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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
complement component 3
89 phenotypes from 3 alleles in 10 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
abnormal blastocyst morphology J:150898
abnormal blood homeostasis J:113463
abnormal dendritic spine morphology J:224676
abnormal female reproductive system physiology J:150898
abnormal hippocampus CA3 region morphology J:224676
abnormal inflammatory response J:113463
abnormal neutrophil morphology J:113463
abnormal spatial working memory J:224676
abnormal synaptic plasticity J:224676
abnormal synaptic vesicle number J:224676
brain inflammation J:123658
decreased anxiety-related response J:224676
decreased cerebral infarct size J:123658
decreased fetal weight J:150898
decreased placental labyrinth size J:150898
decreased spongiotrophoblast size J:150898
decreased susceptibility to autoimmune hemolytic anemia J:145432
enhanced contextual conditioning behavior J:224676
enhanced long-term potentiation J:224676
enhanced paired-pulse facilitation J:224676
enhanced spatial learning J:224676
impaired embryo implantation J:150898
increased neuron number J:224676
prolonged estrous cycle J:150898
small placenta J:150898
abnormal c-wave shape J:214214
abnormal eye electrophysiology J:136745
abnormal retina horizontal cell morphology J:214214
abnormal retina rod bipolar cell morphology J:214214
decreased b-wave amplitude J:214214
decreased circulating free fatty acids level J:214214
decreased susceptibility to Coronaviridae infection J:286325
increased susceptibility to bacterial infection J:136745
normal vision/eye phenotype J:136745
involves: 129S4/SvJae
abnormal blood coagulation J:44715
decreased susceptibility to alcohol-induced hepatic steatosis J:128218
decreased susceptibility to injury J:128218
decreased urine albumin level J:44715
glomerulonephritis J:44715
involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6
abnormal cell-mediated immunity J:30152
abnormal enzyme/coenzyme level J:152533
abnormal humoral immune response J:64282
abnormal immune system morphology J:44240
abnormal immune system physiology J:44240
abnormal induced morbidity/mortality J:152533
abnormal intestine morphology J:78613
abnormal liver morphology J:152533
abnormal liver physiology J:152533
abnormal mast cell physiology J:44240
abnormal spleen germinal center morphology J:64282
abnormal tumor necrosis factor level J:44240
decreased circulating alanine transaminase level J:152533
decreased circulating interleukin-6 level J:152533, J:166640
decreased circulating tumor necrosis factor level J:152533
decreased hepatocyte proliferation J:152533
decreased mast cell number J:44240
decreased neutrophil cell number J:44240
decreased osteoclast cell number J:166640
decreased spleen germinal center number J:64282
decreased spleen germinal center size J:64282
decreased susceptibility to injury J:120567
decreased vascular permeability J:78613
enhanced central nervous system regeneration J:112353
focal hepatic necrosis J:152533
hepatic steatosis J:152533
normal immune system phenotype J:64282
impaired liver regeneration J:152533
increased circulating alanine transaminase level J:152533
increased circulating bilirubin level J:152533
increased susceptibility to bacterial infection J:30152, J:44240
increased susceptibility to bacterial infection induced morbidity/mortality J:205353
increased susceptibility to induced morbidity/mortality J:44240
liver inflammation J:30152
impaired complement alternative pathway J:177350
impaired liver regeneration J:91917
either: (involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6) or (involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6)
increased susceptibility to bacterial infection J:56193
involves: 129
abnormal intestinal lipid absorption J:87945
decreased body weight J:87945
decreased circulating insulin level J:87945
decreased circulating leptin level J:87945
decreased total body fat amount J:87945
increased circulating free fatty acids level J:87945
increased triglyceride level J:87945
polyphagia J:87945
involves: 129/Sv * C57BL/6
abnormal energy expenditure J:58966, J:60633
abnormal glucose homeostasis J:58966, J:60633
abnormal lipid homeostasis J:58966, J:60633
decreased body weight J:60633
decreased circulating glucose level J:58966, J:60633
decreased circulating insulin level J:60633
decreased circulating leptin level J:58966, J:60633
decreased circulating triglyceride level J:60633
decreased total body fat amount J:58966, J:60633
decreased white adipose tissue amount J:60633
increased brown adipose tissue amount J:58966
increased circulating free fatty acids level J:58966, J:60633
increased triglyceride level J:58966
polyphagia J:58966, J:60633
decreased susceptibility to induced arthritis J:88872
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
no abnormal phenotype detected J:45857

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory