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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
fatty acid 2-hydroxylase
54 phenotypes from 5 alleles in 4 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
abnormal coat/ hair morphology J:211773
abnormal eye morphology J:211773
abnormal kidney morphology J:211773
abnormal retina morphology J:211773
abnormal skin morphology J:211773
abnormal spleen morphology J:211773
abnormal testis morphology J:211773
abnormal vitreous body morphology J:211773
cataract J:211773
decreased circulating cholesterol level J:211773
decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level J:211773
decreased grip strength J:211773
enlarged kidney J:211773
enlarged spleen J:211773
enlarged testis J:211773
increased freezing behavior J:211773
alopecia J:267484
involves: 129 * C57BL/6
abnormal astrocyte morphology J:171655
abnormal axon morphology J:171655
abnormal cerebellum morphology J:171655
abnormal galactolipid level J:171655
abnormal learning/memory/conditioning J:171655
abnormal lipid level J:171655
abnormal motor learning J:171655
abnormal myelin sheath morphology J:171655
abnormal optic nerve morphology J:171655
abnormal Purkinje cell morphology J:171655
abnormal spatial learning J:171655
decreased cholesterol level J:171655
decreased locomotor activity J:171655
decreased Purkinje cell size J:171655
decreased vertical activity J:171655
demyelination J:171655
impaired coordination J:171655
normal nervous system phenotype J:171655
involves: 129 * C57BL/6
abnormal cerebellum morphology J:171655
abnormal galactolipid level J:171655
abnormal lipid level J:171655
abnormal Purkinje cell morphology J:171655
normal behavior/neurological phenotype J:171655
decreased locomotor activity J:171655
decreased Purkinje cell size J:171655
decreased vertical activity J:171655
impaired coordination J:171655
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6N
abnormal axon morphology J:143373
abnormal coat appearance J:175386
abnormal epidermal layer morphology J:175386
abnormal hair follicle ostium morphology J:175386
abnormal hair shaft morphology J:175386
abnormal locomotor activation J:143373
abnormal myelin sheath morphology J:143373
abnormal sebaceous gland physiology J:175386
abnormal sebaceous lipid secretion J:175386
alopecia J:175386
decreased vertical activity J:143373
delayed exit from anagen phase J:175386
delayed hair appearance J:175386
delayed hair regrowth J:175386
dilated piliary canal J:175386
enlarged sebaceous gland J:175386
flaky skin J:175386
focal hair loss J:175386
hindlimb paralysis J:143373
increased sebocyte number J:175386
normal nervous system phenotype J:143373
sebaceous gland hyperplasia J:175386
sparse hair J:175386

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory