953
abnormal skin morphology J:14266
brittle hair J:14266, J:69953
disheveled coat J:14266
enlarged sebaceous gland J:69953
hyperkeratosis J:14266
C57BL/6-Tyrc-Brd Mpzl3tm1(KOMP)Mbp
abnormal blood vessel morphology J:210832
abnormal epididymal fat pad morphology J:210832
abnormal gonadal fat pad morphology J:210832
abnormal hair shaft morphology J:210832
abnormal sebaceous gland physiology J:210832
acanthosis J:210832
alopecia J:210832
decreased body weight J:210832
decreased subcutaneous adipose tissue amount J:210832
decreased white fat cell size J:210832
dilated piliary canal J:210832
disheveled coat J:210832
enlarged sebaceous gland J:210832
epidermal hyperplasia J:210832
greasy coat J:210832
hypergranulosis J:210832
hyperkeratosis J:210832
increased sebum secretion J:210832
loss of vibrissae J:210832
orthokeratosis J:210832
parakeratosis J:210832
sebaceous gland hypertrophy J:210832
seborrheic dermatitis J:210832
skin inflammation J:210832
skin lesions J:210832
spontaneous skin ulceration J:210832
thick dermal layer J:210832
abnormal coat/hair pigmentation J:199257
abnormal liver morphology J:199257
abnormal liver physiology J:199257
abnormal muscle contractility J:199257
abnormal muscle morphology J:199257
abnormal muscle physiology J:199257
alopecia J:199257
decreased body fat mass J:199257
decreased body length J:199257
decreased body temperature J:199257
decreased body weight J:199257
decreased circulating cholesterol level J:199257
decreased circulating corticosterone level J:199257
decreased circulating free fatty acids level J:199257
decreased circulating leptin level J:199257
decreased circulating phospholipid level J:199257
decreased circulating triglyceride level J:199257
decreased liver triglyceride level J:199257
decreased susceptibility to diet-induced hepatic steatosis J:199257
decreased susceptibility to diet-induced obesity J:199257
decreased total body fat amount J:199257
enlarged kidney J:199257
enlarged sebaceous gland J:199257
improved glucose tolerance J:199257
increased basal metabolism J:199257
increased energy expenditure J:199257
increased lean body mass J:199257
increased locomotor activity J:199257
increased oxygen consumption J:199257
increased respiratory quotient J:199257
polyphagia J:199257
skin lesions J:199257

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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory