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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
interleukin 2
98 phenotypes from 4 alleles in 11 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
abnormal T cell activation J:75331
abnormal susceptibility to autoimmune disorder J:150823
involves: 129S/SvEv * C57BL/6
abnormal cellular respiration J:190168
decreased circulating interleukin-17 level J:190168
normal immune system phenotype J:190168
increased susceptibility to autoimmune diabetes J:120349
normal immune system phenotype J:125748
increased activated T cell number J:28924
increased CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:28924
increased CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:28924
increased T cell number J:125748
increased T cell proliferation J:28924
abnormal cellular respiration J:190168
abnormal circulating cytokine level J:190168
abnormal response to transplant J:113547
abnormal salivary gland duct morphology J:125129
abnormal salivary gland morphology J:125129
abnormal T cell activation J:190168
abnormal T cell proliferation J:190168
decreased CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell number J:131774
decreased circulating interferon-gamma level J:190168
decreased circulating interleukin-4 level J:190168
decreased circulating interleukin-13 level J:190168
decreased regulatory T cell number J:113547
decreased salivation J:125129
enlarged lymph nodes J:113547
increased CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:131774
increased splenocyte number J:131774
increased susceptibility to autoimmune disorder J:113547
lacrimal gland inflammation J:125129
large intestinal inflammation J:125129
salivary gland inflammation J:125129
increased CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:28924
increased CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:28924
abnormal bone marrow cell number J:29799
abnormal lymphocyte morphology J:29799
abnormal regulatory T cell physiology J:112603
abnormal reticulocyte morphology J:29799
abnormal spleen morphology J:29799
decreased hematocrit J:29799
enlarged lymph nodes J:29799
heart inflammation J:29799
increased B cell proliferation J:29799
increased circulating bilirubin level J:29799
increased germinal center B cell number J:29799
increased IgG level J:29799
increased inflammatory response J:29799
increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin J:29799
increased plasma cell number J:29799
increased spleen red pulp amount J:29799
increased susceptibility to autoimmune hemolytic anemia J:29799
increased T cell proliferation J:29799
liver inflammation J:29799
low mean erythrocyte cell number J:29799
lung inflammation J:29799
pancreas inflammation J:29799
premature death J:29799
spleen hyperplasia J:29799
vascular inflammation J:29799
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd
increased regulatory T cell number J:208318
normal reproductive system phenotype J:134589
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
abnormal CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell physiology J:15573, J:39981, J:39989
abnormal CD8 positive, alpha-beta intraepithelial T cell morphology J:15223, J:39981
abnormal class switch recombination J:15573
abnormal colon goblet cell morphology J:15223, J:29999
abnormal cytotoxic T cell physiology J:39981
abnormal gamma-delta intraepithelial T cell morphology J:15223
abnormal intestinal epithelium morphology J:15223, J:29999
abnormal level of surface class II molecules J:15223
abnormal lymphocyte cell number J:15223
abnormal lymphocyte morphology J:37220
abnormal lymphocyte physiology J:15223
abnormal susceptibility to Riboviria infection J:26861
abnormal T-helper 1 cell differentiation J:37220
abnormal thymocyte activation J:37220, J:39989
amyloidosis J:15223
anemia J:15223, J:29999
cachexia J:29999
chronic diarrhea J:15223
colitis J:15223, J:29999, J:37220
crypts of Lieberkuhn abscesses J:15223
decreased cytotoxic T cell cytolysis J:15573, J:26198, J:26861
decreased double-negative T cell number J:15223
decreased double-positive T cell number J:37220
decreased splenocyte proliferation J:79241
decreased T cell proliferation J:26198, J:39989
diarrhea J:29999
enlarged lymph nodes J:15223
enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes J:29999
enlarged spleen J:15223
hunched posture J:29999
impaired natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity J:15573
increased B cell proliferation J:16662
increased double-negative T cell number J:37220
increased IgA level J:15223
increased IgE level J:16662
increased IgG1 level J:15223, J:16662, J:39989
increased IgG2a level J:16662
increased IgG2b level J:16662
increased length of allograft survival J:26198
increased pre-B cell number J:16662
increased pro-B cell number J:16662
increased single-positive T cell number J:37220
increased T cell proliferation J:15223, J:16662
intestinal ulcer J:15223
lymph node hyperplasia J:16662
premature death J:15223
rectal hemorrhage J:29999
rectal prolapse J:15223, J:29999
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6J
increased circulating interleukin-17 level J:120176
increased T-helper 17 cell number J:120176

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