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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 6
134 phenotypes from 15 alleles in 19 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
abnormal humoral immune response J:123568
abnormal immune system physiology J:123568
abnormal leukocyte cell number J:123568
abnormal lymph organ size J:123568
decreased B cell proliferation J:123568
decreased follicular B cell number J:123568
decreased marginal zone B cell number J:123568
enlarged lymph nodes J:123568
enlarged spleen J:123568
increased B cell number J:123568
increased B-1a cell number J:123568
increased granulocyte number J:123568
increased macrophage cell number J:123568
increased plasma cell number J:123568
increased susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus J:123568
increased T cell number J:123568
involves: C57BL/6
decreased thymocyte number J:236298
involves: C3H/HeSnJ * C57BL/6J * Swiss
decreased bone mass J:168664
decreased bone mineral content J:168664
decreased bone mineral density J:168664
increased circulating interleukin-17 level J:168664
psoriasis J:168664
decreased IgM level J:225105
abnormal myeloid leukocyte morphology J:142845
decreased mature B cell number J:142845
decreased susceptibility to bacterial infection J:142845
decreased susceptibility to bacterial infection induced morbidity/mortality J:142845
enlarged spleen J:94077, J:142845
increased anti-chromatin antibody level J:142845
increased erythroid progenitor cell number J:142845
increased IgM level J:142845
increased inflammatory response J:94077
increased neutrophil cell number J:142845
normal integument phenotype J:94077
lung inflammation J:142845
salivary gland inflammation J:142845
ulcerated autopod J:142845
involves: C57BL/6J
decreased body size J:171740
skin lesions J:171740
abnormal CD8-positive, alpha beta T cell morphology J:234259
decreased B cell number J:234259
decreased B-2 B cell number J:234259
decreased immature B cell number J:234259
decreased mature B cell number J:234259
increased B-1 B cell number J:234259
increased B-1a cell number J:234259
increased dendritic cell number J:234259
increased macrophage cell number J:234259
abnormal CD8-positive, alpha beta T cell morphology J:234259
decreased B cell number J:234259
decreased B-2 B cell number J:234259
decreased immature B cell number J:234259
decreased mature B cell number J:234259
increased B-1 B cell number J:234259
increased B-1b cell number J:234259
increased dendritic cell number J:234259
increased macrophage cell number J:234259
decreased CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell number J:264807
decreased CD8-positive, naive alpha-beta T cell number J:264807
increased B-1 B cell number J:264807
increased CD8-positive, alpha-beta memory T cell number J:264807
increased central memory CD8 positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:264807
increased effector memory CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:264807
increased effector memory CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:264807
decreased B cell number J:265075
decreased B-1 B cell number J:265075
decreased CD8-positive, naive alpha-beta T cell number J:265075
decreased IgD level J:265075
decreased IgM level J:265075
increased central memory CD8 positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:265075
abnormal CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation J:272439
abnormal T cell differentiation J:272439
abnormal T cell differentiation J:272440
Not Specified
abnormal coat appearance J:5579
abnormal skin pigmentation J:5579
focal hair loss J:5579
postnatal lethality J:5579
skin lesions J:5579
involves: BALB/c
abnormal bone marrow cell physiology J:169850
abnormal circulating chemokine level J:169850
absent tertiary ovarian follicles J:169850
extremity edema J:169850
female infertility J:169850
increased circulating interferon-gamma level J:169850
increased circulating interleukin-1 beta level J:169850
increased circulating interleukin-6 level J:169850
increased circulating interleukin-10 level J:169850
increased circulating serum amyloid protein level J:169850
increased IgG level J:169850
increased IgM level J:169850
increased neutrophil cell number J:169850
interstitial pneumonia J:169850
ovary atrophy J:169850
premature death J:169850
normal reproductive system phenotype J:169850
skin inflammation J:169850
small thymus J:169850
abnormal immunoglobulin level J:7665
abnormal inflammatory response J:20845
abnormal photoreceptor inner segment morphology J:108375
abnormal photoreceptor outer segment morphology J:108375
abnormal plasma cell morphology J:14936
abnormal retina morphology J:108375
abnormal skin condition J:113218
abnormal T cell physiology J:1661
abnormal thymus development J:16613
absent skin pigmentation J:20845
chronic inflammation J:20845
decreased a-wave amplitude J:108375
decreased B cell number J:113218
decreased b-wave amplitude J:108375
decreased body size J:113218
decreased mature B cell number J:7905
decreased retina photoreceptor cell number J:108375
disorganized photoreceptor outer segment J:108375
focal hair loss J:20845
increased plasma cell number J:7905
interstitial pneumonia J:7531
premature death J:7531
retina outer nuclear layer degeneration J:108375
retina photoreceptor degeneration J:108375
retina rod cell degeneration J:108375
rheumatoid arthritis J:20845
short photoreceptor outer segment J:108375
spontaneous skin ulceration J:20845
thin retina outer nuclear layer J:108375
normal vision/eye phenotype J:108375
C3FeLe.B6 a/a-Ptpn6me/J
decreased neuron number J:88807
increased microglial cell activation J:88807
abnormal cell cycle J:66843
abnormal cell cycle checkpoint function J:66843
abnormal granulocyte morphology J:5579
abnormal humoral immune response J:5579
abnormal immune system cell morphology J:5579
abnormal leukocyte cell number J:5579
abnormal lung morphology J:5579
abnormal Peyer's patch morphology J:5579
abnormal skin pigmentation J:5579
abnormal thymus morphology J:5579
autoimmune response J:5579
decreased apoptosis J:66843
decreased cellular sensitivity to gamma-irradiation J:66843
enlarged spleen J:5579
focal hair loss J:5579
increased granulocyte number J:5579
increased IgA level J:5579
increased IgG level J:5579
increased IgM level J:5579
increased immunoglobulin level J:5579
increased leukocyte cell number J:5579
increased monocyte cell number J:5579
preweaning lethality, incomplete penetrance J:5579
skin lesions J:5579
small thymus J:5579
either: (involves: C3H * C57BL/6J) or (involves: C57BL/6J * C57BL/6N)
abnormal lung morphology J:5999
decreased body size J:5999
lung inflammation J:5999
respiratory distress J:5999
skin lesions J:5999
thymus atrophy J:5999
involves: C3H/HeN * C57BL/6J * NFS
abnormal skin condition J:30994
absent limbs J:30994
decreased body weight J:30994
increased autoantibody level J:30994
increased IgM level J:30994
increased splenocyte proliferation J:30994
premature death J:30994
involves: C3HeB/FeJ * C57BL/6
abnormal astrocyte morphology J:72655
abnormal CNS glial cell morphology J:72655
abnormal forebrain morphology J:72655
abnormal hippocampus CA1 region morphology J:72655
abnormal hippocampus development J:72655
abnormal microglial cell morphology J:72655
abnormal myelination J:72655
abnormal nervous system morphology J:72655
abnormal pulmonary alveolar system morphology J:72655
abnormal telencephalon development J:72655
decreased body weight J:72655
decreased brain size J:72655
postnatal lethality, complete penetrance J:72655

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
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