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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
56 phenotypes from 5 alleles in 7 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
involves: BALB/c * C3H/HeH * C57BL/6J
hyperactivity J:234901
impaired hearing J:234901
increased or absent threshold for auditory brainstem response J:235390
increased thermal nociceptive threshold J:175295
involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6N
abnormal cochlear frequency tuning J:235390
abnormal cochlear hair bundle transient lateral links morphology J:235390
abnormal cochlear outer hair cell physiology J:235390
abnormal distortion product otoacoustic emission J:235390
abnormal outer hair cell stereociliary bundle morphology J:235390
abnormal vestibular hair cell stereociliary bundle morphology J:235390
absent distortion product otoacoustic emissions J:235390
normal behavior/neurological phenotype J:235390
normal hearing/vestibular/ear phenotype J:235390
impaired hearing J:235390
increased or absent threshold for auditory brainstem response J:235390
short vestibular hair cell stereocilia J:235390
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6
abnormal cone electrophysiology J:160677
abnormal outer hair cell stereociliary bundle morphology J:160677
abnormal retina photoreceptor morphology J:160677
abnormal rod electrophysiology J:160677
absent distortion product otoacoustic emissions J:160677
decreased cochlear hair cell number J:160677
decreased outer hair cell stereocilia number J:160677
impaired hearing J:160677
retina degeneration J:160677
short photoreceptor outer segment J:160677
thin retina outer nuclear layer J:160677
involves: C57BL/6J * STOCK a Tyrp1b Myo5ad Oca2p Ednrbs
abnormal cochlear inner hair cell morphology J:77939
short inner hair cell stereocilia J:77939
involves: C57BL/6J * STOCK a Tyrp1b Myo5ad Oca2p Ednrbs
abnormal cochlear hair cell stereociliary bundle morphology J:77939
abnormal cochlear inner hair cell morphology J:48657
abnormal cochlear outer hair cell morphology J:158897
abnormal gait J:269
abnormal maternal nurturing J:269
abnormal outer hair cell stereociliary bundle morphology J:48657, J:77939, J:122600, J:158897
circling J:269, J:5037, J:48657
cochlear hair cell degeneration J:48657
cochlear inner hair cell degeneration J:48657, J:77939
cochlear outer hair cell degeneration J:48657, J:77939
deafness J:269, J:5037, J:48657
decreased body weight J:269, J:5037, J:5538
decreased circulating glucose level J:5538
decreased leukocyte cell number J:5538
decreased liver glycogen level J:5538
decreased outer hair cell stereocilia number J:122600
decreased seminal vesicle weight J:5538
decreased thymus weight J:5037
decreased total body fat amount J:5538
decreased uterus weight J:5037
enlarged adrenal glands J:5037, J:5538
head bobbing J:269, J:48657
head tossing J:269, J:5037
hyperactivity J:5037
impaired righting response J:269
impaired swimming J:269
increased circulating corticosterone level J:5538
increased heart weight J:5538
increased kidney weight J:5037
increased liver weight J:5037
increased oxygen consumption J:5037, J:5538
short inner hair cell stereocilia J:48657, J:77939, J:122600
short outer hair cell stereocilia J:158897
involves: STOCK a Tyrp1b Myo5ad Oca2p Ednrbs
abnormal auditory summating potential J:235390
abnormal outer hair cell stereociliary bundle morphology J:235390
absent cochlear microphonics J:235390
absent cochlear nerve compound action potential J:235390
circling J:235390
deafness J:235390
head bobbing J:235390
impaired righting response J:235390
increased or absent threshold for auditory brainstem response J:235390
short cochlear hair cell stereocilia J:132633
short inner hair cell stereocilia J:235390
short vestibular hair cell stereocilia J:235390

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory