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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
cytochrome P450, family 19, subfamily a, polypeptide 1
172 phenotypes from 7 alleles in 10 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
involves: 129S/SvEv * C57BL/6
no abnormal phenotype detected J:156012
abnormal gait J:211773
decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level J:211773
decreased circulating iron level J:211773
decreased exploration in new environment J:211773
decreased lean body mass J:211773
decreased leukocyte cell number J:211773
decreased locomotor activity J:211773
decreased lymphocyte cell number J:211773
decreased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration J:211773
increased anxiety-related response J:211773
increased blood urea nitrogen level J:211773
increased circulating aspartate transaminase level J:211773
increased circulating cholesterol level J:211773
increased circulating serum albumin level J:211773
increased fasting circulating glucose level J:211773
increased neutrophil cell number J:211773
increased total body fat amount J:211773
thrombocytosis J:211773
tremors J:211773
involves: 129S6/SvEvTac
abnormal auditory brainstem response J:135833
abnormal glucose homeostasis J:65805
abnormal mature ovarian follicle morphology J:78634
abnormal ovary morphology J:78634
abnormal primary sex determination J:78634
abnormal spermatogenesis J:83254
abnormal tertiary ovarian follicle morphology J:78634
absent corpus luteum J:78634
asthenozoospermia J:83254
bradykinesia J:65805
decreased lean body mass J:65805
decreased male mating frequency J:83254
enlarged liver J:65805
hemorrhagic ovary cyst J:78634
hepatic steatosis J:65805
impaired ovarian folliculogenesis J:78634
increased body weight J:65805
increased circulating cholesterol level J:65805
increased circulating HDL cholesterol level J:65805
increased circulating insulin level J:65805
increased circulating leptin level J:65805
increased circulating triglyceride level J:65805
increased fat cell size J:65805
increased gonadal fat pad weight J:65805
increased renal fat pad weight J:65805
increased total body fat amount J:65805
oligozoospermia J:83254
pale liver J:65805
reduced male fertility J:83254
involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6
abnormal acrosome assembly J:56358
abnormal baroreceptor physiology J:105620
abnormal coat/hair pigmentation J:48086
abnormal enzyme/coenzyme level J:105620
abnormal epididymis morphology J:56358
abnormal labium morphology J:48086
abnormal male germ cell morphology J:56358
abnormal male reproductive system morphology J:48086
abnormal ovary morphology J:48086, J:63458
abnormal prostate gland physiology J:70204
abnormal reproductive system physiology J:48086
abnormal salivary gland morphology J:92438
abnormal seminiferous tubule epithelium morphology J:56358
abnormal seminiferous tubule morphology J:56358
abnormal spermatogenesis J:56358
abnormal spermiogenesis J:56358
abnormal spleen germinal center morphology J:92438
abnormal systemic arterial blood pressure J:105620
abnormal uterus development J:63458
absent corpus luteum J:48086, J:63458
anovulation J:63458
arrest of spermiogenesis J:56358
decreased elongated spermatid number J:56358
decreased heart rate variability J:105620
decreased male germ cell number J:56358
decreased mean systemic arterial blood pressure J:105620
decreased round spermatid number J:56358
decreased spermatid number J:56358
decreased systemic arterial diastolic blood pressure J:105620
decreased testis weight J:56358
decreased uterus weight J:63458
enlarged clitoris J:48086
enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes J:92438
enlarged prostate gland J:70204
enlarged salivary gland J:92438
enlarged spleen J:92438
female infertility J:48086, J:63458
impaired ovarian folliculogenesis J:48086, J:63458
increased autoantibody level J:92438
increased B cell number J:92438
increased bone marrow cell number J:92438
increased cardiac muscle contractility J:105620
increased circulating dihydrotestosterone level J:70204
increased circulating follicle stimulating hormone level J:48086, J:56358, J:63458
increased circulating luteinizing hormone level J:48086, J:56358, J:63458
increased circulating prolactin level J:70204
increased circulating testosterone level J:48086, J:56358, J:70204
increased gonadal fat pad weight J:48086
increased granulocyte number J:92438
increased granulosa cell apoptosis J:63458
increased heart rate J:105620
increased IgG level J:92438
increased leukocyte cell number J:92438
increased Leydig cell number J:56358
