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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
fibrillin 2
64 phenotypes from 8 alleles in 11 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
abnormal autopod morphology J:211773
abnormal bone structure J:211773
abnormal brain morphology J:211773
abnormal clavicle morphology J:211773
abnormal cranium morphology J:211773
abnormal digit morphology J:211773
abnormal eye morphology J:211773
abnormal femur morphology J:211773
abnormal fibula morphology J:211773
abnormal gait J:211773
abnormal heart morphology J:211773
abnormal heart weight J:211773
abnormal humerus morphology J:211773
abnormal joint morphology J:211773
abnormal kidney morphology J:211773
abnormal liver morphology J:211773
abnormal mandible morphology J:211773
abnormal nail morphology J:211773
abnormal optic disk morphology J:211773
abnormal pelvic girdle bone morphology J:211773
abnormal radius morphology J:211773
abnormal rib morphology J:211773
abnormal skin morphology J:211773
abnormal tail morphology J:211773
abnormal tibia morphology J:211773
abnormal ulna morphology J:211773
abnormal vertebral arch morphology J:211773
abnormal zygomatic bone morphology J:211773
cornea opacity J:211773
cornea vascularization J:211773
decreased anxiety-related response J:211773
decreased body length J:211773
decreased circulating amylase level J:211773
decreased grip strength J:211773
enlarged heart J:211773
hyperactivity J:211773
increased bone mineral content J:211773
increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level J:211773
prolonged ST segment J:211773
syndactyly J:211773
thrombocytopenia J:211773
vertebral fusion J:211773
involves: C57BL/6J * C.B10-H2b/LiMcdJ
syndactyly J:68881
involves: C.B10-H2b/LeMcdJ
syndactyly J:51131
involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6J
syndactyly J:60747
fused phalanges J:211397
syndactyly J:211397
normal vision/eye phenotype J:211397
decreased grip strength J:157998
limb grasping J:157998
muscle weakness J:157998
syndactyly J:13514, J:157998
involves: BALB/cAnNCrl * C3H/HeH * C3HeB/FeHu * C57BL/6J
decreased grip strength J:157998
limb grasping J:157998
muscle weakness J:157998
involves: BALB/cAnNCrl * C3H/HeH
abnormal motor capabilities/coordination/movement J:157998
abnormal muscle electrophysiology J:157998
centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers J:157998
decreased body size J:157998
decreased grip strength J:157998
decreased skeletal muscle fiber diameter J:157998
fused phalanges J:157998
increased skeletal muscle mass J:157998
limb grasping J:157998
muscle weakness J:157998
postnatal growth retardation J:157998
syndactyly J:157998
abnormal carpal bone morphology J:263533
abnormal ear morphology J:263533
abnormal eye morphology J:263533
abnormal skeleton morphology J:263533
edema J:263533
micrognathia J:263533
reduced fertility J:263533
syndactyly J:263533
either: (involves: 129/Sv) or (involves: 129/Sv * C57BL/6J)
abnormal autopod morphology J:70592
abnormal interdigital cell death J:70592
abnormal joint morphology J:70592
normal respiratory system phenotype J:70592
syndactyly J:70592
involves: 129S/SvEv
abnormal bone remodeling J:166786
abnormal skeleton development J:166786
decreased bone mass J:166786

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory