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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
dystrophin, muscular dystrophy
144 phenotypes from 17 alleles in 27 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
abnormal bone structure J:211773
decreased bone mineral content J:211773
decreased bone mineral density J:211773
decreased total body fat amount J:211773
increased circulating alanine transaminase level J:211773
increased circulating aspartate transaminase level J:211773
increased lean body mass J:211773
abnormal bone structure J:211773
decreased bone mineral content J:211773
decreased grip strength J:211773
decreased mean corpuscular hemoglobin J:211773
decreased total body fat amount J:211773
increased circulating alanine transaminase level J:211773
increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level J:211773
increased circulating aspartate transaminase level J:211773
increased circulating serum albumin level J:211773
increased circulating total protein level J:211773
increased lean body mass J:211773
increased red blood cell distribution width J:211773
thrombocytosis J:211773
involves: C57BL/6J
centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers J:253191
decreased grip strength J:253191
dystrophic muscle J:253191
increased creatine kinase level J:253191
increased variability of skeletal muscle fiber size J:253191
myositis J:253191
skeletal muscle necrosis J:253191
centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers J:285447
decreased grip strength J:285447
dystrophic muscle J:285447
increased circulating creatine kinase level J:285447
muscle weakness J:285447
myositis J:285447
skeletal muscle fiber degeneration J:285447
skeletal muscle fibrosis J:285447
centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers J:285447
decreased grip strength J:285447
dystrophic muscle J:285447
increased circulating creatine kinase level J:285447
muscle weakness J:285447
myositis J:285447
skeletal muscle fiber degeneration J:285447
skeletal muscle fibrosis J:285447
involves: C57BL/6 * CBA
abnormal sarcolemma morphology J:275476
centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers J:275476
decreased skeletal muscle fiber diameter J:275476
dystrophic muscle J:275476
increased body weight J:275476
increased circulating creatine kinase level J:275476
muscle weakness J:275476
skeletal muscle fiber degeneration J:275476
skeletal muscle fiber necrosis J:275476
skeletal muscle fibrosis J:275476
slow postnatal weight gain J:275476
involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
no abnormal phenotype detected J:85162
involves: 129S1/Sv
abnormal cardiovascular system morphology J:47968
abnormal digestive system morphology J:47968
abnormal muscle morphology J:47968
abnormal muscle physiology J:47968
involves: 129S1/Sv
abnormal cardiovascular system morphology J:47968
abnormal muscle morphology J:47968
abnormal muscle physiology J:47968
abnormal diaphragm morphology J:23502
skeletal muscle fibrosis J:23502
abnormal eye electrophysiology J:53822
involves: C3H/HeHa * C57BL/6Ros * C57BL/10Sn * M. m. castaneus * M. m. musculus
abnormal skeletal muscle fiber morphology J:9638
cardiac fibrosis J:9638
impaired muscle relaxation J:9638
skeletal muscle fiber degeneration J:9638
abnormal diaphragm morphology J:23502
skeletal muscle fibrosis J:23502
abnormal eye electrophysiology J:53822
abnormal grip strength J:134272
abnormal Muller cell morphology J:125566
abnormal muscle contractility J:134272
abnormal skeletal muscle morphology J:134272
centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers J:134272
increased variability of skeletal muscle fiber size J:134272
normal vision/eye phenotype J:53822
abnormal diaphragm morphology J:23502
centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers J:23502
decreased litter size J:12150
increased variability of skeletal muscle fiber size J:12150
preweaning lethality, incomplete penetrance J:12150
reduced fertility J:12150
skeletal muscle fibrosis J:23502
involves: C3H/HeHa * C57BL/6Ros * C57BL/10Sn * M. m. castaneus * M. m. musculus
abnormal eye electrophysiology J:23375
cardiac fibrosis J:9638
impaired muscle relaxation J:9638
skeletal muscle fiber degeneration J:9638
abnormal Muller cell morphology J:125566
abnormal diaphragm morphology J:23502
centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers J:23502
decreased litter size J:12150
increased variability of skeletal muscle fiber size J:12150
preweaning lethality, incomplete penetrance J:12150
reduced fertility J:12150
skeletal muscle fibrosis J:23502
abnormal diaphragm morphology J:23502
skeletal muscle fibrosis J:23502
abnormal eye electrophysiology J:53822
abnormal grip strength J:134272
abnormal muscle contractility J:134272
abnormal skeletal muscle morphology J:134272
centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers J:134272
increased variability of skeletal muscle fiber size J:134272
abnormal diaphragm morphology J:23502
skeletal muscle fibrosis J:23502
involves: C3H/HeHa * C57BL/6Ros * C57BL/10Sn * M. m. castaneus * M. m. musculus
abnormal skeletal muscle fiber morphology J:128921
centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers J:128921
increased satellite cell number J:128921
skeletal muscle fiber necrosis J:128921
abnormal diaphragm morphology J:23502
abnormal gait J:177391
decreased body fat mass J:177391
decreased body weight J:177391
decreased grip strength J:177391
fatigue J:177391
impaired coordination J:177391
impaired skeletal muscle contractility J:177391
increased muscle fatigability J:177391
normal muscle phenotype J:177391
short stride length J:177391
skeletal muscle fibrosis J:23502, J:177391
abnormal diaphragm morphology J:23502
skeletal muscle fibrosis J:23502
abnormal muscle contractility J:164891
abnormal myocardial fiber physiology J:124861
normal cardiovascular system phenotype J:124861
centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers J:164891
decreased P wave amplitude J:124861
increased satellite cell number J:164891
increased variability of skeletal muscle fiber size J:164891
prolonged P wave J:124861
prolonged QRS complex duration J:124861
abnormal skeletal muscle fiber morphology J:85088
abnormal skeletal muscle morphology J:85088
dystrophic muscle J:85088
abnormal atrium myocardial trabeculae morphology J:150127
abnormal gait J:177391
abnormal heart atrium morphology J:150127
abnormal intercostal muscle morphology J:150127
abnormal muscle contractility J:152525
abnormal muscle development J:150127
abnormal myocardial fiber morphology J:150127
abnormal myotube morphology J:150127
abnormal skeletal muscle fiber morphology J:152525
normal behavior/neurological phenotype J:177391
centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers J:150127, J:152525
decreased body fat mass J:177391
decreased body weight J:177391
decreased grip strength J:177391
fatigue J:177391
impaired muscle relaxation J:9638
impaired skeletal muscle contractility J:177391
normal muscle phenotype J:177391
myocardial fiber degeneration J:9638
short stride length J:177391
skeletal muscle fiber degeneration J:9638
skeletal muscle fiber necrosis J:152525
skeletal muscle fibrosis J:177391
thick ventricular wall J:150127
abnormal circulating pyruvate kinase level J:7361
abnormal motor capabilities/coordination/movement J:7361
abnormal muscle morphology J:7361
abnormal muscle physiology J:3666
abnormal skeletal muscle fiber morphology J:7361
dilated sarcoplasmic reticulum J:7361
dystrophic muscle J:7361
impaired coordination J:7361
increased circulating creatine kinase level J:7361
increased interferon-gamma secretion J:150572
increased interleukin-2 secretion J:150572
increased interleukin-4 secretion J:150572
increased interleukin-6 secretion J:150572
increased interleukin-12 secretion J:150572
increased tumor necrosis factor secretion J:150572
increased variability of skeletal muscle fiber size J:7361
muscle degeneration J:7361
muscular atrophy J:7361
myopathy J:7361
skeletal muscle fibrosis J:7361
skeletal muscle necrosis J:7361
tremors J:7361
involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/10ScSn
abnormal circulating pyruvate kinase level J:48851
dystrophic muscle J:48851
involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/10ScSn
abnormal circulating pyruvate kinase level J:48851
dystrophic muscle J:48851
involves: C57BL/10ScSn
abnormal diaphragm morphology J:95776, J:152891
abnormal intercostal muscle morphology J:152891
abnormal muscle electrophysiology J:142492
abnormal muscle tone J:152749
abnormal neuromuscular synapse morphology J:121319
abnormal skeletal muscle fiber morphology J:152749
anterior subcapsular cataract J:142492
centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers J:19034
diaphragmitis J:140282
increased skeletal muscle fiber diameter J:19034, J:152749
increased skeletal muscle mass J:19034
myositis J:140282
normal nervous system phenotype J:121319
nuclear cataract J:142492
skeletal muscle endomysial fibrosis J:19034, J:140282
skeletal muscle fiber necrosis J:19034
skeletal muscle hypertrophy J:19034
skeletal muscle necrosis J:95776
normal vision/eye phenotype J:23375
involves: C57BL/10ScSn
abnormal skeletal muscle fiber morphology J:121251
abnormal atrium myocardial trabeculae morphology J:150127
abnormal circulating pyruvate kinase level J:7361
abnormal corticotroph morphology J:18080
abnormal heart atrium morphology J:150127
abnormal intercostal muscle morphology J:150127
abnormal muscle development J:150127
abnormal muscle morphology J:7361
abnormal myotube morphology J:150127
abnormal skeletal muscle fiber morphology J:7361, J:152524
normal adipose tissue phenotype J:160773
centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers J:150127, J:152524
decreased aerobic running capacity J:160773
dilated sarcoplasmic reticulum J:7361
dystrophic muscle J:7361
normal homeostasis/metabolism phenotype J:18080, J:152524
increased circulating creatine kinase level J:7361, J:18080, J:152524
increased growth hormone level J:18080
increased quadriceps weight J:160773
increased skeletal muscle fiber number J:160773
increased skeletal muscle mass J:160773
increased skeletal muscle weight J:160773
increased somatotroph cell size J:18080
increased variability of skeletal muscle fiber size J:7361
muscle degeneration J:7361
normal muscle phenotype J:160773
muscular atrophy J:7361
myocardial fiber disarray J:150127
myocardium necrosis J:152524
myopathy J:7361
reduced female fertility J:7361
skeletal muscle fiber necrosis J:152524
skeletal muscle fibrosis J:7361
skeletal muscle necrosis J:7361
thick ventricular wall J:150127
abnormal auditory brainstem response waveform shape J:105938
abnormal circulating pyruvate kinase level J:7361
abnormal grip strength J:106640
abnormal muscle morphology J:7361
abnormal muscle physiology J:3666
abnormal skeletal muscle fiber morphology J:7361
abnormal skeletal muscle regeneration J:226314
calcified muscle J:226314
cardiomyopathy J:226314
normal cardiovascular system phenotype J:226314
centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers J:226314
decreased cardiac muscle contractility J:226314
decreased cardiac output J:226314
decreased cardiac stroke volume J:226314
decreased grip strength J:226314
dilated sarcoplasmic reticulum J:7361
dystrophic muscle J:7361, J:226314
enlarged heart J:226314
impaired coordination J:106640
impaired skeletal muscle contractility J:226314
increased body size J:226314
increased circulating creatine kinase level J:7361, J:226314
increased creatine kinase activity J:226314
increased interferon-gamma secretion J:150572
increased interleukin-2 secretion J:150572
increased interleukin-4 secretion J:150572
increased interleukin-6 secretion J:150572
increased interleukin-12 secretion J:150572
increased or absent threshold for auditory brainstem response J:105938
increased skeletal muscle fiber diameter J:226314
increased skeletal muscle mass J:226314
increased susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss J:105938
increased tumor necrosis factor secretion J:150572
increased variability of skeletal muscle fiber size J:7361
muscle degeneration J:7361
muscular atrophy J:7361
myopathy J:7361
myositis J:226314
reduced female fertility J:7361
skeletal muscle degeneration J:226314
skeletal muscle fibrosis J:7361
skeletal muscle hypertrophy J:226314
skeletal muscle necrosis J:7361
decreased aerobic running capacity J:160773
decreased body weight J:160773
decreased quadriceps weight J:160773
decreased skeletal muscle fiber number J:160773
decreased skeletal muscle mass J:160773
decreased skeletal muscle weight J:160773
increased total body fat amount J:160773
muscle weakness J:160773
skeletal muscle fibrosis J:160773
abnormal skeletal muscle fiber morphology J:226314
abnormal skeletal muscle regeneration J:226314
calcified muscle J:226314
cardiac muscle degeneration J:226314
cardiomyopathy J:226314
centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers J:226314
decreased body size J:226314
decreased cardiac muscle contractility J:226314
decreased cardiac output J:226314
decreased cardiac stroke volume J:226314
decreased grip strength J:226314
decreased skeletal muscle fiber diameter J:226314
decreased skeletal muscle fiber size J:226314
decreased skeletal muscle mass J:226314
dystrophic cardiac calcinosis J:226314
dystrophic muscle J:226314
heart inflammation J:226314
impaired skeletal muscle contractility J:226314
increased circulating creatine kinase level J:226314
increased creatine kinase activity J:226314
myositis J:226314
skeletal muscle atrophy J:226314
skeletal muscle degeneration J:226314
skeletal muscle fiber atrophy J:226314
involves: BALB/c * C57BL/10ScSn * C57BL/Ka
abnormal vertebral column morphology J:125527
centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers J:125527
impaired exercise endurance J:125527
impaired skeletal muscle contractility J:125527
increased skeletal muscle fiber diameter J:125527
increased transforming growth factor beta level J:125527
skeletal muscle fiber degeneration J:125527
skeletal muscle fibrosis J:125527
involves: C57BL/10ScSn
abnormal diaphragm morphology J:152891
abnormal intercostal muscle morphology J:152891
abnormal muscle contractility J:152525
abnormal muscle electrophysiology J:142492
abnormal muscle physiology J:152750
abnormal muscle tone J:152749
abnormal neuromuscular synapse morphology J:121319
abnormal scalene muscle morphology J:152891
abnormal skeletal muscle fiber morphology J:152525, J:152749, J:152892
abnormal skeletal muscle morphology J:152892
abnormal skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation J:152892
anterior subcapsular cataract J:142492
centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers J:19034, J:152525
decreased physiological sensitivity to xenobiotic J:20768
dilated sarcoplasmic reticulum J:152892
increased skeletal muscle fiber diameter J:19034, J:152749
increased skeletal muscle mass J:19034
normal nervous system phenotype J:121319
nuclear cataract J:142492
skeletal muscle endomysial fibrosis J:19034
skeletal muscle fiber necrosis J:19034, J:152525, J:152892
skeletal muscle hypertrophy J:19034
skeletal muscle necrosis J:152892
involves: C57BL/6 * CBA
increased skeletal muscle fiber size J:96210
male infertility J:96210
skeletal muscle fiber degeneration J:96210
skeletal muscle fiber necrosis J:96210
involves: C3H
abnormal sarcolemma morphology J:207775
decreased susceptibility to Picornaviridae infection J:207775
myocarditis J:207775
involves: C57BL/6 * CBA
no abnormal phenotype detected J:96210
involves: C57BL/6
decreased grip strength J:233298
dystrophic muscle J:233298
increased body weight J:233298
increased circulating creatine kinase level J:233298
muscle degeneration J:233298
myositis J:233298
skeletal muscle fiber necrosis J:233298
skeletal muscle fibrosis J:233298
involves: 129S/SvEv
abnormal diaphragm morphology J:43164
abnormal plasma membrane morphology J:102549
muscle degeneration J:43164
involves: 129S/SvEv
abnormal plasma membrane morphology J:102549
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ
retina ischemia J:84454

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