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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
66 phenotypes from 4 alleles in 5 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
involves: C57BL/6 * C57BL/6J * C57BL/6NTac * SJL
normal adipose tissue phenotype J:178836
decreased circulating angiotensinogen level J:178836
decreased systemic arterial systolic blood pressure J:178836
normal growth/size/body region phenotype J:178836
normal homeostasis/metabolism phenotype J:178836
involves: C57BL/6 * CBA * ICR
abnormal blood homeostasis J:21887
decreased circulating angiotensinogen level J:21887
involves: C57BL/6 * CBA
abnormal hippocampus granule cell layer J:59299
abnormal kidney afferent arteriole morphology J:46506
abnormal kidney interlobular artery morphology J:46506
abnormal kidney morphology J:137944
decreased body weight J:46506
decreased circulating aldosterone level J:46506
decreased creatinine clearance J:46506
decreased renal glomerulus number J:46506
decreased systemic arterial systolic blood pressure J:46506
decreased urine aldosterone level J:46506
decreased urine osmolality J:46506
decreased urine potassium level J:46506
decreased urine sodium level J:46506
hydronephrosis J:46506
impaired blood-brain barrier function J:59299
increased circulating antidiuretic hormone level J:46506
increased kidney weight J:46506
increased urine antidiuretic hormone level J:46506
kidney medulla atrophy J:46506
kidney papillary atrophy J:46506
polyuria J:46506
postnatal lethality, incomplete penetrance J:46506
renal tubule atrophy J:46506
slow postnatal weight gain J:46506
tubulointerstitial nephritis J:46506
involves: C57BL/6 * CBA * ICR
abnormal blood homeostasis J:73163
abnormal enzyme/coenzyme level J:38494
abnormal juxtaglomerular apparatus morphology J:36820, J:73163
abnormal kidney inner medulla morphology J:73163
abnormal kidney vasculature morphology J:36820
decreased body size J:21887
decreased body weight J:73163
decreased circulating angiotensinogen level J:21887
decreased epididymal fat pad weight J:73163
decreased fat cell size J:73163
decreased systemic arterial blood pressure J:21887
decreased systemic arterial diastolic blood pressure J:21887
decreased systemic arterial systolic blood pressure J:21887, J:73163
decreased total body fat amount J:73163
hydronephrosis J:36820
hypotension J:21887, J:36820
increased circulating renin level J:36820, J:73163
increased locomotor activity J:73163
kidney papillary atrophy J:36820, J:73163
polydipsia J:73163
polyuria J:36820, J:73163
vascular smooth muscle hyperplasia J:36820
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
decreased systemic arterial systolic blood pressure J:30061
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
abnormal kidney afferent arteriole morphology J:30061
abnormal kidney cortex artery morphology J:30061
abnormal kidney cortex morphology J:30061
abnormal kidney interlobular artery morphology J:30061
abnormal kidney morphology J:140022
abnormal postnatal growth/weight/body size J:30061
abnormal renal filtration rate J:140022
abnormal renal glomerulus morphology J:30061, J:140022
abnormal renal/urinary system physiology J:140022
decreased heart weight J:30061
decreased liver weight J:30061
decreased systemic arterial blood pressure J:46007
decreased systemic arterial systolic blood pressure J:30061
decreased urine osmolality J:140022
dilated kidney collecting duct J:30061
dilated renal tubule J:30061
expanded mesangial matrix J:30061
hydronephrosis J:30061
increased circulating creatinine level J:140022
increased fluid intake J:140022
increased urine flow rate J:140022
kidney papillary atrophy J:30061
kidney papillary hypoplasia J:30061
renal interstitial fibrosis J:30061
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6J
decreased circulating angiotensinogen level J:18272, J:24156
decreased systemic arterial blood pressure J:24156
increased circulating renin level J:24156
increased renal plasma flow rate J:24156
normal renal/urinary system phenotype J:24156
normal reproductive system phenotype J:24156
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6J
abnormal kidney interlobular artery morphology J:24156
abnormal kidney vasculature morphology J:24156
decreased circulating angiotensinogen level J:24156
decreased systemic arterial blood pressure J:24156
kidney atrophy J:24156
kidney cortex atrophy J:24156
postnatal lethality, incomplete penetrance J:24156
renal interstitial fibrosis J:24156
renal tubule atrophy J:24156
tubulointerstitial nephritis J:24156

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory