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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
coloboma deletion region
46 phenotypes from 1 allele in 4 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
abnormal behavioral response to addictive substance J:156905
abnormal behavioral response to xenobiotic J:32588
abnormal cochlear hair cell morphology J:72108
abnormal motor learning J:30380
abnormal semicircular canal morphology J:72108
abnormal synaptic norepinephrine release J:150776
normal behavior/neurological phenotype J:30380
decreased body weight J:30380
decreased cochlear outer hair cell number J:72108
decreased grip strength J:30380
eyelids fail to open J:30380
head bobbing J:30380
hyperactivity J:32588, J:150776, J:156905
increased cochlear inner hair cell number J:72108
increased cochlear outer hair cell number J:72108
increased dopamine level J:156905
induced hyperactivity J:30380
iris coloboma J:72108
involves: 101/H * C3H/He * C57BL/6J
abnormal eye morphology J:54907
involves: 101/H * C3H/HeH
abnormal eye distance/ position J:13451
abnormal optic choroid morphology J:13451
abnormal posture J:13451
choroid coloboma J:13451
circling J:13451
head bobbing J:1371
head shaking J:13451
increased locomotor activity J:1371
microphthalmia J:1371, J:13451
Not Specified
abnormal brain wave pattern J:40705
abnormal coat appearance J:99768
abnormal cornea morphology J:99768
abnormal lens epithelium morphology J:99768
abnormal lens vesicle development J:99768
abnormal paired-pulse inhibition J:40705
coloboma J:99768
cornea perforation J:99768
decreased post-tetanic potentiation J:40705
delayed eyelid opening J:99768
eyelids fail to open J:99768
fused cornea and lens J:99768
head tossing J:99768
lenticonus J:99768
microphthalmia J:99768
normal nervous system phenotype J:40705
reduced long-term potentiation J:40705
involves: 101/H * C3H/He * C57BL/6J
embryonic lethality during organogenesis, complete penetrance J:54907
hemorrhage J:54907
involves: 101/H * C3H/HeH
preweaning lethality, complete penetrance J:13451
Not Specified
embryonic lethality between implantation and somite formation, complete penetrance J:99768

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