increased lymphocyte cell number J:92438
increased male germ cell apoptosis J:56358
increased mammary fat pad weight J:48086
increased mature B cell number J:92438
increased prostate gland anterior lobe weight J:70204
increased prostate gland dorsolateral lobe weight J:70204
increased prostate gland ventral lobe weight J:70204
increased prostate gland weight J:48086, J:70204
increased seminal vesicle weight J:48086
increased urine protein level J:92438
kidney inflammation J:92438
male infertility J:56358
multinucleated giant male germ cells J:56358
obese J:92438
ovarian follicular cyst J:63458
ovary hemorrhage J:63458
prostate gland anterior lobe hyperplasia J:70204
prostate gland dorsolateral lobe hyperplasia J:70204
prostate gland hyperplasia J:70204
prostate gland ventral lobe hyperplasia J:70204
renal glomerular immunoglobulin deposits J:92438
salivary gland inflammation J:92438
spleen hyperplasia J:92438
uterus hypoplasia J:48086
involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6J
abnormal barbering behavior J:129528
abnormal emotion/affect behavior J:129528
abnormal locomotor activation J:129528
abnormal short-term spatial reference memory J:89632
increased grooming behavior J:129528
involves: 129S/SvEv
abnormal ovary morphology J:51076
abnormal salivary gland morphology J:216958
abnormal uterus development J:51076
abnormal white adipose tissue morphology J:216958
absent corpus luteum J:51076
decreased mounting behavior J:51076
decreased uterus weight J:51076
female infertility J:51076
increased abdominal adipose tissue amount J:216958
increased anti-single stranded DNA antibody level J:216958
increased autoantibody level J:216958
increased dendritic cell number J:216958
increased macrophage cell number J:216958
increased susceptibility to autoimmune disorder J:216958
increased total body fat amount J:51076
lacrimal gland inflammation J:216958
reduced male fertility J:51076
salivary gland inflammation J:216958
sexually aggressive behavior J:51076
involves: 129S/SvEv * C57BL/6
abnormal copulation behavior J:84396
abnormal intromission J:84396
abnormal paternal behavior J:84396
abnormal sexual interaction J:84396
decreased aggression towards male mice J:84396
decreased mounting behavior J:84396
failure of ejaculation J:84396
male infertility J:84396
reduced male fertility J:84396
sexually aggressive behavior J:84396
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6J
abnormal bone trabecula morphology J:114305
abnormal compact bone morphology J:114305
abnormal enzyme/coenzyme level J:79603
abnormal lipid homeostasis J:79603
abnormal liver lobule morphology J:79603
abnormal liver physiology J:79603
abnormal ovary morphology J:70359
abnormal seminiferous tubule epithelium morphology J:68190
abnormal trabecular bone morphology J:114305
absent corpus luteum J:70359
absent ovarian follicles J:70359
anovulation J:70359
decreased bone mass J:114305
decreased bone mineral density of femur J:114305
decreased circulating estradiol level J:70359, J:114305
decreased mounting behavior J:68190
decreased uterus weight J:70359, J:114305
failure of superovulation J:70359
female infertility J:68190, J:70359
hemorrhagic ovary cyst J:70359
hepatic steatosis J:79603, J:82070
impaired glucose tolerance J:82070
impaired luteinization J:70359
increased abdominal fat pad weight J:79603, J:82070
increased body weight J:82070
increased bone resorption J:114305
increased circulating cholesterol level J:82070
increased circulating glucose level J:82070
increased circulating testosterone level J:68190, J:70359, J:82070, J:114305
increased circulating triglyceride level J:82070
increased gonadal fat pad weight J:82070
increased osteoclast cell number J:114305
increased ovary apoptosis J:70359
increased renal fat pad weight J:82070
increased seminal vesicle weight J:114305
increased susceptibility to weight gain J:82070
insulin resistance J:82070
obese J:82070
ovary hemorrhage J:70359
reduced male fertility J:68190
small uterus J:70359
thin endometrium J:70359
thin myometrium J:70359
Not Specified
decreased aggression J:68373
normal homeostasis/metabolism phenotype J:220075
normal reproductive system phenotype J:220075
involves: BALB/c * C57BL/6
enlarged testis J:60034
increased circulating estradiol level J:60034
increased fibroadenoma incidence J:34063
increased incidence of tumors by chemical induction J:69745
increased mammary gland tumor incidence J:78693
male infertility J:60034
mammary gland duct hyperplasia J:34063
mammary gland hyperplasia J:34063, J:78693

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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