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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
histocompatibility 13
89 phenotypes from 1 allele in 1 genetic background
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
abnormal snout morphology J:211773
decreased fasting circulating glucose level J:211773
increased bone mineral content J:211773
abnormal azygos vein topology J:239583
abnormal brachial plexus formation J:239583
abnormal brain internal capsule morphology J:239583
abnormal brain morphology J:239583
abnormal cervical atlas morphology J:239583
abnormal chorion morphology J:261316
abnormal ductus venosus valve morphology J:239583
abnormal eye muscle morphology J:239583
abnormal forebrain development J:239583
abnormal forebrain morphology J:239583
abnormal hepatic vein morphology J:239583
abnormal hindbrain morphology J:239583
abnormal hypoglossal canal morphology J:239583
abnormal hypoglossal nerve topology J:239583
abnormal inferior vena cava valve morphology J:239583
abnormal infrahyoid muscle connection J:239583
abnormal infrahyoid muscle morphology J:239583
abnormal interatrial septum morphology J:239583
abnormal intestine placement J:239583
abnormal liver vasculature morphology J:239583
abnormal Mullerian duct morphology J:239583
abnormal nervous system morphology J:239583
abnormal olfactory bulb morphology J:239583
abnormal optic chiasm morphology J:239583
abnormal optic cup morphology J:239583
abnormal optic stalk morphology J:239583
abnormal outer ear morphology J:239583
abnormal pancreas topology J:239583
abnormal placenta morphology J:261316
abnormal placental labyrinth vasculature morphology J:261316
abnormal posterior semicircular canal morphology J:239583
abnormal pulmonary valve cusp morphology J:239583
abnormal rib morphology J:239583
abnormal stapedial artery morphology J:239583
abnormal stapedial artery topology J:239583
abnormal styloid process morphology J:239583
abnormal tail morphology J:239583
abnormal thymus topology J:239583
abnormal trophoblast giant cell morphology J:261316
abnormal trophoblast layer morphology J:261316
abnormal umbilical vein topology J:239583
abnormal vertebrae morphology J:239583
abnormal vertebral arch morphology J:239583
abnormal vertebral artery origin J:239583
abnormal vitelline vein connection J:239583
abnormal vitelline vein topology J:239583
abnormal Wolffian duct morphology J:239583
absent celiac artery J:239583
absent ductus venosus valve J:239583
absent hypoglossal canal J:239583
absent hypoglossal nerve J:239583
absent inferior vena cava J:239583
absent kidney J:239583
absent Mullerian ducts J:239583
absent posterior communicating artery J:239583
absent ribs J:239583
absent segment of posterior cerebral artery J:239583
absent stapedial artery J:239583
absent superior cervical ganglion J:239583
blood in lymph vessels J:239583
decreased length of long bones J:239583
dilated liver sinusoidal space J:239583
double outlet right ventricle J:239583
embryo tumor J:239583
enlarged paraumbilical vein J:239583
exencephaly J:239583
fused dorsal root ganglion J:239583
heterochrony J:239583
left pulmonary isomerism J:239583
multiple persisting craniopharyngeal ducts J:239583
muscular ventricular septal defect J:239583
perimembraneous ventricular septal defect J:239583
persistent dorsal ophthalmic artery J:239583
preweaning lethality, complete penetrance J:211773, J:261316
reduced sympathetic cervical ganglion size J:239583
retroesophageal right subclavian artery J:239583
situs inversus J:239583
small kidney J:239583
small placenta J:261316
small superior cervical ganglion J:239583
small thyroid gland J:239583
subcutaneous edema J:239583
symmetric azygos veins J:239583
thin hypoglossal nerve J:239583
thoracoschisis J:239583
transposition of great arteries J:239583

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory